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Gaius Julius Caesar - On the war in africa: De bello africo

Here you can read online Gaius Julius Caesar - On the war in africa: De bello africo full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2020, publisher: Tektime, genre: Art. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Gaius Julius Caesar On the war in africa: De bello africo
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On the war in Africa. The book contains the translation in English and the original Latin text of De Bello Africo and a background taken from the second book of De Bello Civili by Gaius Julius Caesar which helps understanding the historical story. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

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Anonymous officer of Gaius Julius Caesar
On The War In Africa
De Bello Africo
UUID: dd40f46e-c365-4518-b406-e84d787d7c68
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Table of contents
On the War in Africa - version 1.2
The book contains the Italian translation and the Latin original of De Bello Africo or Bellum Africo, a work written by a lieutenant of Caesar that narrates the difficult war of 46 BC. in today's Tunisia.
In this volume we added an antefacto that you can find in De Bello Civili useful to understand the whole story.


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Foro Latino
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5 - Sulla Guerra Alessandrina - Gaio Giulio Cesare - Italiano - ISBN 9788827565667
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7 - De Bello Hispanico - Gaio Giulio Cesare - Italiano - ISBN 9788827573792
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Forum Latino
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5 - (Origo Gentis Langobardorum) - Re Rotari - Latin (CI) - ISBN 9788828336730


1 - Historia Langobardorum - Paulus Diaconus - ISBN 9788822898722
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De Bello Africo
Anonymous officer
Gaius Julius Caesar
Or maybe
Gaius Opium

Text in English and Latin

English edition


Latin forum
Volume 6

GBL Great Latin Library
Website: www.grandebibliotecalatina.com


On the cover a freely inspired image of battle with elephants

If you know the book, you can safely skip the introduction.

De Bello Africo
Gaius Julius Caesar

English text
Second book on Civil War
At the same time in Sicily, Caio Scribonio Curione, underestimating the militias of Publio Azzio Varo, left for Africa with only two of the four legions that Caesar had entrusted to him and with only 600 knights; after two days and three nights of navigation he landed in a place called Anguillaria which was 22000 steps (15.5 km) from Clupea, which in summer offers a discreet anchorage closed as it is by two high promontories. There, near Clupea was Lucius Caesar (Son) with the 10 warships that had been drawn ashore in Utica after being used against pirates and that Publius Azzio had rearmed for the present war; these, fearing for the greater number of the ships of Caio Scribonio Curione, left the deepest sea and reached the nearest beach with a trireme with protections, and abandoned it on the beach to flee to Adrumeto by land. Adrumeto was defended by C. Considio Longo who had a legion; the other ships of Lucius Caesar, after his escape, also repaired in Adrumeto. The Quaestor Marcio Rufo who was in charge of the 12 warships that Caio Curione had brought from Sicily as escort for the cargo ships; while searching for Lucius Caesar's ships, he saw the trireme abandoned on the shore, towed it and with that prey returned to Caius Scribonius Curio.
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