the cholesterol puzzlE
The Hormone Connection
By Jill D. Davey
With Sergey A Dzugan MD PhD
Copyright 2017 Jill Davey & Sergey A Dzugan MD PhD
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
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The information and advice contained within this book is based on the research and personal and professional experiences of the author. The reader should always seek advice of a trusted health care professional regarding the risks and benefits of all suggestions or procedures discussed in this book. The publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences, directly or indirectly, resulting form information contained within this book.
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I dedicate this book to my mother, Nora Cambridge Davey, a caring, positive, determined woman, who was always there to listen and to help others. And to William Davey, a witty, generous to a fault, fun-loving, ever-supportive father. Thank you, mum and dad, for making me the person I am today. I miss you with every passing day. To my husband, Giorgio Grassi, the man who is always by my side a kind, honest, patient and adoring husband; the man who is my safe harbour; to my two sons, Jonathan and Joshua Grassi, who are always there for me, no questions asked; and finally to my dear and lifelong friend Dianne Murray, the girl who encourages and pushes me to the extreme, who protects me and keeps an eye out for me a friend whom I can truly trust... in every sense of the word. The woman who has helped me to get where I want to be... where I am today and where I am going to go tomorrow. Thank you, Dianne.
Jill D Davey
Dedicated to my grandchildren, Nadya and Misha, for bringing so much enjoyment, love and excitement into my life.
Dr. Dzugan
Jill D Davey is the founder and CEO of Jill is an expert in bioidentical hormones therapy and restorative medicine, and is a sought-after speaker in Europe and Asia. Jill is on a mission to inspire and educate women on restorative medicine through her books and coaching.
Sergey A Dzugan MD PhD is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the Dzugan Institute of Restorative Medicine, Deerfield Beach, FL. Dr Dzugan is a former heart surgeon. International Academy of Creative Endeavors (Russia) awarded Dr Dzugan with the honorary title of Academician for outstanding contribution to the development of new methods of hypercholesterolemia and migraine treatment. He performed presentations multiple times at the prestigious International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and other medical conferences. He is the author of 157 publications in medical journals, author of seven books, holder of three patents, and author of numerous articles in health-related magazines. Dr Dzugan is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Neuroendocrinology Letters and a Member of the Medical Advisory Board at Life Extension Magazine. He is co-founder and President of iPOMS (International Physiology Optimization Medical Society).
To Dr Sergey Dzugan, who has been instrumental in teaching me the essential and important role that both cholesterol and steroid hormones play in overall health. And how both heart and optimal health can be achieved through bioidentical hormone restorative therapy (BHRT). I call him the patient man! When I ask, he answers... a thousand questions at a time, explaining clearly and precisely how and why things happen within the body. Pinging me over studies and medical articles that I then have to read in-depth, make sense of, and understand. When you do not understand, you cannot possibly learn. When you do not have the correct information (and the world is full of misinformation), you will never know the truth, he often says. And this is so true. We need to understand, and we so desperately need the information within this book; we need to know the truth both doctor and layperson alike!
Thank you, Dr Dzugan, for your time and inexhaustible knowledge. I could not have asked for a better teacher. Thank you for taking the time to write this book with me.
To the many doctors, scientists and personalities who have contributed to the advancement of restorative medicine and the use of bioidentical hormones without you we would not be where we are today. Thank you to each and every one of you.
Cholesterol is an essential substance within our bodies; without it we would be dead in an instant. Yet despite the fact that it remains at the root of all of our hormones, there is a common misconception amongst both the public and even the medical field alike that: less is healthier! Thats why this book by Dr Sergey Dzugan and Jill D Davey is such an important read. It helps to set the record straight and explain in a clear and concise way exactly what cholesterol does, what to expect from it and how to manage it correctly, and that doesnt mean with statin drugs!
Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the pharmaceutical industrys approach, which is essentially marketing their multibillion-dollar statin drugs, and how this blights the real science behind true health and healing.
Thus it falls to the authors of The Cholesterol Puzzle: The Hormone Connection to highlight the scientific and clinical benefits of cholesterol; their approach is not masked by the need to make money from product sales, instead they do so in a way that everyone can understand, and it is refreshing to see the facts laid out in an appropriate manner that makes common sense.
If cholesterol is of concern to you, a loved one, a friend, or if your physician has recommended that you take a statin drug to manage your cholesterol, then I strongly advise you read this book.
With this information you will arm yourself with referenced facts, give yourself a second opinion and help yourself make validated judgements that are essential to your long-term health.
Phil Micans, MS, PharmB
Editor, Aging Matters Magazine
Assistant Editor, Lifespan Medicine Journal
This brilliant book, The Cholesterol Puzzle: The Hormone Connection , arms professionals and laymen alike with a personal understanding of their health and how cholesterol has been hijacked as the bad guy in the face of massive research to the contrary. Together, Dr Dzugan and Jill D Davey offer a definitive guide on how to regain control of our health.
If you or a loved one are in the clutches of a statin-pushing physician, this is a great book to delve into and also a great gift to give. Even our own doctor loved it. It opens up a whole new world of truth and logic that will empower everyone you, your friend, your relative to start taking control of their own health and rethink the current destructive paradigm that often exists on the other side of the waiting room.