Nutritional Strategies
for Healing from Lyme Disease
Dr. Nicola McFadzean
San Diego, California 92119
Copyright 2010 by Nicola McFadzean
ISBN: 978-0-9825138-3-5 Distributed by
Published by:
Legacy Line Publishing
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The Lyme Diet is a trademark of RestorMedicine.
RestorMedicine is an integrative medical facility specializing in tick-borne illness and autistic-spectrum disorders. It serves to bridge the gap between conventional medical approaches and natural therapeutics offering individuals a range of treatment modalities and a comprehensive philosophy of care.
Dr. Nicola McFadzean is the founder and medical director of RestorMedicine. She has formulated a range of natural herbs and supplements geared toward Lyme disease and autism under her label RestorNaturals.
Printed in the United States of America.
Please remember, this guide is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from your personal physician. Readers are advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professionals regarding treatment of their specific medical issues. Neither the publisher nor author take any responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, action or application of medicine, supplement, herb or preparation taken by any person reading or following the information in this book. If readers are taking prescription medications, they should not take themselves off their medications to start supplementation without the proper supervision of a physician.
I dedicate this book to my patients in honor of their courageous struggles and in gratitude for allowing me to walk alongside them.
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Lyme disease, as doctors and patients alike have come to discover the hard way, takes on the whole body. It hits every system, downloading into all of the organs and tissues. It morphs into cysts and intracellular blebs. Yet although the organism is weakened, proper nutrients can directly suppress this nasty bug and strengthen the body as a whole. The Lyme Diet begins with this understanding.
Dr. Nicola McFadzean is an authority on the subject of nutritional support for Lyme disease. I first met Dr. Nicola in 2003, and since that time I have referred many patients to her, not only for nutritional guidance, but also for hormonal regulation, detoxification and immune support. I respect her highly as a Lyme-literate Naturopathic Physician.
Lyme disease is reaching epidemic proportions. We see patients from every part of the United States and much farther afield, including Mexico, the Caribbean, Brazil, Australia and the entire Asian continent. Russia is a Lyme mess, with spillage into Eastern and Western Europe. Many practitioners and researchers postulate a link between new Lyme cases and the rising incidence of M.S.
These patients are complex with complex diseases, but we have a few tools:
a) antibiotics, usually in high doses for a long time. This attracts a barrage of criticism causes resistance, dangerous, too expensive, or what happened to my kidneys?;
b) immune supportive therapies, usually as herbs and homeopathic remedies;
c) detoxification strategies, ranging from physical modalities, to herbs, energetics and nutraceuticals; and
d) physiologic normalization therapies, which aim to restore the proper balance of nutrients to allow optimal system function.
As demonstrated in The Lyme Diet, nutrition works not only in the realm of physiologic normalization therapies, that is, strengthening the host. It also plays a vital role in offsetting side effects of antibiotics, bolstering the immune system, aiding detoxification, decreasing inflammation, healing the gut, alkalinizing the blood and preventing candida overgrowth.
The Lyme Diet can be used as a reference for quick shopping tips which foods to seek out, which to avoid as well as a rapid glance at specific nutrient requirements and instructions on easy meal preparation. It can be read and re-read to learn how certain food choices lead to desired outcomes.
Dr. Nicola discusses appropriate protein, carbohydrate and fat ingestion, peppered with excellent recipes and detailed meal and snack suggestions. Her writing style is warm and natural as she gracefully bounces from one topic to the next. The content is detailed and extensive but can be glanced at quickly with salient points highlighted at the end of high-density topics. She offers specific nutritional supplements for immune support, adrenal function and fatigue. Her resource chapter at the end offers a more in-depth study of the subjects and provides excellent time-saving advice.
As a highly skilled, Lyme-literate Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Nicolas advice on supplements and nutrition is an authoritative perspective in a sea of confusing choices. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has Lyme disease or knows someone who is struggling with the illness.
Steven J. Harris, M.D.
Pacific Frontier Medical, Inc.
A Note from the Author
Navigating the most appropriate diet for a Lyme disease patient can be difficult, but good nutrition is such a crucial part of any treatment regimen that it is well worth addressing. Food is incredibly important. It sustains us, nourishes us, and can heal us. Food is medicine . It should be one of the most important factors in your treatment program. In fact, you should begin thinking of every single thing you put in your mouth as medicine. Would you take an antibiotic or drug if you knew it was toxic, and you also knew it would have no beneficial effect on your Lyme disease? Probably not. So why eat low nutritional value, toxic foods that have the potential to harm you and add absolutely no benefit to your body except for additional calories?
It is futile to spend copious amounts of time and money on doctor visits, medications, supplements and other treatments only to neglect the quality of foods you put into your body. Unfortunately, even with the best intentions, many people just do not know what the optimal diet is for them. With Lyme-brain, it is almost impossible to wade through the plethora of available diets and information without becoming overwhelmed. I understand, and it is the purpose of this book to make it easier for you.
I believe that the body has the incredible power of self-healing. It knows what it needs to heal-sometimes we just need to get out of the way! To heal, you must remove the obstacles to healing. In a nutritional sense, that means taking away the foods that bring the body down and supplying it with healthy vibrant raw materials that it can use to produce strong immune cells, healthy neurons and strong muscle fibers.