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Christopher Aron - SAP Integration Suite (SAP PRESS)

Here you can read online Christopher Aron - SAP Integration Suite (SAP PRESS) full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2021, publisher: SAP Press, genre: Business. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Christopher Aron SAP Integration Suite (SAP PRESS)

SAP Integration Suite (SAP PRESS): summary, description and annotation

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SAPs integration technologies are now combinedbut what is the SAP Integration Suite, and how do you use it to manage an integrated enterprise landscape? In this book, get the answers to these questions and more as you take a tour of the new suite. Then get step-by-step instructions for using key capabilities such as pre-packaged integrations, open APIs, integration scenarios, the integration advisor, and more. Master the complete integration suite!
* Integrate your enterprise landscape: on-premise and cloud, SAP and non-SAP
* Design integration scenarios with pre-packaged content, APIs, and SaaS connectors
* Configure A2A, B2B, and B2G connections with the integration advisor
The Integration Landscape
Discover SAPs new approach to integration. See how the SAP Integration Suite encompasses a series of integration technologies, including the architecture and complimentary intelligent technologies.
Key Capabilities
Learn about services like SAP API Business Hub for pre-packaged accelerators, the cloud integration service for application integration, the integration advisor for automated integration, and SAP Event Mesh for event-driven integration.
Integration Scenarios
Use integration capabilities to connect your cloud or on-premise systems. Create data flows using prepackaged integrations, perform hybrid integration with APIs, use cloud integration to design, deploy, and run integration flows, and more.
*Pre-packaged integrations
*API management
*Application integration
*Integration advisor
*AI-driven integration
*Third-party integration
*Event-driven integration
*SAP Event Mesh
*Intelligent enterprise

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Christopher Aron, Piyush Gakhar, Shilpa Vij

SAP Integration Suite
Imprint This e-book is a publication many contributed to specifically Editor - photo 1

This e-book is a publication many contributed to, specifically:

Editor Megan Fuerst
Copyeditor Melinda Rankin
Cover Design Graham Geary
Photo Credit iStockphoto.com: 1254825733/ shulz
Production E-Book Hannah Lane
Typesetting E-Book III-satz, Husby (Germany)

We hope that you liked this e-book. Please share your feedback with us and read the to find out how to contact us.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Names: Aron, Christopher, author. | Gakhar, Piyush, author. | Vij, Shilpa,
Title: SAP integration suite / Christopher Aron, Piyush Gakhar, Shilpa Vij.
Description: 1st edition. | Bonn ; Boston : Rheinwerk Publishing, 2021. |
Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021020802 | ISBN 9781493221349 (hardcover) | ISBN
9781493221356 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Business--Data processing. | Integrated software. | SAP
HANA (Electronic resource)
Classification: LCC HD30.2 .A755 2021 | DDC 658.4/038--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021020802

ISBN 978-1-4932-2134-9 (print)
ISBN 978-1-4932-2135-6 (e-book)
ISBN 978-1-4932-2136-3 (print and e-book)

2021 by Rheinwerk Publishing Inc., Boston (MA)
1st edition 2021

Dear Reader,

Bread baking is quite complex. I recently learned that if you want to master the perfect loaf, there are a lot of questions to ask, and a lot of things to buy: Bleached, unbleached, or whole wheat flour? Regular or instant yeast? Kneading by hand or with an electric mixer? Sheet pan or baking stone?

If youre like me, your kitchen may be entirely unprepared for this new hobby. My foray into bread baking required several online purchases and trips to different grocery stores, searching for everything from 00 flour for pizza dough, to molasses powder for bagel dough, to rice flour to keep the doughs from sticking. When it came to tools, I needed a new rolling pin, a wicker proofing basket, a dough scraperthe list goes on. Eventually, I achieved a fully stocked pantry containing everything I might want to integrate into a given bake.

Think of SAP Integration Suite as the fully stocked pantry for your organizations landscape. Prepackaged or custom integrations? Hybrid or cloud? SAP or third party? SAP Integration Suite combines all of the ingredients (or, capabilities) you might need, from Cloud Integration to API Management and beyond. Your guide to using all of these capabilities to create a seamlessly integrated enterprise landscape? This book!

What did you think about SAP Integration Suite ? Your comments and suggestions are the most useful tools to help us make our books the best they can be. Please feel free to contact me and share any praise or criticism you may have.

Thank you for purchasing a book from SAP PRESS!

Megan Fuerst

Rheinwerk Publishing Boston, MA

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In todays fast-paced world, digital transformation has accelerated across industries and businesses globally. Only enterprises that can adapt and execute business transformation strategies quickly can sustain growth. Emerging technologies, digital platforms, and new business models have exponentially fast-tracked the growth and profitability of organizations across regions. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this transition as companies worldwide are engaging with their customers and their supply chains entirely digitally now. To stay ahead of the game, enterprises need to adjust to evolving ecosystem expectations, offer seamless customer experiences, and rapidly improve business operations. Enterprises can do this by intelligently integrating diverse and heterogenous applications, processes, and data.

SAP helps enterprises reinvent themselves as intelligent enterprises. With an integrated and modular suite of applications for many industries, a business network that revolutionizes how businesses collaborate, and a business technology platform, SAP helps enterprises become profitable, resilient, and sustainable best-run businesses. SAP Integration Suite is a vital pillar of SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Integration Suite helps enterprises to integrate end-to-end business processes across a heterogeneous and hybrid landscape.

The authors Shilpa Vij, Piyush Gakhar, and Christopher Aron are knowledgeable practitioners in the integration space, helping our customers simplify and accelerate enterprise integration. This book results from their ongoing engagements with customers and partners and deep understanding of real-world use cases. This book serves as a ready reference for your integration teams to help them solve any enterprise integration challenges to support your digital transformation.

Use SAP Integration Suite to help you reimagine and automate your key business processes. I hope you have an enjoyable read and great success in your journey to becoming an intelligent enterprise. We are always ready to help you so that you can stay up-to-speed and innovate in this ever-changing digital age.

Michael Paul Weingartner
President, SAP Business Technology Platform Core
Technology & Innovation


Welcome to our book on SAP Integration Suite. Integration has always been an important part of customer IT landscapes. In the age of the cloud, hybrid heterogenous landscapes have only exacerbated the need for seamless, flexible, andf easy-to-use integration capabilities, as companies seek to enable digitally enabled business processes to leverage data from multiple sources. We want to provide readers in an integration-centric role a comprehensive guide to SAP Integration Suite that offers a combination of useful perspective and hands-on guidance so that they can optimize their own landscape and simplify integrations.

In this book, weve sought to provide a comprehensive guide. This book starts with an introduction that provides a solid grounding in the underlying business context of integration, as well as an initial overview of SAP Integration Suite and how each element can provide you with the tools you need to be successful. The rest of the book is focused on providing a series of deep dives for each functional area, with guidance on how you can best utilize these capabilities to achieve your integration goals.

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