Crabtree Publishing Company
Crabtree Publishing Company
Molly Aloian
Molly Aloian
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Aloian, Molly
How do we know it is winter? [electronic resource] / Molly Aloian.
(Seasons close-up)
Includes index.
Electronic monograph in multiple formats.
Issued also in print formats.
ISBN 978-1-4271-9288-2 (PDF).--ISBN 978-1-4271-9212-7 (HTML)
1. Winter--Juvenile literature. 2. Seasons--Juvenile literature.
I. Title. II. Series: Seasons close-up (Online)
QB637.8.A56 2013 j508.2 C2012-907341-5
The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
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Molly Aloian
Publishing plan research and development
Sean Charlebois, Reagan Miller
Crabtree Publishing Company
Editorial director
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Samara Parent
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Samara Parent
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Dedicated by Samara Parent
Happy 4th Birthday Georgina! xoxo
Synchred Read-Along Version by:
Triangle Interactive LLC
PO Box 573
Prior Lake, MN 55372
ISBN-13: 978-1-68444-578-3 (e-book)
What is winter? ....................................4
Why do we have winter? ......................6
When is winter? ...................................8
Winter weather .................................. 10
Plants in winter .................................. 12
Animals in winter ............................... 14
Winter fun .......................................... 16
Winter foods ....................................... 18
Moving snow ..................................... 20
Winter around the world .................... 22
Learning more ................................... 23
Words to know and Index .................. 24
What is winter?
Winter is the coldest season of
the year. It always comes after
fall and before spring. Every
year, spring changes into
summer and summer changes
into fall. Fall turns into winter
and winter turns back to spring.
What do you
t h i n k ?
Do you notice a pattern,
or cycle, to the seasons?
Cold outside
During winter, the
weather is cold and
snow falls on the ground.
People usually spend
more time inside. When
people go outside, they
must wear warm clothes,
such as jackets, hats,
and scarves. What do
you wear when you go
outside during winter?
The Sun still shines in winter,
but the air is very cold.
Why do we have winter?
Every year Earth takes months to circle around the
Sun. As its moving around the Sun, Earth spins on a
tilted axis , or imaginary line. This causes different parts
of Earth to get more sunlight at different times of the year.
The different amounts of sunlight gives us our seasons.
In fall, North America
begins to tilt away
from the Sun.
In summer, North
America is tilted
toward the Sun.
In winter, North
America is tilted
away from the Sun.
In spring, North
America begins to
tilt toward the Sun.
Tilted away
During winter in North
America, the northern
parts of Earth are tilted
away from the Sun. This
means the days have
less sunlight and cold
temperatures. The
southern parts of Earth
are tilted toward the
Sun. This means they
are getting summer
with hot temperatures
and longer days.
What do you
t h i n k ?
Cold winds and falling snow
are signs that winter has
arrived. What are some
other signs of winter?