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Greenspan Eliot. - Frommers Costa Rica 2016

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Greenspan Eliot. Frommers Costa Rica 2016

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Frommer Media, 2015. ISBN 9781628872057.No one on earth matches the knowledge of what tourists seek and expect in Costa Rica than Frommers author Eliot Greenspan. He not only has, over the years, written extensively about this popular Central American nation, but also operates a successful tour operation there, personally conducting many of the tours offered by his company. Costa Rica is the unchallenged star of Central American tourism, a nation that has respected and protected its environment and thus kept it inviting and memorable. The 500-some-odd pages of Frommers Costa Rica 2016 are illustrated with colorful maps and photographs. In the back of the book is a valuable glossary of the top Spanish phrases tourists will need and use in Costa Rica.

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Published by FROMMER MEDIA LLC Copyright 2016 by Frommer Media LLC All rights - photo 1

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ISBN 978-1-62887-204-0 (paper), 978-1-62887-205-7 (e-book)

Editorial Director: Pauline Frommer

Editor: Karen Fitzpatrick

Production Editor: Heather Wilcox

Cartographer: Roberta Stockwell

Cover Design: Howard Grossman

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Frommers Star Ratings, Icons & Abbreviations

Every hotel, restaurant and attraction listed in this guide has been ranked for quality and value. Here's what the stars mean:

Picture 2Recommended

Picture 3Highly Recommended

Picture 4A must! Don't miss!


The world is a dynamic place. Hotels change ownership, restaurants hike their prices, museums alter their opening hours, and busses and trains change their routings. And all of this can occur in the several months after our authors have visited, inspected, and written about, these hotels, restaurants, museums and transportation services. Though we have made valiant efforts to keep all our information fresh and up-to-date, some few changes can inevitably occur in the periods before a revised edition of this guidebook is published. So please bear with us if a tiny number of the details in this book have changed. Please also note that we have no responsibility or liability for any inaccuracy or errors or omissions, or for inconvenience, loss, damage, or expenses suffered by anyone as a result of assertions in this guide.

About the Author Eliot Greenspan is a poet journalist musician and travel - photo 5

About the Author Eliot Greenspan is a poet journalist musician and travel - photo 6

About the Author

Eliot Greenspan is a poet, journalist, musician, and travel writer who took his backpack and typewriter the length of Mesoamerica before settling in Costa Rica in 1992. Since then, he has worked steadily as a travel writer, food critic, freelance journalist, translator, and personal travel planner, while continuing his travels in the region. In addition to this book, he has authored Frommers Belize, Frommers Cuba, Frommers Ecuador, Frommers Guatemala, Costa Rica For Dummies, and Costa Rica Day by Day.


Id like to dedicate this edition, with love, appreciation and gratitude, to Warren Greenspan, November 26, 1932January 11, 2011.

Eliot Greenspan


I say this every year, but I continue to be eternally grateful to Anne Becher and Joe Richey, who were instrumental in getting me this gigmuchas gracias. Id also like to thank my parents, Marilyn and Warren Greenspan, who showed unwavering love, support, and encouragement (well, one out of three aint bad) when I chose words and world-wandering over becoming a lawyer or a doctor. Jody and Ted Ejnes (my sister and brother-in-law) deserve a mention; they risked life and limbliterallyleading to two important tips that may help you save yours. (I now believe Ted, and he may have actually almost stepped on a crocodile.) Both Giovana Longhi Garita and Maria Jose Longhi Garita did extensive and meticulous fact checkingmy hats off to their OCD family genes. Finally, all my love to Maria Jose, Fabrizio and Patitas, who continue to accompany me on this journey.

Eliot Greenspan

A red-eyed tree frog in Tortuguero C osta Rica continues to be one of the - photo 7

A red-eyed tree frog in Tortuguero.

C osta Rica continues to be one of the hottest vacation and adventure-travel destinations in Latin America, and for good reason. The country is rich in natural wonders and abundant biodiversity. Costa Rica boasts a wealth of unsullied beaches for sun-bathing and surfing, jungle rivers for rafting and kayaking, and spectacular cloud forests and rainforests with ample opportunities for bird-watching, wildlife viewing, and hiking. In addition to the trademark eco- and adventure-tourism offerings, you will also find luxury resorts and golf courses, plush spas, and some spectacular boutique hotels and lodges.

Having lived in Costa Rica for over 22 years, I continue to discover new spots, adventures, restaurants, and lodgings. In this chapter, I select the very best of what this unique country has to offer.

Costa Ricas best Authentic Experiences

Taking a Night Tour in a Tropical Forest: Most Neotropical forest dwellers are nocturnal, so nighttime tours are offered at most rainforest and cloud forest destinations throughout the country. Some of the better spots for night tours are Monteverde (p. ) .

Soaking in a Volcanic Hot Spring: Costa Ricas volcanoes have blessed the country with a host of natural hot spring spots. From the opulent grandeur of Tabacn Grand Spa Ther-mal Resort (p. ) , all offer mineral-rich, naturally heated waters to soothe what ails you.

Pos Volcano National Park Spotting a Resplendent Quetzal The iridescent - photo 8

Pos Volcano National Park.

Spotting a Resplendent Quetzal: The iridescent colors and long, flowing tail feathers of this aptly named bird are breathtaking. This extremely endangered species can still be regularly sighted in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve (p. ) .

Tabacn Hot Springs Meeting Monkeys Costa Ricas rain- and cloud forests are - photo 9

Tabacn Hot Springs.

Meeting Monkeys: Costa Ricas rain- and cloud forests are home to four species of New World Monkeyshowler, capuchin, squirrel, and spider. I cant guarantee youll see one or more, but your odds are good if you visit Monteverde (p. ) .

Resplendent Quetzal on Savegre Mountain Squirrel monkey in Manuel Antonio - photo 10

Resplendent Quetzal on Savegre Mountain.

Squirrel monkey in Manuel Antonio National Park Zipping Through the Treetops - photo 11

Squirrel monkey in Manuel Antonio National Park.

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