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William OShaughnessy - Vox Populi: The OShaughnessy Files

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Vox Populi is the long-awaited fourth collection of interviews, editorials, essays, observations and keen insight from legendary New York broadcaster William OShaughnessy. With this inspiring new anthology, Bill is back in a big way, offering compelling dialogue and opinion on timely issues and current events in politics, media, the arts and popular culture.
A masterful interviewer, OShaughnessy goes one-on- one with Barbara Taylor Bradford, Steve Forbes,
Joe Califano and a colorful band of townie characters from Westchester the Golden Apple. Broadcasting
for five decades from what the Wall Street Journal hailed as the quintessential community station in
America, his thoughtful and muscular commentaries have been widely praised in all the important journals
in the land.
A self-styled First Amendment voluptuary, OShaughnessy is a stellar defender of Free Speech,
having devoted the good part of fifty years to fighting censorship and government intrusion from his influential
perch in the heart of the Eastern Establishment.
Hes the one they roll out when the likes of Howard Stern, Bob Grant and Imus get in a jam. Colorful national figures and beguiling townies abound in Vox Populi which is also laden with exquisitely beautiful eulogies and tributes to his departed friends Tim Russert, Wellington Mara, Robert Merrill and Ossie Davis.
And, as in every Bill OShaughnessy book, there is stunning and powerful wisdom and brilliant observations
from Governor Mario Cuomo whom he so admires.
The great American historian David McCullough observed: I always look forward to reading the history
of our times Bill OShaughnessy has written.
OShaughnessy is an authentic American voice.

William OShaughnessy: author's other books

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Bill OShaughnessys editorials make his New York TV counterparts look like so much mish-mash.
The New York Times
He has great style. And so does his writing.
Sirio Maccioni, Le Cirque 2000
Bill OShaughnessys three books are a monumental trilogy and the stuff of history. Oscar Wilde in his aphorisms held that Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it... and that puts OShaughnessy on sacred ground.
Monsignor William B. OBrien, founder, Daytop International
Bill OShaughnessy maneuvers words like Nelson Riddle arranged notes. And sometimes he even uses them like Errol Flynn wielded a saber. In his very best moments he resembles Ed Murrow broadcasting from the rooftops of London. Hes that good.
Tony Malara, former president, CBS
His editorials and interviews, like fine wine, become better with time.
Joseph Reilly, President, New York State Broadcasters Association
These interviews, tributes, essays, and thoughts off the top of Bills handsome head are the stuff of New York history, direct from his radio bully pulpit.
Liz Smith, nationally syndicated columnist
His writings, manner of expression and social conscience are incisive and important.
Rabbi Amiel Wohl, Rabbi emeritus, Temple Israel
An interesting, accurate inside look at riveting characters and colorful times.
Walter J. P. Curley, former Ambassador to France and Ireland
I enjoy Bill OShaughnessys books of character portraits. I even relish his sketches of people Ive never met. They are rather like potato chips in that you cant stop with only one! And his portrait of Nelson [Rockefeller] is still second to none.
Henry A. Kissinger, former Secretary of State
Bill OShaughnessy should be required reading in every English lit and writing class at journalism schools. Superb craftsmanship.
Arnaud de Borchgrave, President/CEO, United Press International
He presides over the front-running suburban radio station in this whole country!
Larry King
He is the conscience of broadcasting.
Patrick Maines, president, The Media Institute
A handsome book chock full of wonderful memories, vignettes, and wise insights.
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Public Policy Institute of Government
Our profession is privileged to have a man of Bill OShaughnessys stature. He is one of the giants. At a time when the trivial and nonsensical seem to make headlines and profits, his always wise words on the air and in print give the rest of us hope that the pendulum will swing back in the right direction.
Deborah Norville, Inside Edition
This may be blasphemous... but I havent enjoyed a book this much since Fulton Sheen or Norman Vincent Peale! OShaughnessy is a dapper guy who looks like a movie star. But the book is very... spiritual.
Joe Franklin, Bloomberg radio legend
I know I will enjoy this book. I have already savored the warm references to a former president in his previous works.
President George H. W. Bush
Vox Populi
A Collection of Radio Editorials from the Golden Apple
It All Comes Back To Me Now:
Character Portraits from the Golden Apple
More Riffs, Rants, and Raves
Serving Their Communities:
A 50-year History of the New York State
Broadcasters Association

(Edited) with Stephen Warley and Joseph Reilly
Vox Populi
Copyright 2011 William OShaughnessy All rights reserved No part of this - photo 2
Copyright 2011 William OShaughnessy
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Photographs by Don Pollard, Courtney Grant Winston, and Wendy Moger-Bross, Rockefeller Family archives, Steve Barkaszi, and the Whitney Media archives.
Fordham University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
Fordham University Press also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
OShaughnessy, William.
Vox populi : the OShaughnessy files / William
OShaughnessy.1st ed.
p. cm.
Collection of interview transcripts, editorials, essays, and observations made after 2004.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-8232-3247-5 (cloth : alk. paper)ISBN 978-0-8232-3249-9 (ebook)
1. United StatesPolitics and government1989Anecdotes. 2. United StatesBiographyAnecdotes. 3. New York (State)Politics and government1951Anecdotes. 4. New York (State)BiographyAnecdotes. 5. InterviewsUnited States. 6. PoliticiansNew YorkInterviews. 7. Freedom of speechUnited States. 8. Freedom of the pressUnited States. 9. OShaughnessy, William. I. Title.
E839.4.O843 2011
Printed in the United States of America
13 12 11 5 4 3 2 1
First edition
For my children, in whom Im so well pleased:
And for my spectacular grandchildren:
And one more:
NANCY with the laughing face
Ive been blessed...
Bill OShaughnessys previous books were so good, I couldnt put them down. This one, when you put it down... you literally cant pick it up again! If they get any thicker, well have to put them on wheels!
Bills personal commentaries, written with casually elegant language, make you wish the whole country was hearing and reading his work. Actually, the whole world can now savor his genius thanks to the Internet and wvox.com. He is a journalist, commentator, connoisseur, a strong political presence, and a forceful advocate of great causes.
During his remarkable fifty-year run as the permittee of WVOX and WVIP, OShaughnessy has used his great Gaelic gift of words, a sharp mind, deep conviction, and the capacity for powerful advocacy to inspire the fainthearted, guide the eager, and charm almost everyone he meets. As a broadcaster and author, he has written and spoken simple truths and powerful political arguments with a good heart.
As an interviewer, Bill OShaughnessy is a magic miner of fascinating nuggets coaxed from a host of extraordinarily interesting people, some of them celebrities and others previously undiscovered neighborhood gems. OShaughnessy is among a select few who create magic with their words. He always brings us a rich flow of genuine American opinions and sentiment.
Few people have or had as rich a talent for writing for the earCharles Kuralt and Charles Osgood, certainly. Also the late, legendary Paul Harvey. And Bill OShaughnessy.
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