he ideas expressed herein by Dr. Arnold Springborn as well as thosepeople he mentioned by name are his ideas, not those of any otherauthors or contributors to this publication, nor those of the publisher. A
great deal more context and supplemental information has been includedbefore and after Springborns original text to give modern readers a soundcontextual-factual basis for understanding all or most of Dr. Springborns perceptions, accusations and arguments.
The translation is true to Springborns text. However, it has been editedand adapted for a modern readership. Given the prevailing politicoeconomiccatastrophe in the English-speaking nations especially, we felt this was appropriate. Contributions that are not Dr. Springborns are denoted by italics,parentheses and/or brackets. All quotes are italicised as are points ofemphasis. Where text is italicised, points of emphasis are not italicised. Dr.Springborns citations have been left as in-text citations as in the originalGerman text. The publisher added all of the images, photos and subtitles toenhance the meaning of what Dr. Springborn had to say.
This text was republished in English for the sake of historical interest. Dr.Springborns texts are extremely rare. In fact little is known about Dr.Springborn himself. The rarity of his work alone makes republication for awider readership that much more important. His work will help any scholar orstudent of Third Reich history and historiography better understand thedynamics of how and why the National Socialists and their allies arrived at theperceptions of the world and England they did. The present cannot be understood unless past ideas are reexamined.
In order to provide readers with a balance of ideas and perspective, wehave incorporated Springborns thesis within a broader collection instead ofsimply publishing it as a standalone book. This is becoming a more popularformat: that of many authors contributing sections to a single longer work.That is the format of this work. In addition all of the text, including quotedmaterial save the bibliography, has been anglicised per U.K. spelling standards. The reason for this will be obvious upon ones finishing Part One.
We have carefully selected all of the works and additional translations thatare included in this publication to enhance and clarify Dr. Springborn. Assuch, readers should not come away from this book offended, but historicallyinformed by a rare and excellent primary source and the accompanying mythbusting research argued from an NS/unorthodox viewpoint.
Why should anyone read Dr. Springborn when others have written onAngle-Saxon/British war crimes and imperialism? First, Springborn explainsthe direct relationship between Talmudism and Puritanism as well as BritishFreemasonry and its role in the encirclement of Germany. We thus get a rareglimpse of the clandestine machinations at work before both world wars,something that is worthwhile. Second, Dr. Springborn exposes Freemasonryas an imperialistic ideology: it says peace but makes war. Third, Springbornreveals the foundations of the new world order. Finally, Dr. Springborn provides us with the reasoning behind National Socialist ideology. Why did theNS Germans think and feel as they did?
To defend these lands, these ideals of personal freedom, and this language we speak, we once had unquestioned supremacy over the seasof the world. By a federation of the English-speaking white people ofthese seven nations, the control of the world and the self-control ofour own citizens will again be in the certain care of the Pan-Angles