He is the Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India. He is the author of 17 books including Secrets of Your Leadership Success: The 11 Indispensable Es of a Leader, Soft Leadership: Make Others Feel More Important; Smart Leadership: Lessons for Leaders; Stand Out! Build a Successful Career and Become a Global Leader; Spirit of Indian Youth: Soft Skills for Young Managers; Smartness Guide: Success Tools for Students; Spot Your Leadership Style: Build Your Leadership Brand; Secrets for Success: Failure is only a Comma, Not a Full Stop; Soft Skills: Enhancing Employability; and Soft Skills for Students: Classroom to Corporate. He has published more than 250 papers and articles in international publications such as Leadership Excellence, Leader to Leader, T+D Magazine (ASTD), Personal Excellence, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, Emerald, Sage, and The Journal of Values Based Leadership (US) to name a few. He is an Advisor on the Board of Global Leadership Awards CommitteeMalaysia, and was an honoured judge for Global Leadership Awards2011 and 2012. He has been honoured as a Member of American Institute of Business Psychology (AIOBP), USA.
He is the Editorial Advisory Board Member for various prestigious international journals including Development and Learning in Organizations and Industrial and Commercial Training of Emerald JournalsU.K, International Journal of Business AdministrationCanada, and Journal of Business Studies QuarterlyUSA. He is the reviewer for various prestigious international journals including Emerald. He is ranked as No.1 among the speakers in India as per reviews on Speakerwiki.org vide link: http://speakerwiki.org/speakers/Professor_MSRao. He can be reached at: profmsr7@gmail.com and additionally maintains popular Blogs titled Where Knowledge is WealthURL http://profmsr.blogspot.com Professor M.S.Rao Born for the Students URL http://professormsrao.blogspot.com and Knowledge Grows When Shared- URL http://professormsraoguru.blogspot.com
Professor M. S. Rao,
Founder, MSR Leadership Consultants India
Blogs: http://profmsr.blogspot.com
International Acclaims for the Book
Defined as rules or aphorisms in Sanskrit literature, but also as threads that hold objects together, sutras are important tenets for any aspiring leader to follow. International Leadership Guru Professor M. S. Rao graciously shares 21 of these sutras with us, his lucky readers, as we strive to become more effective leaders and business owners. Reading these sutras offers a powerful refresher course in the principles of successful leadership. Every reader can earn an honorary graduate degree by learning and utilizing Professor Raos sutras. Like a trained chefs recipe for the perfect chocolate souffle, Professor Raos book, 21 Success Sutras for Leaders, explains, step by masterful step, detailed instructions for minimizing leadership mistakes and enhancing leadership effectiveness. Bon apptit!
Marshall Goldsmith, author of the New York Times bestsellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Wont Get You There
Leadership is a demanding, noble discipline not to be entered into frivolously or casually. It requires an elevated sense of mastery. There is no one better qualified to teach the lessons you must master than Professor M. S. Rao, and that is just what he does in 21 Success Sutras for Leaders. The 21 aphorisms he offers in this gem of a book have the ring of universal truth. Professor Rao presents fundamentals that can be applied in any country, culture, function or organization. This book will inspire you, challenge you and enlighten you. Its one of those rare business books that are highly accessible, easily applicable, and just plain enjoyable to read. Youll want to keep it handy for those moments when you need expert advice from someone you can trust. You cant go wrong when that person is Professor M. S. Rao.
Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, and the Deans Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
The international leadership guru, Professor M. S. Rao, has come out with yet another leadership book, 21 Success Sutras for Leaders. This book teaches you, To fail is not bad, but not to learn lessons and bounce back is bad.
Dr Tony Alessandra, author of 27 books, including The Platinum Rule and The NEW Art of Managing People
This book is full of practical, proven ideas and methods to make you a better manager and leader in every area.
Brian Tracy, author, How the Best Leaders Lead
Professor M. S. Raos new book, 21 Success Sutras for Leaders, is built on the premise that failures and mistakes provide leaders with a powerful opportunity for learning. He adds that the failures need not all be ones own . The book presents a series of sutrasguidelines or principlesthat Professor Rao has identified in his reading, study, consulting practice and teaching. Each of these provides the starting point for a discussion of its meaning and how the sutra can be applied in business and leadership. Professor Rao draws engagingly on literature, history, art, science, and religion to find useful and practical lessons for leaders.
Richard Bevan, author, Changemaking: Tactics and Resources for Managing Organizational Change
International leadership expert and speaker, Professor M. S. Rao, has come out with yet another amazing book: 21 Success Sutras for Leaders. This work paves the way to learn from others bad experiences and grow as great leaders. If you wish to make Less Leadership Mistakes, I strongly recommend reading this book.
Arthur F. Carmazzi, Worlds Top Ten Leadership Guru and Founder of Directive Communication Psychology. Author of Lessons from the Monkey KingLeading Change to Create Gorilla Sized Results
It is absolutely essential that we all keep learning in every walk of life. The Sutras are clearly based on extensive experience and what I particularly like is how succinctly they have been described. I recommend that experienced leaders as well as novices take a little time for some prudent learning from this book.
Colin Gautrey, co-author, 21 Dirty Tricks at Work and Political Dilemmas at Work