The new Islamic dynasties
The New Edinburgh Islamic Surveys
Series Editor: Carole Hillenbrand
The New Islamic Dynasties Clifford Edmund Bosworth
Media Arabic Julia Ashtiany Bray
An Introducion to the Hadith John Burton
A History of Islamic Law Noel Coulson
A Short History of the Ismailis Farhad Daftary
Islam: An Historical Introduction (2nd Edition) Gerhad Endress
A History of Christian-Muslim Relations Hugh Goddard
Shiism (2nd Edition) Heinz Halm
Islamic Science and Engineering Donald Hill
Islamic Law: From Historical Foundations to Contemparary Practice Mawil Izzi Dien
Sufism: An Historical Introduction Ahmet T. Karamustafa
Islamic Aesthetics Oliver Leaman
Persian Histrography Julie Scott Meisami
The Muslim of Medieval Italy Alex metcalfe
Muslim in Western Europe (3rd Edition) Jrgen Nielson
Medieval Islamic Medicine Peter Pormann and Emilie Savage-Smith
Islamic Jurisprudence Kevin Reinhart and Aron Zysow
Islamic Names Annemarie Schimmel
Mordern Arabic Literature Paul Starkey
Islamic Medicine Manfred Ullman
Islam and Ecnomics Ibrahim Warde
A History of Islamic Spain W. Montgomery Watt and Pierre Cachia
Inroduction to the Quran W. Montgomery Watt
Islamic Creeds W. Montgomery Watt
Islamic Philosophy and Thelogy W. Montgomery Watt
Islamic Practical Thought W. Montgomery Watt
Understanding the Quran Alford Welch
The new Islamic
A chronological and
genealogical manual
Clifford Edmund Bosworth, 1996
Transferred to digital print 2012
Edinburgh University Press Ltd
22 George Square, Edinburgh
Typeset in Linotype Trump Medieval by
Koinonia, Manchester, and
printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY
A CIP Record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 7486 2137 7 (paperback)
eISBN 9780748696482
The right of Clifford Edmund Bosworth to be
identified as author of this work
has been asserted in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Published with the support of the
Edinburgh University Scholarly
Publishing Initiatives Fund.
Balad, also of the al-Musayyab line |
Album | = | Stephen Album, A Checklist of Popular Islamic Coins, Santa Rosa, CA 1993 |
AIEO Alger | = | Annales de lInstitut dEtudes Orentales, Alger |
AMI | = | Archologische Mitteilungen aus Iran |
ANS | = | The American Numismatic Society |
BIFAO | = | Bulletin de lInstitut Franais dArchologe Orientale du Carie |
BosworthMerilpirli = C. E. Bosworth, tr. Erdoan Meril and Mehmet pirli, Islm devletleri tarihi (kronoloji ve soykt elkitab), Istanbul 1980 |
CT | = | Cahiers de Tunisie |
EI1 | = | Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st edn, Leiden 191336 |
EI2 | = | Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edn, Leiden 1960 |
EIr | = | Encyclopaedia Iranica, London, etc. 1985 |
HJAS | = | Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies |
A | = | slam Ansiklopedisi, Istanbul 194085 |
IC | = | Islamic Culture |
Iran, JBIPS | = | Iran, Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies |
JA | = | Journal Asiatique |
JAOS | = | Journal of the American Oriental Society |
JASB | = | Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal |
JBBRAS | = | Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
JRAS | = | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
Justi | = | F. Justi, Iranisches Namenbuch, Marburg 1895 |
Khall Edhem | = | Khall Edhem, Dwel-i Islmiyye, Istanbul 1345/1927 |
Lane-Poole | = | Stanley Lane-Poole, The Mohammadan Dynasties. Chronological and Genealogical Tables with Historical Introductions, London 1893 |
Mms DAFA | = | Mmoires de la Dlgation Archologique Franaise en Afghanistan |
NC | = | Numismatic Chronicle |
NZ | = | Numismatische Zeitschrift |
REI | = | Revue des Etudes Islamiques |
Sachau | = | Eduard Sachau, Ein Verzeichnis Muhammedanischer Dynastien, Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse (Berlin 1923), no. 1 |
SAD | = | Seluklu Aratirmalar Dergisi (Journal of Seljuk Studies) |
SBWAW | = | Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse |
TP | = | Toung-Pao |
Zambaur | = | E. de Zambaur, Manuel de gnalogie et de chronologie pour lhistoire de lIslam, Hanover 1927 |
ZfN | = | Zeitschrift fr Numismatik |
The precursor of this present book, The Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Handbook, was published by Edinburgh University Press in 1967 as no. 5 in the Islamic Surveys series, and speedily established itself as a convenient reference work for the chronology of Islamic dynasties of the Middle Eastern and North African heartlands and of Central and South Asia and for their historical backgrounds. It has proved useful not only for Islamic historians but also for Islamic art historians and numismatists. Nevertheless, all these groups of scholars remain much less well provided with such Hilfsmittel as chronologies of events, genealogical tables, historical atlases, etc., than their colleagues in the fields of British or European history. sometimes not.
To my knowledge, four translations into East European and Middle Eastern languages have been made. In 1971, there appeared in Moscow an authorised translation by P. A. Gryaznevich, under the overall editorship of I. P. Petrushevskiy, Musulmanskie dynastii. Spravochnik po khronologii i genealogii, Izdatelstvo Nauka Glavnaya Redaktsiya Vostochnoi Literatur, 324 pp., to which I contributed a Preface. The text is a straight translation, but the bibliographical indications at the end of each dynastys entry have been enriched by references to works in Russian, obviously valuable for such regions as the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Iranian world in general. In 1980, there appeared in Istanbul