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Erin Hunter - Path of Stars

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Erin Hunter Path of Stars

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Dawn of the Clans


Path of Stars

Erin Hunter

Special thanks to Kate Cary




CLEAR SKYlight gray tom with blue eyes

STAR FLOWERgolden she-cat with green eyes

ACORN FURchestnut brown she-cat

THORNmangy tom with splotchy brown fur

SPARROW FURtortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes

QUICK WATERgray-and-white she-cat

NETTLEgray tom

BIRCHginger tom

ALDERgray-and-white she-cat

BLOSSOMtortoiseshell-and-white she-cat



THUNDERorange tom with white paws


OWL EYESgray tom with amber eyes

CLOUD SPOTSlong-furred black tom with white ears, white chest, and two white paws

PINK EYESold white tom with pink eyes

LEAFblack-and-white tom with amber eyes

MILKWEEDsplotchy ginger-and-black she-cat


CLOVERginger-and-white she-kit

THISTLEginger tom-kit



RIVER RIPPLElong-furred silver tom

DAPPLED PELTdelicate tortoiseshell she-cat with golden eyes

SHATTERED ICEgray-and-white tom with green eyes

NIGHTblack she-cat

DEWgray she-cat



TALL SHADOW black, thick-furred she-cat with green eyes

PEBBLE HEARTdark gray tabby tom with white mark on his chest

SUN SHADOW black tom with amber eyes

JAGGED PEAKsmall gray tabby tom with blue eyes

HOLLYshe-cat with prickly, bushy black fur

MO USE EARbig tabby tom with unusually small ears

MUD PAW Spale brown tom with four black paws


STORM PELTgray tom-kit with blue eyes

DEW NOSEbrown tabby she-kit with white tips on nose and tail

EAGLE FEATHERbrown tom-kit



WIND RUNNERwiry brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

GORSE FURthin, gray tabby tom

SLATEthick-furred gray she-cat with one ear tip missing

GRAY WINGdark gray tom with golden eyes

SPOTTED FURgolden-brown tom with amber eyes and a dappled coat

MINNOW gray-and-white she-cat

REEDsilver tabby tom


DUST MUZZLEgray tabby tom-kit

MO TH FLIGHTwhite she-kit with green eyes


SLASHmangy, scarred brown tabby tom with white slash across front legs

FERNjet-black she-cat


Prologue The long sweep of clouds that lingered beyond Highstones began to - photo 1


The long sweep of clouds that lingered beyond Highstones began to tear apart - photo 2

The long sweep of clouds that lingered beyond Highstones began to tear apart, and the dying sun cut through and set the peaks ablaze. Far below them, crow-black shadows reached up to swallow the stone. Gray Wing, sitting at the edge of the moor, his pelt ruffled by the evening breeze, lifted his gaze toward the horizon and narrowed his eyes against the suns fiery glare. Turtle Tail shifted beside him, purring softly.

His heart swelled with love as her fur brushed his. This moment is perfect. I never want to leave, he murmured.

She stiffened sharply, and he turned to meet her gaze, puzzled by her reaction. Didnt she want to be here with him?

Her green eyes shone wistfully. Your life has already changed, she told him.

Has it? Gray Wing struggled to remember. With a jolt, he recalled Slate. His heart quickened.

She was his mate now, not Turtle Tail. This was a dream.

He blinked, guilt weighing down his belly. How could he forget his beloved Slate?

Turtle Tail pressed her cheek against his as grief surged in his chest. For a moment, the gentle queens death seemed as fresh as when Thunder had first told him shed been killed in Twolegplace by a monster.

I still miss you, he mewed hoarsely.

I miss you too. Turtle Tail drew away slowly. But Im glad you have Slate now. You shouldnt be alone.

Are you sure you dont mind? Was Turtle Tail hurt that hed fallen in love again?

It comforts me to see you happy. Turtle Tails tortoiseshell pelt rippled in the breeze. I love you so much. You gave me such happiness when I was alive. And you raised my kits. I will always be grateful that they had you to take care of them. Sadness flashed in her eyes. Leaving them was even harder than leaving you.

Gray Wing sensed her grief. It stabbed through his heart. Though he had never had his own kits, Pebble Heart, Sparrow Fur, and Owl Eyes had seemed like his, and he still missed them now that theyd left the moor to live among the pines and the oaks. Yet he was proud that theyd followed their instincts and chosen their own homes.

Turtle Tail went on. You have been like a father to so many. Her eyes glowed. To Thunder, as well as to my kits. To any cat who has needed comfort and guidance. No other cat is as well loved as you, Gray Wing. You will be remembered. She paused, her eyes suddenly glistening. Even after you

The screech of an owl cut into Gray Wings dream. Ears twitching, he jerked awake.

Even after what? Turtle Tails words lingered in his mind as he blinked in the darkness of his nest.

Beside him, Slate rolled onto her back, her paws limp with sleep. He nuzzled her cheek softly.

Turtle Tails scent was still in his mouth, and happiness moved like sunshine beneath his pelt. He was lucky to have been loved by two mates. No cat is as well loved as you. He snuggled deeper into the nest to escape the leaf-bare wind, which whipped across the camp, making the heather shiver.

Gray Wing? Slates mew was sleepy. Her eyes opened, glinting in the darkness. She was staring at him. Are you okay?

Im fine, he promised. I was dreaming.

What about?

About how lucky I am. He nestled closer and purred as her musky scent mingled with his memory of Turtle Tail. Lets go back to sleep.

Chapter 1

Dawn sunshine filtered through the canopy The clouds were clearing at last - photo 3

Dawn sunshine filtered through the canopy. The clouds were clearing at last. Snowmelt dripped from the branches and splashed onto the forest floor. Soggy leaves squelched beneath Clear Skys paws as he hurried along a trail between the oaks.

Star Flower had been missing since moonhigh. It felt like a lifetime.

He lifted his muzzle warily and tasted the air. Pausing, he glanced over his shoulder. Was some cat watching him? His fur pricked along his spine as he remembered Slashs warning. There are more of us than you can imagine. Beyond his borders, rogues lurked in the shadows like foxes, preying on the weak.

Clear Sky growled. Im not weak! But how could he fight Slashs gang? Theyd taken Star

Flower. He could do nothing but agree to Slashs demands. The mangy toms threatening stare flashed in his thoughts. Fury rose in his chest. Coward! he hissed under his breath as he remembered how hed woken to find Slash standing beside Star Flower. Two vicious toms had flanked them, snarling.

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