OCEB 2 Certification Guide
Business Process Management - Fundamental Level
Second Edition
Tim Weilkiens
Christian Weiss
Andrea Grass
Kim Nena Duggen
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About the Authors
![Tim Weilkiens is member of the board and trainer at oose Innovative Informatik - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/229396/images/B9780128053522099908/fm01-9780128053522.jpg)
Tim Weilkiens is member of the board and trainer at oose Innovative Informatik eG. He focuses his work on the modeling of systems, software, and enterprises. He represents oose at OMG and he's the co-developer of the certification program OCEB and OCEB2. You can contact him at:
![Christian Weiss is managing consultant at Holisticon AG and engages himself as - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/229396/images/B9780128053522099908/fm02-9780128053522.jpg)
Christian Weiss is managing consultant at Holisticon AG and engages himself as a consultant and coach in business process management, agile project management, and Internet of Things. He particularly focuses on supporting large enterprises in implementing fast, automated business processes, and agile practices. You can contact him at:
![Andrea Grass is a member of oose Innovative Informatik eG For many years she - photo 6](/uploads/posts/book/229396/images/B9780128053522099908/fm03-9780128053522.jpg)
Andrea Grass is a member of oose Innovative Informatik eG. For many years, she has supported enterprises in deploying agile project management. In addition to that, she holds trainings and coachings on business process management and enterprise architectures. You can contact her at:
![Kim Nena Duggen is member of the board and trainer at oose Innovative - photo 7](/uploads/posts/book/229396/images/B9780128053522099908/fm04-9780128053522.jpg)
Kim Nena Duggen is member of the board and trainer at oose Innovative Informatik eG. Her work focuses on business process management, enterprise architectures, organizational development, and mediation between business and IT. You can contact her at:
When our original OCEB BPM certification program was published in 2008, many whom encountered it for the first timeespecially business-oriented domain expertswere surprised to see that a technical organization like OMG would support a two-track structure with one side dedicated exclusively to business. Here at OMG, however, we didn't have any trouble with this because we had confidence that the professionals who wrote the original BPMN specification knew the domain well, and had designed this curriculum to fit its needs. Industry response proved them right, of course, and thousands of BPM professionals have taken these exams and become OCEB Certified over the program's lifetime.
But those BPM experts stayed on at OMG to extend BPMN to version 2.0, and that's why we have evolved our program to OCEB 2. We still have business and technical tracks, of course, but the exams now reflect the inclusion in BPMN 2.0 of distributed processes (with collaboration, conversation, and choreography diagrams), project participants represented by Pools, and other changes, as well as industry advances in quality, metrics, and GRC frameworks. Another important addition: At the intermediate level, on both the business and technical sides, you'll encounter decision modeling using OMG's DMN specificationa specification that, although new when these exams were being written, was already noted for its industry impact.
So, as I've already mentioned, we ended up calling the program OCEBOMG Certified Expert in BPM. But does BPM in this case refer to business process management, or business process modeling? Well, in this case, yes, it does, since the program covers both and, with five examinations and levels has enough space to do the job properly. To see what I'm talking about, take a look at this diagram of the two-track program structure. Most noticeable is the division into business and technical tracks for the upper two levels, but for now we'll focus on the fundamental level at the bottom. It's the subject of this book, of course, but let's consider its importance as a foundation for the upper levels of the program.
You can see the seven major examination topics in the table of contents of this book, or on the OCEB website. They fall into three major categories:
The business itself
Business process modeling using BPMN
Frameworks for process quality, business governance, and metrics
OMG's team of BPM experts included business-oriented topics at this level to ensure that everyone (since this certification is a prerequisite for every other OCEB level) who displays an OCEB certification logo is familiar with the basic concepts of businessgoals and objectives, ways and means, and so onthat will be represented in process diagrams and bring in the money to pay everyone's salary. These topics should be familiar to the folks who work on the business side, but will be new to many of the technical people.