Phillip J. Bryson
Copyright 2020 Phillip J. Bryson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-64895-050-6
ISBN (Hardback): 978-1-64895-052-0
ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-64895-051-3
Printed in the United States of America
Other Books by Phillip J. Bryson
Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and the Attempted Revival in the United States (Xlibris)
The Economics of Henry George: Historys Rehabilitation of Americas Greatest Early Economist (Palgrave Macmillan)
The Economics of Centralism and Local Autonomy: Fiscal Decentralization in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Palgrave Macmillan)
The Reluctant Retreat: The Soviet and East German Departure from Central Planning (Dartmouth)
End of the East German Economy with Manfred Melzer (St. Martins Press)
Planning Refinements and Combine Formation in East German Economic Intensification with Manfred Melzer (The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh)
The Consumer under Socialist Planning: The East German Case (Praeger Publishers)
Scarcity and Control in Socialism: Essays on East European Planning (Lexington Books, DC Heath)
Reviewer Comments on
Socialism: Origins, Expansion, Decline, and the Attempted Revival in the United States
Kirkus Reviews
Bryson also examines the view of Adam Smith, and ably illuminates the moral core of it, a defense of human liberty.
The last section details the insinuation of socialist ideas into the U.S., a nation in many ways inoculated against an unabashed embrace of them. As in Western Europe, socialism in America doesnt necessarily mean the end of free markets, but rather the establishment of a welfare state and aggressive redistribution of income and property.
The scope of Brysons treatment is dizzying, the erudition nearly unbelievable, and his scholarly rigor impressive.
A remarkably exhaustive account of one of the 20th centurysand perhaps the 21st centurys as wellmost impactful ideologies.
This is a magisterial work, encyclopedic and astute.
The U.S. Review of Books:
Bryson provides a comprehensive review of the impact of socialism in America
and includes his personal hope that changes set in place after 2008 by the Obama administration are reversible.
George Furukawa
Foreword Clarion Reviews:
This is a well-researched and highly detailed account of the politico-economic philosophy of socialism.
Bryson presents his material in bite-sized chunks that concern specific aspects of socialisms relationship to U.S. and world history.
Socialism is a grand, sweeping narrative that is written in a clean, linear style. Brysons sentences rarely if ever descend to the level of overly technical jargon so favored by many academics.
Socialism offers not only a primer on one of the most controversial ideas still in the American public sphere, offers insight into how socialism, like its enemy, capitalism, has managed to shift and contort itself over the years in the form of technocratic governments and the various welfare states of the world.
As Bryson makes clear, although socialism may have a black eye, its not going anywhere soon. Therefore, Socialism will always be a timely read.
Benjamin Welton
Pacific Book Review
This book is a good choice not only for those curious about socialism but for anyone who wants to learn more about general economics and market theory.
The central (i.e. Federal) governments increasing power and its expansive bureaucracy is one of many reasons Bryson describes outgoing President Barack Obama as an un-vetted stealth socialist with a predilection for Marxism and its methods.
I recommend this book because it offers such valuable information in clear, easy to understand prose.
J.W. Bankston
Palgrave Macmillans Anonymous Reviewers Pre-publication Comments:
I have read through the proposal and basically the manuscript of this work. Bottom line this book should be published. It is not the book I would have written, but that isnt the criterion. It is well written, opinionated on a hot-button issue, but also ironically very timely given the public sentiments of our times.
So a very well written, entertaining and informative work, leaves this reader wanting more.
I think the authors approach to dealing with the history of an idea makes for very readable work.
Very well written, it is very timely IF the author makes a conscious effort to link to the contemporary intellectual climate (e.g., Piketty [on income redistribution, etc.], or the debate over the econ curriculum, or the Occupy Movement, etc., etc.), and no substantial re-writing required.
Yes, this is a quality work.
By the nature of dealing with socialism, it is a controversial subject, but nothing in this work is unprofessional. It is biting at times about ideas which I agree are somewhat silly at times.
The book seems directed at a general reader who knows very little about Marxism or conventional views of the functioning of the market economy. It could be a useful introduction to these topics.
A good book could well be revealed. Id say the author is fully capable of this task.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics
If one were to find a true expert for writing a comprehensive overview of the ideological backgrounds, the economics, and the history of socialism, then Bryson would be one of the first to come to mind. Indeed, that is what Bryson did. He wrote a compact but comprehensive work on virtually all ideological, theoretical and practical aspects of socialism.
He briefly reviews pre-Marxist approaches and then proceeds to Marxist economics in its original form as well as in the way it was perceived by Marx followers. This latter part is particularly informative and highly recommendable, especially to readers that are not yet familiar with Marxist economics.
Bryson proves his expertise as it results from decades of both research and local personal experience. He starts with the Soviet-type central planning system all the way to the Yugoslav and Hungarian versions that have in times perhaps misleadingly been referred to as market socialism.