Table of Contents
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2021 Ricky Roogle; 1. Auflage
Covergraphic, text & illustrations 2021 Rcky Roogle
contact author:
Herstellung und Verlag: BoD Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
ISBN: 9783753447698
1. Which game studio developed Among us?
- Epic games
- Mojang
- ID
- Innersloth
2. Where can impostors hide and quickly switch from one place to another?
- lift
- vents
- transport trolley
- mail trolley
3. Which room does not exist on the map The Skeld?
- Lower Engine
- Reactor
- Storage
- Cafeteria
4. Which room does exist on the map The Skeld?
- Navigation
- Balcony
- Office
- Laboratory
5. Which room in The Skeld is known as the most dangerous for crewmates?
- Shields
- MedBay
- Weapons
- Electrical
6. What is Among us?
- 3D multiplayer sandbox game where you can build things with self-made materials.
- 3D multiplayer survival fight for up to 100 players.
- Online multiplayer deduction game.
- Jump & Run Platformer for 10 crewmates to participate at the same time.
7. What is the minimum number of players in Among us?
- 2 players
- 4 players
- 6 players
- 8 players
8. Where does Among us take place?
- in a town
- in a train
- in space
- in a cave
9. Which of the following terms is no map in Among us?
- The Skeld
- Polus
- Conda
- Mira HQ
10. How long does it take to complete a scan?
- 60 seconds
- 45 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 15 seconds
11. Which room does not exist on Mira HQ?
- O2
- Admin
- Cafeteria
- Launchpad
12. Which room does exist on Mira HQ?
- Electrical
- Lower Engine
- Greenhouse
- Dropship
13. Which pet does not exist in Among us?
14. What hat does not exist in Among us?
- Astronaut
- Robin Hood
- Captain
- Military
15. Which task is not correctly assigned to the map?
- Mira HQ ---- Assemble Artifact
- The Skeld ---- Calibrate Distributor
- Polus ---- Align Telescope
- Mira HQ ---- Align Engine Output
16. Where, amongst other things, do you carry out the task watering of plants?
- Storage
- Balcony
- Cafeteria
- Outside
17. Where, does one carry out the task Align Telescope?
- Cafeteria
- Laboratory
- O2
- Storage
18. Which room does not exist on Polus?
19. What is the name of the game on which the gameplay of Among us is based on?
- Mafia
- Fortnite
- Minecraft
- Call of duty
20. How manymaps are existing in Among us (Dec 2020)?
21. Where, does one carry out the task MeasureWeather?
- Laboratory
- Outside
- Balcony
- Greenhouse
22. Which task is not correctly assigned to the map?
- Polus ---- Fix Wiring
- Polus ---- Run Diagnostics
- Polus ---- Fuel Engines
- Polus ---- Insert keys
23. Which costume does not exist in Among us?
- Wall Guard
- Sommer
- Winter
- Hazmat
24. Which player color does not exist in Among us?
25. When should an Emergency Meeting be convened?
- Power generation does not work.
- The reactor is leaking.
- A dead body was found.
- There is no such thing as an Emergency Meeting.
26. Where, does one carry out the task Sort Samples?
- Greenhouse
- Shields
- MedBay
- Laboratoy
27. Which room does not exist on map of The Skeld?
- Weapons
- Launchpad
- Shields
- Security
28. Which room does exist on Mira HQ?
- Electrical
- Security
- Weapons
- Balcony
29. Which room does exist on Polus?
- Higher Engine
- Locker Room
- Dropship
- Shields
30. Who or what is called Sus in Among us?
- Emergency Meeting
- Vote
- Suspicious crewmate
- Impostor
31. Which task is not correctly assigned to the map?
- The Skeld ---- Chart Course
- The Skeld ---- Clear Asteroids
- The Skeld ---- Repair Drill
- The Skeld ---- Clean O2 Filter
32. Which pet does not exist in Among us?
- Mini Crewmate
- Henry
- Jim
- Ellie
33. Where, does one carry out the task Stabilization Steering?
- Admin
- Navigation
- Shields
- Electrical
34. Which room does not exist on Mira HQ?
- Storage
- Reactor
- Security
- Greenhouse
35. Which room does exist on Polus?
- Boiler
- Navigation
- Greenhouse
- Locker Room
36. What does a crewmate or impostor transform into after death?
37. Which room does not exist on map The Skeld?
38. Where, does one carry out the task Buy Beverage?
- Greenhouse
- Navigation
- Cafeteria
- Dropship
39. Where, does one carry out the task Assemble Artifact?
- Weapons
- Laboratory
- Storage
- Reactor
40. Where, among other places, do you carry out the task Start Reactor?
- Lower Engine
- Upper Engine
- Specimen Room
- Boiler Room
41. Which hat does not exist in Among us?