Political Representation and European Union Governance
This book confronts and discusses different conceptions of political representation with respect to their application to the system of multilevel governance in the European Union. Political representation is an essentially contested concept. Its meaning has evolved with the development of representative democracy at the level of the nation state, and normative theories of political representation often evolved as a reflection on developing practices rather than the other way around.
Since the EU is not a conventional nation state, and since the effectiveness and legitimacy of classic notions of political representation at the level of the national state have also become a matter of dispute, the EU has become a playground for the development of alternative or additional conceptions of democracy. The contributions to this volume evaluate these alternative conceptions with regard to both their effectiveness and their legitimacy, and combine both conceptual and empirical analyses.
This book was based on a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.
Peter Mair is Professor of Comparative Politics at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
Jacques Thomassen is distinguished Professor of Politics at the University of Twente, the Netherlands.
Journal of European Public Policy Series
Series Editor: Jeremy Richardson is a Professor at Nuffield College, Oxford University
This series seeks to bring together some of the finest edited works on European Public Policy. Reprinting from Special Issues of the Journal of European Public Policy, the focus is on using a wide range of social sciences approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, to gain a comprehensive and definitive understanding of Public Policy in Europe.
Towards a Federal Europe
Edited by Alexander H. Trechsel
The Disparity of European Integration
Edited by Tanja A. Brzel
Cross-National Policy Convergence:
Causes Concepts and Empirical Findings
Edited by Christoph Knill
Civilian or Military Power?
European Foreign Policy in Perspective
Edited by Helene Sjursen
The European Union and New Trade Politics
Edited by John Peterson and Alasdair R. Young
Comparative Studies of Policy Agendas
Edited by Frank R. Baumgartner, Christoffer Green-Pedersen and
Bryan D. Jones
The Constitutionalization of the European Union
Edited by Berthold Rittberger and Frank Schimmelfenig
Empirical and Theoretical Studies in EU Lobbying
Edited by David Coen
Mutual Recognition as a New Mode of Governance
Edited by Susanne K. Schmidt
France and the European Union
Edited by Emiliano Grossman
Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe
Edited by Tim Bale
Reforming the European Commission
Edited by Michael W. Bauer
International Influence Beyond Conditionality
Postcommunist Europe after EU enlargement
Edited by Rachel A. Epstein and Ulrich Sedelmeier
The Role of Political Parties in the European Union
Edited by Bjrn Lindberg, Anne Rasmussen and Andreas Warntjen
EU External Governance
Projecting EU Rules beyond Membership
Edited by Sandra Lavenex and Frank Schimmelfennig
EMU and Political Science
What Have We Learned?
Edited by Henrik Enderlein and Amy Verdun
Learning and Governance in the EU Policy Making Process
Edited by Anthony R. Zito
Political Representation and EU Governance
Edited by Peter Mair and Jacques Thomassen
Europe and the Management of Globalization
Edited by Wade Jacoby and Sophie Meunier
Negotiation Theory and the EU
The State of the Art
Edited by Andreas Dr, Gemma Mateo and Daniel Thomas
First published 2011 by Routledge
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by Routledge
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Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
2011 Taylor & Francis
This book is a reproduction of the Journal of European Public Policy, volume 17, issue 1. The Publisher requests to those authors who may be citing this book to state, also, the bibliographical details of the special issue on which the book was based
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN13: 978-0-415-58294-0
Notes on contributors
Richard Bellamy is Professor of Political Science, UCL, University of London.
David M. Farrell holds the Chair of Politics at University College Dublin, Ireland.
Beate Kohler-Koch, Professor Emerita, is Research Director at the MZES, Mannheim University and Bremen Distinguished Professor at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences. She co-ordinated the Network of Excellence on EU Governance (CONNEX) from which the original special issue derived.
Christopher Lord is Professor at ARENA, the Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Peter Mair is Professor of Comparative Politics at the European University Institute in Florence, and co-editor of West European Politics.
Johannes Pollak is Senior Research Professor at Webster University Vienna and Senior Research Fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for European Integration Research, Austria.
Robert Rohrschneider is the Sir Robert Worcester Distinguished Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, USA.
Roger Scully is Professor of Political Science in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University in the UK.
Michal Tatham is a PhD candidate at the European University Institute, Italy.
Jacques Thomassen is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Twente.
Stephen Whitefield is Professor of Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations and Fellow in Politics in Pembroke College, Oxford University, UK.