Table of Contents
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Copyright 2007 by Shelley Mosley
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Publisher:Marie Butler-Knight
Editorial Director:Mike Sanders
Managing Editor:Billy Fields
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Production Editor:Megan Douglass
For Louise Stephens, the bravest person we know.
Theres nothing like a good book. It can take you to different times and different places. It can inspire you. It can make you laugh. It can make you cry. It can scare you to death.
But finding these books can be an overwhelming task. Just go into any big-box bookstore and try to pick one title out of the thousands lining the shelves. Or go to a library, where your friendly librarian will help you as soon as she unjams the copy machine, tells someone where the bathroom is, and reboots the computer.
So there you are, lost in a sea of books again. This is where our book can be your lifeline to finding that elusive literary treasureyour perfect book.
This is a collection of books both in print and out of print. Thanks to libraries, the Internet, and new and used bookstores, theyre all findable. Even if a books a little hard to locate, its worth the extra effort if its a great read. We enjoy these books, and we hope you will, too.
How Do You Use This Book?
We have devoted each chapter to a certain type of book. Several chapters feature popular fiction genresmysteries, romances, chick lit and womens fiction, horror novels, fantasy novels, and westerns. Chapters dedicated to popular nonfiction titles we think youll like range in topic from true crime to travel. Throughout youll find a mix of classics and books fresh off the press.
Each chapter begins with a short introductory essay about the genre, and then an annotated list of books follows. Some chapters are subdivided into classics and newer titles, while others are more intermingled.
Youll find lots of sidebarsrecommendations, bits of information, tips, definitions, and cautionssprinkled throughout the book. This is what theyll look like:
An Expert Speaks
Experts in the world of books, including editors, authors, and librarians give recommendations.
You Can Book on It!
Here youll find interesting asides, advice, and factoids.
The Rest of the Story
Additional tidbits about authors and their books will appear in these notes.
And the Award Goes to
Many books listed here are award winners, and weve spotlighted some of those.
Our heartfelt thanks go to the following individuals:
Tom Stevens and Mike Sanders, editors at Alpha Books, who had a vision of this book and the faith that we could make it a reality.
Kris Ramsdell, writer and librarian, who shared her unmatched knowledge of the romance genre and advised us in other subject areas, too.
Dorchester editor Leah Hultenschmidt, who graciously offered us advice, support, and possible titles when we were just getting started.
Award-winning author Jayne Ann Krentz, who inspired and advised us, and who has led the way in preserving genre fiction for generations to come.
Publishers and editors who shared their advice and favorite titles: Paula Eykelhof, Katherine Johnson, Chris Keeslar, Susan McCarty, Joyce Saricks, Donna Seaman, Kim Tabor, Bill Ott, Blanche Woolls, Brianna Yamashita.
David Mosley, our favorite Trekkie, and expert for the science fiction chapter.
Former cowboy and rodeo rider Fred Wann and Arizona historian Sandra Mofford Lagesse, our official consultants on the western chapter.
Librarian Lynne Welch for helping us add some magic to the fantasy chapter.
Volunteer par excellence Jennie Burrell, who gave much advice on good titles for the true crime chapter.
Fellow writer Marion Ekholm (also our official proofer), who did many early-morning brainstorming sessions with us.