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Baker - Reinvention roadmap: break the rules to get the job you want and career you deserve

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Baker Reinvention roadmap: break the rules to get the job you want and career you deserve
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Break the rules and take charge of your career! The traditional job-search approaches just dont work anymore, and the days of trusting your career to your employer are long over. The new-millennium workplace requires all of us to rewrite the rules and start treating our careers like were running a business#x97;which means understanding the markets for our talents, knowing our value, and looking out over the horizon to plot our paths going forward. Liz Ryan is a former Fortune 500 HR SVP and the worlds most widely read workplace thought leader. She understands the recruiting system as only an in.;FOREWORD; INTRODUCTION; Chapter One: THE REINVENTION ROADMAP AND YOUR MOJO JOURNAL; Chapter Two: ITS YOUR LIFE, AND ITS YOUR CAREER; Chapter Three: REINVENTION AND THE HUMAN WORKPLACE; Chapter Four: YOUR LEARNING AND YOUR PATH; Chapter Five: RECLAIMING YOUR PATH; Chapter Six: GETTING ALTITUDE ON YOUR CAREER; Chapter Seven: THE FIVE STAGES OF REINVENTION; Part 2: Finding Your Path; Chapter Eight: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TOBE ON YOUR PATH?; Chapter Nine: FRAME-SHIFTING AND THE REACTION-O-METER; Chapter Ten: THE LAST JOB CANDIDATE STANDING; Chapter Eleven: LIFE AFTER THE CORPORATE LADDER.

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Kick-start your job search or job change with an entirely new set of skills in Reinvention Roadmap!

Picture 1

New York Times bestselling author of Triggers

Liz Ryans smart, down-to-earth advice is a pleasure to read. Whether youre just starting your first career or trying to figure out your next one, this is an essential guide. Dont miss it!

Picture 2

Ask Annie career advice columnist for Fortune.com

Liz Ryan leads you on a reinvention journey that can not only redefine your career path, but also your life. A wonderful book that gives you the power and the tools to navigate career and life challenges in the new millennium.

Picture 3

technology visionary

If you need a job, you need Liz Ryan. Short of having the actual job offer in hand, having Liz Ryan in your corner is the next best thing. Her approach to job hunting is unique. Her job hunting tips are not only original and powerful, but they are highly effective. Instead of groveling for a job, she will help you stand out. She will help you realize your true worth. She will empower you to seize a job interview and turn it to your advantage. No book can absolutely guarantee that you will land a job, but Liz Ryan gets darn close. I have interviewed countless HR experts and I could say Liz Ryan is one of the best but I wont say that. She is not just one of the best. She is THE best.

TOMMY SCHNURMACHER host of the Tommy Schnurmacher Show and radio host for CJAD - photo 4

host of the Tommy Schnurmacher Show and radio host for CJAD

FOR LIZ SHULL Copyright 2016 by Liz Ryan All rights reserved No part of - photo 5


Copyright 2016 by Liz Ryan

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This book is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information about career and job searching and related personal development. Neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal accounting, or other professional services, by publishing this book. If any such assistance is required, the services of a qualified financial professional should be sought. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any liability, loss, or risk incurred as a result of the use and application of any information contained in this book.

The individual reinvention stories in this book, unless noted otherwise, are fiction. The names, characters, places, job titles, and other details in these stories are the product of the authors imagination; any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author has provided these stories as scenarios to help readers envision different thought processes and steps in the reinvention process.

BenBella Books, Inc.

10440 N. Central Expressway

Suite 800

Dallas, TX 75231


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First E-Book Edition: December 2016

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

978-1-942952-68-8 (trade paperback)

978-1-942952-69-5 (e-book)

All text and artwork by Liz Ryan

Copyediting by James Fraleigh

Text design and composition by Kit Sweeney

Proofreading by Kimberly Broderick and Michael Fedison

Cover design by Sarah Dombrowsky

Cover artwork by Liz Ryan

Distributed by Perseus Distribution


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Several years ago, I had the honor of sharing a platform with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. As the leader of one of the worlds great faith traditions, he speaks profoundly about the nature of human life and fulfillment. Like all gifted teachers, his observations can seem deceptively simple. He once said, To be born at all is a miracle. So what are you doing with your life? Its a simple question that has deep implications for all of us.

Each one of us is a unique moment in history. No one has ever lived our life and no one ever will. Of course our lives are affected by chance and circumstances, but theyre also shaped by our own attitudes and expectations and by whether or not we discover and develop our unique talents and passions. I know many people who live lives that excite and fulfill them. Many others settle for much less. They dont enjoy their lives or especially the work they do; they just aim to get through the week and make it to the weekend. Often they say they have no choice, but they almost always do.

Most of us have pressing obligations and difficult circumstances to deal with. Even so, theres often more room for flexibility and creativity in our lives and work than our well-worn habits of thinking typically suggest. If we are to change, we do need to think differently and take practical steps to identify what we want from our work and how to get it. And thats what this book is about.

Reinvention Roadmap is a customized guide to help you review, rethink, and reorient yourself to the new world of work and the many roads to fulfillment within it. It is based on three core ideas. The first is that we all create our own lives, and we can recreate them if we have the will and the confidence to do so. The second is that the world around us is changing at an exponential rate, and in the process is generating many new opportunities for how we can live and work. The third is that there are many simple, practical steps we can take to match our personal talents and passions to these opportunities.

Liz Ryan is uniquely placed to offer this roadmap. The advice and techniques she gives us here are distilled from a lifetime of guiding people in all areas of work to more fulfilling ways of earning their living. Written with her trademark passion, wit, and humanity, Reinvention Roadmap offers her straightforward, human, and road-tested wisdom to help you answer that simple yet often hardest of questions, So what are you doing with your life?

Ken Robinson
Los Angeles, March 2016

For many years, the working world was relatively simple to understand and to navigate. When you needed a job, you applied for jobs and got one, and then you kept the job for a long time. Some of us walked into a job and stayed at the same company for 20 years or more.

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