Adaptationist Programme, 87-8
Alexander, R., 46, 89, 91
Analog Computers, 232-3
Aquinas, 9, 12
Aristotle, 8, 12
Attenborough, D., 26
Axelrod, R., 197
Baboons, 198, 212-14
Bateson, W., 12
Bauplans, 154-6
Bean-bag Genetics, 13-14
Bellamy, D., 26
Bernal, J.D., 44-5
Bernal Lecture, 2
Boltzmann, L., 252-3
Boyd, R., 114-21, 259
Buffon, G.L., 9
Burke, James, 29
Cain, A.J., 135
Calculus, 6
Canalization, 127
Cardano, J., 20
Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., 62-7, 76-7, 117, 259
Chagnon, N., 70, 91
Chargaff, E., 3
Charles worth, B., 142
Charnov, E., 98-104, 259
Chetverikov, S.S., 13
Chinese Science, 17-18
Chomsky, N., 58
Cladism, 133-4, 158
Creationism, 25
Crick, F.H.C., 3, 5, 6, 48
Cuvier, G., 12
Darlington, CD., 110, 115
Darwin, C, 9, 10, 13, 20, 23, 24, 27, 39, 43-6, 94-5, 114, 127, 152-3, 156-57, 165, 175
Dawkins, R., 28, 35, 55, 59, 77, 105-13, 255, 259
Demographic transition, 65
Determinism, 245-8, 251
Developmental Constraints, 142-3, 151-2, 159-60
de Vries, H., 11
Dialectics, 34-7
Dickemann, M., 91
Dissipative Structures, 254
DNA, 4-7, 34, 49, 60, 107-9, 167, 184, 189, 255
transfer in prokaryotes, 172
Dodzhansky, Th., 8
Dorze, 15-16, 21, 40-2
Double Helix, 3-7
Dover, G., 128
Drift, genetic 188
Drosophila, 175-6
Eccles, J.C., 248-9
Eigen, M., 130, 225-30, 238-42, 260
Einstein, A., 43, 245, 251, 256
Eldredge, N., 11, 131
Entropy, 253
ESS, 56, 74, 194-7, 200, 207-15
Essentialism, 8-10, 12 {262}
Eukaryotes, 172-3
Extinctions, 129-30, 185
Feedback, delayed, 226
Feldman, M.W., 62-7, 76-7, 117, 259
Fermat, P. de, 20
Ferrari, L., 20
Feynman, R., 29
Fincham, J., 127
Fischer, E., 103
Fisher, R.A., 8, 13, 14, 55, 99-101, 135, 143, 177, 203-4
Fox, S., 158
Franklin, R., 3, 5
Free Will, 100, 248-9
Galapagos Islands, 10
Galton, F., 13
Gambling, 20-1
Genetic Code, origin of, 241
Genetic Determinism, 82-3, 109-10
Gilbert, L., 214
Golschmidt, R., 35, 134-5, 146
Gorczynski, G.M., 160
Gould, S.J., 11, 21, 28, 88, 93-7, 125-30, 131, 134, 146, 148, 154, 259
Group Selection, 54, 106, 186
Gruber, H.E., 153
Guardian, the, 21, 24
Hadamard, J., 247
Haldane, J.B.S., 13, 14, 22, 26, 27, 32, 55, 88, 96, 110, 144, 187, 192, 247
Hallam, A., 130
Hamilton, W.D., 55, 101, 106-7, 197, 204
Hegel, G.W.F., 36, 37
Hennig, W., 133-4
Hermaphroditism, 102-3, 173-4
Hessen, B., 45
Hierarchies, 127
Himmelfarb, G., 11
Ho, M.W., 160, 161, 260
Hopeful Monster, 134-6, 153
Homosexuality, 39-40
Hull, D., 133
Huxley, J., 12, 22
Huxley, T.H., 12
Huygens, C., 20
Hybrid Vigour, 166-7
Hypercycles, 237-43
I Ching, 17-19, 41
Incest Avoidance, 58-9, 85
Inclusive Fitness, 107
Infanticide, 91
Isomorphism, 42, 232
Jones, J.S., 126
Jones, Peter, 27
Kimura, M., 161, 188
Kin Selection, 192-3
Kitcher, P., 86-92, 259
Kuhn, T., 46-8, 244
Kummer, J., 212-13
Lack, D, 105
Lakatos, I., 44
Lamarckism, 24, 31-2, 49, 180, 257
Lande, R., 136
Language, evolution of, 65-6
Laplace, P., 245, 251
Lawlor, L., 215
Leach, E., 76
Leibnitz, G.W., 6
Levins, R., 30-8, 258
Levi-Strauss, C., 58
Lewontin, R.C., 30-8, 69, 88, 207, 258
Linnaeus, 9, 12
Lions, 55-6
Lumsden, C.J., 57, 67-78, 80, 117, 259 {263}
Lyell, C, 12
Lysenko, T.D., 31-2, 38, 59, 159
Macaulay, T.B., 11
Malthus, T.R., 45, 114
Mammal-like Reptiles, 138-40
Marxism, 30-8, 44-5
Matsuno, K., 157,
Maxwell, J.C., 252
Mayr, E., 8-14, 35, 133, 146, 161, 258
Medawar, P.B. 24, 28, 96
Memes, 108
Mendel, G., 4, 10
Mendel's laws, 60, 119
Mendelians, 10-11, 47-8
Miller, Jonathan, 26
Mimicry, 159-60
Modern Synthesis, 10-11
Molecular Drive, 128
Molecular Genetics 36
Moment, B.G., 224
Monod, J., 50
Morgan, E., 40
Morgan, T.H., 12
Muller, H.J., 142
Mutation, 10-11, 20, 151, 166-7, 181
rate of 182-4
Myth, 21, 39-50
Nash Equilibrium, 195-6
Needham, J., 17-18
Nelson, G.J., 158
Newton, I., 4, 6, 45, 251, 253
Oparin, A.I., 32
Origin of Life, 158, 237-42, 249
Origin of Species, 12
Packer, C., 198, 213
Pandas, 93
Pangloss's Theorem, 88
Parker, G.A., 210-11, 214
Parthenogenesis, 166, 168-71, 186
Pascal, B., 20
Pauling, L., 4, 7
Pearson, K., 38, 47-8, 59
Piaget, J., 75-6
Platnick, N., 158
Pollard, J.W., 160
Popper, K., 43-4, 46, 96, 244-9, 260
Price, G.R., 204-5
Prigogine, I., 250-7, 260
Prisoner's Dilemma, 196
Probability, propensity theory of, 247
Prokaryotes, 172
Punctuationism, 11, 24, 125-7, 131-6, 148-54
Queues, 198-200
Randomness, 15, 19
Raup, D., 142
Reciprocal Altruism, 197-8
Red Queen Hypothesis, 133, 168, 183, 185
Richerson, D., 114-21, 259
RNA, 237-42
Rorschach Test, 17
Rotifers, 168
Saunders, P.T., 159, 161, 260
Schuster, P., 238-42
Seilacher, A., 130
determination, 100, 104
differences, 84-5, 173
evolution of, 165-73
Sex Ratio, 98-101, 174-5, 203-4
Sexual Selection, 175-8
Shaw, G.B., 21, 40, 42
Simpson, G.G., 125, 151
Slijper, E.J., 135
Smith, Don, 39-40, 42
Snow, C.P., 225 {264}
Social Contract Game, 199-201
Species, 8-10, 126-7
species selection, 128-9, 137-42, 146, 154, 168, 186
variation in space, 152
Sperber, D., 15-17, 40-2
Stanley, S.M., 11, 131, 132, 149
Steele, E.J., 24, 25, 160
Stengers, I., 250-7, 260
Stern., 159
Structuralism, 16
Sumner, J.B., 153
Sunday Times, 24
Symbolism, 15-21, 40-2
Teilhard de Chardin, 94
Television, 22-8
Thermodynamics, 157, 257
Thomson, K.S., 135-6
Times, the, 24
Tools, evolution of, 66
Trivers, R.L., 197
Turing, A.M., 159, 222, 256
Van Valen, L., 133, 183
Vavilov, N.I., 159
Vrba, E., 129, 158, 161
Waddington, C.H., 75, 82, 127
Wake, D., 126
Wallace, A.R., 10, 13, 45, 94, 114
War of Attrition, 209-10
Watson, J.D., 3-7, 48, 258
Weismann A., 13, 189
Wells, H.G., 22
Werren, J., 101
Wicken, J.S., 157
Wiley, R.H., 198
Williams, G.C., 171, 185, 186
Williamson, P., 150
Wilson, E.O., 46, 53, 57, 67-78, 81-5, 89-91, 117, 259
Winkler, R., 225-30, 260
Wittgenstein, L., 230
Wolpert, L., 219, 224
Woolf, B., 36
Wright, S., 13, 14, 137, 143-6
Wynne-Edwards, V.C., 54-5, 106
X-ray crystallography, 3, 6
Yanomamo Indians, 70
Zhabotinsky's Reaction, 254-5
By the same author
The Theory of Evolution (Penguin Books, 1956)
The Evolution of Sex (Cambridge University Press, 1978)
Evolution and the Theory of Games (Cambridge University Press, 1982)
The Problems of Biology (Oxford University Press, 1986)
First published in 1989 by
Chapman & Hall
an imprint of
Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc.
29 West 35 Street
New York, NY 10001
1988 John Maynard Smith
Printed in Great Britain
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