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Redfern - Monster files : a look inside government secrets and classified documents on bizarre creatures and extraordinary animals

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Monster files : a look inside government secrets and classified documents on bizarre creatures and extraordinary animals: summary, description and annotation

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Does the Pentagon have the body of Bigfoot on ice?
What is the U.S. military hiding from us about lake monsters?
What is the link between the CIA and the abominable snowman?
Why is there a British government file on sea serpents?
What do the Russians know about animal ESP?
For decades there have been persistent rumors, tales, and legends that government agencies all around the world have been secretly collecting and studying data on bizarre beasts, amazing animals, and strange
Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, sea serpents, psychic pets, the chupacabras, and the abominable snowman have all attracted official, classified interest.
Now, for the first time, the full, fearsome facts are finally revealed in Nick Redferns Monster Files.
Youll discover all the amazing cryptozoological truths, conspiracies, and cover-ups behind the secret studies by the Pentagon, the Kremlin, and the British military, among many others.
Despite what your parents might have told you when you were a child, monsters, creepy creatures, and terrifying beasts really do exist. And our governments know all about them.

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Copyright 2013 by Nick Redfern All rights reserved under the Pan-American and - photo 1

Copyright 2013 by Nick Redfern

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Monster Files



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For Tim Binnall who, in 2012, asked me, Nick, why dont you write a book about Cryptozoology and the government? Well, Tim, thanks to your brilliant suggestion, now I have!


Chapter 1
The Presidents Bigfoot

Chapter 2
Serpents of the High Seas

Chapter 3
An Army of Manimals

Chapter 4
A Wartime Wolfman

Chapter 5
Weird and Wacky Winged Wonders of War

Chapter 6
How the Pentagon Made a Monster

Chapter 7
Welcome to the Jungle

Chapter 8
Animal ESP and the U.S. Army

Chapter 9
A Yeti-Hunting 007

Chapter 10
Secret Agents and a Supersized Snake

Chapter 11
Autopsying a Monster

Chapter 12
The Strange Saga of Acoustic Kitty

Chapter 13
The Minnesota Iceman, the FBI, and the Vietnam War

Chapter 14
From Lake Monsters to Secret Experiments

Chapter 15
Sasquatch, UFOs, and the U.S. Air Force

Chapter 16
Back in the U.S.S.R.

Chapter 17
Are We Ready for Bigfoot?

Chapter 18
A Mountain of Secrets

Chapter 19
The Nessie Files

Chapter 20
A Nightmare From the Skies

Chapter 21
Specters and Phantimals

Chapter 22
The ABCs of a Royal Conspiracy

Chapter 23
The Biggest Blooper of Them All

Chapter 24
In Search of the Governments Mermaids

Chapter 25
The Cat Is Out of the Bag

Chapter 26
Werewolves and the Military

Chapter 27
Something Dwells Down Under


For decades, rumors, tales, and legends have surfaced to the effect that government agencies all around the world, since at least the 1800s, have been secretly collecting and carefully studying data on bizarre beasts, extraordinary animals, and strange creatures. Lake monsters; psychic dogs and cats; sea serpents; flying nightmares; and huge, hair-covered man-beastsall have attracted official, classified interest. Now, for the first time, the complete, fearsome facts can finally be revealed. These facts beg some amazing and possibly paradigm-changing questions. For example: Does the Pentagons top brass secretly have one or more dead Bigfoots on ice, deep in a secure underground bunker somewhere? If so, has a study of these unique specimens revealed the creatures to be apes of a type that zoology has yet to officially categorize? Or are they something far weirder? Might they possibly, and incredibly, be entities linked to the many and varied mysteries that accompany the UFO phenomenon? What bizarre truths are the militaries of the United States and the United Kingdom hiding from us regarding long-necked lake monsters? Are they really surviving example of prehistoric creatures that (as we are assured) became extinct millions of years ago? Or could they, in some convoluted fashion, be the curious creations of government itself?

Might there be a link between the clandestine and controversial operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and those dark and diabolical denizens of the Himalayas known as the Abominable Snowmen? Does the CIA have secret knowledge in its possession that this immense and legendary creaturealso referred to as the Yetireally does exist? Or does officialdoms interest in the hairy beast revolve around matters that have far less to do with the world of monster hunting and far more to do with top-secret espionage that dates back to the height of the Cold War?

Why does an old and faded British government file exist on sightings of leviathans of the seas? Is Britains Royal Navy sitting on amazing classified evidence suggesting that such sea-creatures really are among us and are not just the stuff of seafaring legend?

What, if anything, do the Russians know about both extrasensory perception and life after death in animals? Has the Kremlin really discovered that animals have souls and that bodily death is not the end of life as we know it? Did the United States Army use psychic dogs in covert military missions against the former Soviet Union, at the height of the Cold War?

Are presumed-extinct animalscreatures that range from gigantic marauding lizards to one of the strangest marsupials that ever existedstill roaming around the forests of Australia?

And finally, what is the top-secret connection between the late Diana, Princess of Wales, and large, savage cats prowling around the foggy and mysterious wilds of southwest England? How could there even be such a connection in the first place between the highest echelons of Britains royal family and exotic felines that the government of the United Kingdom assures both its citizens and the media are nothing more than the results of mistaken identity and folklore combined into one controversial brew?

These are just a few of the many thought-provoking questions posedand duly answeredin this book. In the pages that follow, you will learn the startling truths concerning how, why, when, and where agencies of government have taken an astonishing and abiding interest in those legendary creatures that mainstream science and zoology assure us do not, and simply cannot, exist. You will also learn how terrible freaks of nature were created by crazed Dr. Frankensteinlike scientists and psychological warfare experts, all operating behind a near-impenetrable cloak of official sanction and secrecy.

Monsters are not just the stuff of myth, fantasy, legend, and folklore. In their own very odd and unique ways, some of them are all too terrifyingly real. And the governments of our world secretly know this. But they dont want you to know. Too bad for them: The impenetrable veil of secrecy covering this top-secret menagerie or Pandoras Box of infernal beasts is finally about to be torn in two. What terrors lurk behind this veil, what is about to come crawling, soaring, pouncing, and rampaging out of that same menagerie, may shock you to your very core. Read onif you dare!


Authors Note: Rather than compiling the chapters of this book by subject, I have elected to take a chronological approach. I did this because so much of this government interest in strange creatures was prompted by historic, world events such as WWII and the Cold War. With that in mind, I felt it most illustrative and helpful to outline the ways in which such clandestine research has developed, changed, and adapted, just as the world in which we live has done.

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