

Copyright 2009 by Michael Ruehrwein
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Mass Casualties finds the truth behind the most recent propaganda the small stories, the base commonality of human nature revealed in war. A purely personal and timely story, moving from black comedy to a sun-baked depression, anchored with unsparing honesty.
Samuel Sheridan Author of A Fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World of Fighting
Anthony's painful account of his time at war is at times difficult to read. This coming-of-age war memoir details the very gut-wrenching journey he takes into manhood in the backdrop of grueling combat. His voice is unique and deserves to be heard.
David Bellavia Co-Founder of Vets For Freedom; Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross Nominee; Author of House to House: An Epic Memoir of War
Michael Anthony's candid narrative of his service in Iraq is far removed from the glamorized picture of military life that has become a staple of our mass media. Instead, we are confronted with a world of men and women psychologically strained to the breaking point. You will share his sense of disillusionment after reading this eye-opening memoir.
David Livingstone Smith, PhD Author of The Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature and the Origins of War
Mass Casualties is a raw, vivid look at the realities behind the daily news about American soldiers overseas. You will think differently about news from Iraq and Afghanistan after reading this book.
James Fallows Author of Blind into Baghdad: America's War in Iraq
Glossy recruitment brochures tell one story. This book tells another. Beyond the slick fantasies promoted by the Pentagon and the euphemisms reported by the news media, Mass Casualties offers readers an account of war that cuts against the mythical grain.
Norman Solomon Author of War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death
The human cost of war is excessive, as this harsh but thoroughly absorbing book by Michael Anthony reveals. It's a riveting account of life within the pitch of battle, giving us his grateful readers the feel of this war, its dreadful tensions, its horror, its absurdity. Mass Casualties is an important book, and it deserves wide attention.
Jay Parini Author of Promised Land: Thirteen Books That Changed America
There are plenty of books about war, usually featuring the trigger-pullers who directly engage the enemy. Mass Casualties looks at war from a different angle, from those who try to save the wounded and dying. Make no mistake: Their war is just as difficult. Michael Anthony has captured the intensity of the OR, the crushing fatigue of shift duty, and the inevitable clash of personalities that are part of any military unit. It's a great read for anyone who wants to see the horror of war from a new perspective.
Tom Neven Marine Corps Veteran; Author of On the Frontline
The full story of the Iraq War remains to be written, but the firsthand accounts of young people who were there can help us begin to try and make sense of what is often taken as a senseless conflict. Amidst the politics and economics of warfare there are individuals struggling to survive, both physically and emotionally. The least we can do is listen to their stories with genuine empathy and an open mind, as we seek pathways from war toward peace.
Randall Amster, JD, PhD Executive Director of the Peace & Justice Studies Association
A moving account of a young soldier's story. This deeply personal memoir gives voice to the countless soldiers we have yet to hear from and never will.
Yvonne Latty Author of In Conflict: Iraq War Veterans Speak Out On Duty, Loss, and the Fight to Stay Alive
Mass Casualties is a raw and humorous account of Army medics dodging harm from mortars and the military bureaucracy. Michael Anthony gives us a gripping memoir of a young soldier trapped in a world of incompetence and hypocrisy that results from a total failure of leadership. This insider's view of what really happens in an operating room full of combat casualties and the effect it has on the caregivers is eye-opening. Our wounded warriors and those who care for them deserve far better.
Colonel Steven O'Hern Author of The Intelligence Wars: Lessons from Baghdad
Michael Anthony writes in the tradition of Joseph Heller and Richard Hooker, demystifying the theater of war and revealing our soldiers to be all-too-human figures comic and petty, but sometimes heroic and tragic.
Marc Folkoff Author of Poems from Guantanamo: The Detainees Speak
This isn't a portrait of the typical army experience in Iraq; this is one young man's perspective on what happens when poor leadership fails the challenge of command. Michael Anthony calls it like he saw it, refusing platitudes of the virtuous American soldier. If only Vonnegut or Heller had material like this.
Alex Vernon Author of Arms and the Self: War, the Military, and Autobiographical Writing
Michael Anthony's candid journal of his tour in Iraq offers a vivid sense of day-to-day life in a war-zone medical unit. He enriches our understanding of the variety of ways sanctioned and unsanctioned, honorable and sordid our occupying army deals with boredom, fear, frustration, and loneliness.
Christian G. Appy Author of Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides
SPC Anthony's authentic journal opens our eyes to the corrosive effect of the military mindset on human sensibilities. This is the unadulterated grit of history, in the here-and-now.
Ray Raphael Historian; Author of Founders: The People Who Brought You a Nation
Mass Casualties is a true-to-life expos of the absurdity of the war in Iraq. Anthony lays bare the hyper-reality of American knowinglessness about Iraq, and captures the day-to-day insanity of the war. Mass Casualties is a must-read for patriot Americans concerned with the U.S. global empire and the undisclosed truths of the Iraq occupation.
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