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V. E. Schwab - A Conjuring of Light: A Novel

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V. E. Schwab A Conjuring of Light: A Novel

A Conjuring of Light: A Novel: summary, description and annotation

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Witness the fate of beloved heroes and notorious foes in the heart-stopping conclusion to V.E. Schwabs New York Times bestselling Shades of Magic trilogy.
*Kirkus Best Fiction of 2017*

As darkness sweeps the Maresh Empire, the once precarious balance of power among the four Londons has reached its breaking point.

In the wake of tragedy, Kellonce assumed to be the last surviving Antaribegins to waver under the pressure of competing loyalties. Lila Bard, once a commonplacebut never commonthief, has survived and flourished through a series of magical trials. But now she must learn to control the magic, before it bleeds her dry.

An ancient enemy returns to claim a city while a fallen hero tries to save a kingdom in decay. Meanwhile, the disgraced Captain Alucard Emery of the Night Spire collects his crew, attempting a race against time to acquire the impossible.

Shades of Magic series
1. A Darker Shade of Magic
2. A Gathering of Shadows
3. A Conjuring of Light

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A Darker Shade of Magic

A Gathering of Shadows


This Savage Song

Our Dark Duet (June 2017)

A CONJURING OF LIGHT Print edition ISBN 9781785652448 E-book edition ISBN - photo 1


Print edition ISBN: 9781785652448
E-book edition ISBN: 9781785652455

Published by Titan Books
A division of Titan Publishing Group Ltd
144 Southwark Street, London SE1 0UP

First Titan edition: February 2017
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Names, places and incidents are either products of the authors imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead (except for satirical purposes), is entirely coincidental.

V.E. Schwab asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

Copyright 2017 V.E. Schwab

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

For the ones whove found their way home

Pure magic has no self. It simply is, a force of nature, the blood of our world, the marrow of our bones. We give it shape, but we must never give it soul.


head priest of the London Sanctuary

I Delilah Bardalways a thief recently a magician and one day hopefully a - photo 2
Picture 3 I Picture 4

Delilah Bardalways a thief, recently a magician, and one day, hopefully, a piratewas running as fast as she could.

Hold on, Kell, she thought as she sprinted through the streets of Red London, still clutching the shard of stone that had once been part of Astrid Danes mouth. A token stolen in another life, when magic and the idea of multiple worlds were new to her. When she had only just discovered that people could be possessed, or bound like rope, or turned to stone.

Fireworks thundered in the distance, met by cheers and chants and music, all the sounds of a city celebrating the end of the Essen Tasch, the tournament of magic. A city oblivious to the horror happening at its heart. And back at the palace, the prince of ArnesRhywas dying, which meant that somewhere, a world away, so was Kell.

Kell. The name rang through her with all the force of an order, a plea.

Lila reached the road she was looking for and staggered to a stop, knife already out, blade pressing to the flesh of her hand. Her heart pounded as she turned her back on the chaos and pressed her bleeding palmand the stone still curled within itto the nearest wall.

Twice before Lila had made this journey, but always as a passenger.

Always using Kells magic.

Never her own.

And never alone.

But there was no time to think, no time to be afraid, and certainly no time to wait.

Chest heaving and pulse high, Lila swallowed and said the words, as boldly as she could. Words that belonged only on the lips of a blood magician. An Antari. Like Holland. Like Kell.

As Travars.

The magic sang up her arm, and through her chest, and then the city lurched around her, gravity twisting as the world gave way.

Lila thought it would be easy or, at least, simple.

Something you either survived, or did not.

She was wrong.

Picture 5 II Picture 6

A world away, Holland was drowning.

He fought to the surface of his own mind, only to be forced back down into the dark water by a will as strong as iron. He fought, and clawed, and gasped for air, strength leaching out with every violent thrash, every desperate struggle. It was worse than dying, because dying gave way to death, and this did not.

There was no light. No air. No strength. It had all been taken, severed, leaving only darkness and, somewhere beyond the crush, a voice shouting his name.

Kells voice

Too far away.

Hollands grip faltered, slipped, and he was sinking again.

All he had ever wanted was to bring the magic backto see his world spared from its slow, inexorable deatha death caused first by the fear of another London, and then by the fear of his own.

All Holland wanted was to see his world restored.


He knew the legendsthe dreamsof a magician powerful enough to do it. Strong enough to breathe air back into its starved lungs, to quicken its dying heart.

For as long as Holland could remember, that was all hed wanted.

And for as long as Holland could remember, he had wanted the magician to be him.

Even before the darkness bloomed across his eye, branding him with the mark of power, hed wanted it to be him. Hed stood on the banks of the Sijlt as a child, skating stones across the frozen surface, imagining that he would be the one to crack the ice. Stood in the Silver Wood as a grown man, praying for the strength to protect his home. Hed never wanted to be king, though in the stories the magician always was. He didnt want to rule the world. He only wanted to save it.

Athos Dane had called this arrogance, that first night, when Holland was dragged, bleeding and half conscious, into the new kings chambers. Arrogance and pride, hed chided, as he carved his curse into Hollands skin.

Things to be broken.

And Athos had. Hed broken Holland one bone, one day, one order at a time. Until all Holland wanted, more than the ability to save his world, more than the strength to bring the magic back, more than anything, was for it to end.

It was cowardice, he knew, but cowardice came so much easier than hope.

And in that moment by the bridge, when Holland lowered his guard and let the spoiled princeling Kell drive the metal bar through his chest, the first thing he feltthe first and last and only thing he feltwas relief.

That it was finally over.

Only it wasnt.

It is a hard thing, to kill an Antari.

When Holland woke, lying in a dead garden, in a dead city, in a dead world, the first thing he felt then was pain. The second thing was freedom. Athos Danes hold was gone, and Holland was alivebroken, but alive.

And stranded.

Trapped in a wounded body in a world with no door at the mercy of another king. But this time, he had a choice.

A chance to set things right.

Hed stood, half dead, before the onyx throne, and spoken to the king carved in stone, and traded freedom for a chance to save his London, to see it bloom again. Holland made the deal, paid with his own body and soul. And with the shadow kings power, he had finally brought the magic back, seen his world bloom into color, his peoples hope revived, his city restored.

Hed done everything he could, given up everything he had, to keep it safe.

But it still was not enough.

Not for the shadow king, who always wanted more, who grew stronger every day and craved chaos, magic in its truest form, power without control.

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