Table of Contents
List of Figures
- Figures in Chapter 4
- Figures in Chapter 12
- Figures in H. J. Heinz M&A
- Figures in Quintiles IPO
List of Tables
- Tables in H. J. Heinz M&A
- Tables in Quintiles IPO
Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity
Third Edition
Table of Contents
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For William, Thomas, Henry, Anne, Alexander, Isabel and Oliver
The world of finance dramatically changed following the global financial meltdown of 200709, and this change has continued following Brexit in 2016 and the new administration that took over in the United States during 2017. These significant events have caused governments and financial industry to look again at investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity through a new lens. Market participants have been significantly impacted, and attitudes toward risk, transparency, regulation, and compensation have changed. Investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms are at the epicenter of a transformed financial landscape, forging new roles and seeking new ways to create value within a paradigm of lower risk and greater regulation. This book provides an overview of investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms and describes the relationships between these organizations: how they both compete with and provide important services to each other, and the significant impact they have on corporations, governments, institutional investors, and individuals. Together, they have reshaped global financing and investing patterns, attracting envy and awe, but also criticism and concern. They dominate the headlines of the financial press and create wealth for many of their managers and investing clients. This book enables readers to better understand these heavily interconnected organizations, their impact on the global financial market, historical development, principal activities, regulatory environment, and risks and opportunities.
Ultimately, the objective of this book is to demystify investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms, revealing their key functions, compensation systems, unique role in wealth creation and risk management and their epic battle for investor funds, and corporate influence. After reading this book, the reader should better understand financial press headlines that herald massive corporate takeovers, corporate shareholder activism, large capital market financings and the myriad strategies, risks, and conflicts in the financial market landscape. The inclusion of case studies and spreadsheet models provides an analytical framework that allows the reader to apply the books lessons to real-world financing, investing, and advisory activities.
Target Audience
The target audience for this book includes MBA, MSF, and Executive MBA students, and upper-level undergraduates who are focused on finance and investments. Investment banking classes can use this book as a primary text and corporate finance, and investments classes can use the book either as a secondary text or as a principal text when focused on hedge funds and private equity. In addition, professionals working at investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms can use the book to broaden understanding of their industry and competitors. Finally, professionals at law firms, accounting firms, and other firms that advise investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms should find this book useful as a resource to better understand and assist their clients.
Distinguishing Features
This book is unique for two reasons. First, it is a product of a long career working for and with investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms, in addition to 12 years of teaching students about these institutions. Second, by addressing all three of these institutions in the same book, and focusing on their simultaneous competition and cooperation with each other, the book provides a more holistic view of the changing boundaries and real-world impact of these institutions than has previously been available.
I wrote this book following a 20-year career as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and UBS, and an additional 4 years at OConnor & Associates, a hedge fund that is now part of UBS. As an investment banker, in addition to completing numerous M&A, debt and equity financing, equity derivative, and convertible transactions with corporate clients, I worked with private equity firms (financial sponsors) as they acquired companies and pursued exit strategies through recapitalizations, M&A sales, and IPOs. Since 2005, I have been a professor of finance at Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management, where I have had the privilege of teaching what I learned during my preacademic career, while completing ongoing research into the ever-changing landscape of investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity. Teaching these subjects in classrooms has provided greater objectivity and the opportunity to refine concepts and make them more relevant to students. This book is therefore a blend of practitioners experience and academic experience, creating an educational offering that more fully opens the door to understanding the key participants in the global financial and advisory markets.