THIS BOOK is the account of a spiritual enquiry into evolution, civilisation, our place in the universe and the structure of reality itself. It is a cosmology which relates to present science but takes us beyond the Big Bang. Charting the evolutionary work of consciousness on earth, it takes us back through mans psyche to our original state in eternity or Gods mind.
LIFE, DEATH and the whole of existence is seen as a great mythic design. The amazing complexity of life on earth is related to the reality behind everything. The evolution of consciousness is our human story and when we hear it told we can connect with our own reality more consciously. For there is a profound connection between mans discovery of the universe and self-discovery, between scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.
BARRY LONG was born in Australia in 1926 and died in 2003. Those who met him, listened to his talks and endeavoured to live his teachings, came to regard him as a radical and powerful spiritual teacher, a pioneer of the new spirituality emerging towards the end of the 20th century, in which individuals take personal responsibility for their lives, for love and for their spiritual well-being. This book is the summation of Barry Longs many insights and realisations about our being in existence. It is an extraordinary and unique work of immense vision.
Also by Barry Long
Wisdom and Where To Find It
Meditation A Foundation Course
Stillness Is The Way
Knowing Yourself
Only Fear Dies
To Woman In Love
Making Love
To Man in Truth
Raising Children in Love, Justice and Peace
The Way In
Where the Spirit Speaks To Its Own
A Prayer for Life
My Life of Love and Truth
From Here to Reality
of Man and the Universe
The myth that came to life
This revised edition first published 1998 by
Barry Long Books
BCM Box 876, London WC1N 3XX, England
Ebook edition: 2016
First published 1984 by Routledge & Kegan Paul
Barry Long 1984, 1998
The Barry Lonf Trust 2016
The right of Barry Long to be identified as the author of this
work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78
of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the prior permission of the publisher
Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:
A catalogue record for this book is available from The British Library.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-93601
ISBN Paperback 978 1 899324 12 5
ISBN Hardcover 0 9508050 6 8
ISBN Ebook 978 1 899324 36 1
Editor of first edition: Peter Kingsley
Editors of second edition: Clive Tempest and Jade Bell
Illustrations: Jorma Sauvala
Cover design: Rene Graphics, Brisbane
Star over lake photo: Linton Lowe
Photo of Barry Long: Andrew Hawdon
This ebook contains an INDEX. Links to Index Entries:
THIS BOOK IS the product of an intense period of introspection by a man whom many regard as one of the spiritual masters of our times. The story begins in 1978. Barry Long had been consciously engaged in self-realisation for more than twenty years and now, at the age of 52, he was about to explore the immense knowledge unlocked by his realisations. As he began to write he had no idea where it would lead. A flood of insights into human nature simply took him from one subject to another. In fact he had begun a project that would occupy him for the next five years and encompass the entire story of existence. As he wrote he went deeper and deeper into an exploration of the very source of our consciousness, ultimately leading him to describe the fundamental structures of reality itself.
The authors only source was his own spiritual realisation and revelation. He refrained from consulting other authorities, scientific, philosophical or spiritual. Through his own gnosis, or direct knowledge of universal truth, he found he was accounting for the host of perennial questions that have teased philosophers since ancient times and still bemuse the leading physicists of our day. Not only that, but he was gathering all these insights together into one grand design, a mythic account of the work of consciousness on earth.
The many strands and themes of these writings were woven together to form a book and it was ready by 1983. The manuscript was shown to a leading publishing company in London, where Barry Long was then living. A little dubious about the lack of academic credentials but recognising the books unique quality, the publisher took it on and printed five thousand copies. It was some years before that edition was out of print and many readers said it was a book that changed their lives.
For the present edition, which appears fourteen years after the first, Barry Long and his editors have given the text a thorough revision. The language and style is generally simpler and in many sections the exposition has been clarified. The structure of the book is very much changed, with a new approach to the division of the material into chapters and sections. An appendix has been added which provides further background to the contents. Some passages in the first edition have been deleted, others have been totally rewritten and there are many paragraphs that are completely new. The author has nevertheless remained true to the original revelation of the book, adding very little from his subsequent realisations yet bringing to it the greater refinement with which he naturally sees things now.
Clive Tempest
You are going on a mythic journey,
deep into the psyche, back before
the beginning of time
FROM THE BEGINNING of western culture the story of Genesis has been the fundamental myth of the West. It records that in the beginning there was a spiritual principle, an energy called Man, the one and only, and out of that principle came what we now call man and woman. As stated in the myth, woman was taken out of the one and only Mans side. Or as I would put it: woman is mans love and his love was taken from him and made separate. The one and only became the two of us and one thing led to another, right up to today and our problematic life in the modern world. Now our technological and scientific times are so distant from our origins that the scientists Big Bang theory and the truth of the creation myth are treated as two separate and irreconcilable things. The trouble is that sooner or later all intelligent men and women want to know their origins and yearn for the unity of original myth. And eventually man realises that the purpose of his life is to take his love back into him, and for he and she in their union to return to the truth, the one and only.
As soon as love is taken from the original principle, the one and only disappears. But it is still there, in the consciousness of Man that all men and women share. The knowledge of our origins is always within reach, but it is no good looking for it through the rational, scientific mind. That is too conditioned and formal. Our original state is unconditioned, free and invisible; it has not taken form. This book is about how we came to leave the original principle; and its purpose is to direct your attention back to that reality.
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