IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies
by Peter Gregory, CISA, CISSP
Foreword by Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI
IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies
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About the Author
Peter H. Gregory, CISA, CISSP, is the author of fifteen books on security and technology, including Solaris Security (Prentice Hall), Computer Viruses For Dummies (Wiley), Blocking Spam and Spyware For Dummies (Wiley), and Securing the Vista Environment (OReilly).
Peter is a security strategist at a publicly-traded financial management software company located in Redmond, Washington. Prior to taking this position, he held tactical and strategic security positions in large wireless telecommunications organizations. He has also held development and operations positions in casino management systems, banking, government, non-profit organizations, and academia since the late 1970s.
Hes on the board of advisors for the NSA-certified Certificate program in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity at the University of Washington, and hes a member of the board of directors of the Evergreen State Chapter of InfraGard.
You can find Peters Web site and blog at, and you can reach him at
This book is dedicated to Rebekah Gregory, Iris Finsilver, Jacqueline McMahon, and Lisa Galoia, my personal disaster recovery team, and also to professionals everywhere who are trying to do the right thing to protect their organizations assets.
Authors Acknowledgments
I would like to thank Greg Croy, Executive Editor at Wiley, for his leadership, perseverance, and patience throughout this project. Thank you to Christopher Morris, Senior Project Editor at Wiley, for your help. Also, thanks to Philip Rothstein for technical review and expert guidance and for writing the Forward to this book at the last minute. And thank you, Laura Miller, for your thoughtful and effective copy editing.
And finally, heartfelt thanks go to Liz Suto, wherever you are, for getting me into this business over twelve years ago when you asked me to do a tech review on your book, Informix Online Performance Tuning (Prentice Hall).
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