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Patt Tomas - Trading Rules: Top 10 Day Trading Most Effective Rules

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Patt Tomas Trading Rules: Top 10 Day Trading Most Effective Rules
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Learn everything you need to know to start Trading in the Stock Market today!
Whether you are trading stocks, forex, commodities, options, ETFs... this course will give you the competitive edge you need to increase your trading success!
In this course you are going to learn the ten most powerful rules that distinguish successful traders from average traders.
Along with candlestick analysis, good money management and healthy risk/reward ratio, these rules will help you increase your probabilities of being on right side of the trade before bigger price movements occur.
This course offers an in-depth view of the ten most profitable and effective rules used by successful traders all over the world:
Making a Profit is More Important Than Being Right
Never Add to a Losing Trade
Be Patient with Your Winning Trades
Have a Trading Plan
Know What To Trade and What Not To Trade
Do Not Chase Trades: The Market Will Be There Tomorrow
Do Not Look Back: The What-If-Syndrome
Do Not Try to Pick Tops and Bottoms
Read the Chart Not the News
Keep Your Chart Clean and Simple
This course will give you key information how to use these rules to successfully trade in the market.
New lectures will be added to the course constantly - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow.
Take this course now and learn from my 5+ years of experience. Avoid the most common pitfalls that catch 90% of traders!
Too often beginner traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice needed. As a result they take excessive, expensive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. This course will teach you a very effective way to trade in the market successfully and with confidence.
This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!

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Trading Rules

Patt Tomas

Published by james mugendi, 2017.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


First edition. November 28, 2017.

Copyright 2017 Patt Tomas.

Written by Patt Tomas.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of content

Trading rules

Do you know what distinguishes average traders from successful traders?

  • Successful traders follow 10 powerful and effective rules.
  • Average traders don't.

This course will help you discover:

Those 10 rules

What to trade and when not to

The best time to train and the worst time to trade

How to deal with losing trades

How to be patient with winning trades

How to effectively calculated risk/reward ratio

And so much more.

When applied with discipline those stand rules will help establish a:



Strong trading environment.

If you are ready to start trading successfully this course is that right solution for you.

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T his is the foundation course with a goal to teach students important trading rules that every successful trader around the world follows.

Those rules include:

What to trade and not to trade.

The best time to trade and the worst time to trade.

How to deal with losing trades.

How to be patient with winning trades.

How to effectively calculate risk/reward ratio

And so much more.

Basically, all the information shared in this course is provided for educational purposes only. Trading results can never be guaranteed. this is not an offer to buy or sell stocks, Forex, futures, options, commodities, interests or any other training security.

The information contained within these courses including website pages, videos, reading material, live or recorded events, email transmissions, faxes, recorded voice messages and any other associated messages media is provided for informational and educational purposes only.

With that in mind let's move on to our next chapter.

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I n theory, trading is simple. All you need to do as a trader is to figure out whether the price of a stock commodity or any other thing in security is going to move up or down.

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If you buy, you want the price to move up so you can make money.

If you sell, you expect the price to move down so you can protect your profits.

I n reality the trading game is much more complicated. There are hundreds of factors that can influence the price movement from news and earnings reports, to the reactions of the news and the earnings reports.

From the emotions of greed and excitement to feelings of fear worry or concerns can also be influences.

The bottom line is that no one knows the future.

However successful traders ever develop an eye for where prices might be moving toward and established trading rules to give them a sense of confidence and safety when they're trading.

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T he million-dollar answer to what makes a trader successful is discipline.

After establishing safe trading rules that work for them, successful traders have the discipline to stick to them.

Discipline is the essential element to successful trading. It is the laser beam that keeps traders on their course of action.

what are those rules and what are they based on?

Basically those rules everything to do with risk tolerance and good money management.

The same rules that have worked for them in the past. That have given them safe parameters and allowed them time after time to make healthy trading decisions. This can work for you too.

As a trader, as long as you are within the safe parameters that you have established (the safety area where risk and reward have been well planned.)

You are in your comfort zone and you can make good trading decisions.

Emotions no longer run the show and you have full control of them.

When you have a set of trading rules that you follow:

you know exactly the risk you're taking and that reward the lies ahead if the parameters are met.

you know what to do if the price moves in the right direction and you know when to get out if the price moves against your prediction.

This is the comfort zone that he need to create to become a successful trader.

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T he majority of small investors unfortunately end up with large losses that sit dead in their portfolio.

They blame it on the market and they blame it on the fact that the price they paid for was too high etc.Rarely they take responsibility for their unrealized capital losses.

In the following courses, we have compiled the 10 most powerful trading rules that every successful trader from around award follows, every single time they place a trade.

These rules include mental flexibility for getting out of losing trades before they get too big while avoiding the need to be right, as well as the ability to recognize market reversals and act upon it.

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