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Anna Mantzaris - 1,001 Things You Didnt Know You Wanted to Know

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Anna Mantzaris 1,001 Things You Didnt Know You Wanted to Know
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From short-lived celebrity marriages to athlete nicknames, here is a trivia book that eclipses all others. It isnt useless information, nor is it the conventional trivia that you might expect to find anywhere else. In short, it is all the stuff that you didnt even know that you wanted to know. Fortunately we have made it our business to know what you didnt know that you wanted to know in order to include it into this book. Choosing material that we anticipate you didnt know you wanted to know was a significant challenge. We were required to make a distinction between four things: stuff you wanted to know, but knew you wanted to know; things that you didnt know but knew you didnt know and didnt want to; things you didnt know, didnt know you didnt know, but wouldnt want to even if you did; and most elusive of all, things you didnt know you even wanted to know, but would soon discover that you wanted to, once you knew them. It is this stuff that appears in this book. If there is anything that you feel strongly that you now know you didnt know you wanted to know that isnt here, please let us know.

Anna Mantzaris: author's other books

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Fall River Press and the distinctive Fall River Press logo are registered - photo 1Fall River Press and the distinctive Fall River Press logo are registered - photo 2 Fall River Press and the distinctive Fall River Press logo are registered trademarks of Barnes & Noble, Inc. 2006 by JW Cappelens Forlag under license from Gusto Company AS Designed by Allen Boe All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-4351-3902-2 (e-book) 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 For information about custom editions, special sales, and premium and corporate purchases, please contact Sterling Special Sales at 800-805-5489 or specialsales@sterlingpublishing.com. www.sterlingpublishing.com INTRODUCTION From annoying clichs to electoral vote counts, here is a trivia book that eclipses all others. It isnt full of just the conventional trivia you might expect to find everywhere else.

Instead, it has all the stuff that you didnt even know that you wanted to know. Fortunately, we have made it our business to know what you didnt know that you wanted to know in order to include it in this book. Choosing material that we anticipate you didnt know you wanted to know was a significant challenge. We were required to make a distinction between four things: stuff you wanted to know, and knew you wanted to know; things that you didnt know, but knew you didnt know and didnt want to; things you didnt know, didnt know you didnt know, but wouldnt want to know if you did; and, most elusive of all, things you didnt know you even wanted to know, but would soon discover that you wanted to, once you knew them. It is this stuff that appears in this book. If there is anything that you feel strongly that you now know you didnt know you wanted to know that isnt hereplease let us know.

TELEVISION The Cosby Show ran on NBC for eight seasons (1984-1992). The Huxtable Kids on the show were: Sondra Denise Theo (Theodore) Vanessa Rudy Remember the popular television show The Waltons (1972-1981), set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia? Can you name all of the family members? Zebulon Walton (grandfather) Esther Walton (grandmother) John Walton (father) Olivia Walton (mother) John Walton Junior (eldest son, known as John Boy) Jason Walton (son) Mary-Ellen Walton Willard Jones (eldest daughter) Ben Walton (son) Erin Esther Walton Northridge (daughter) James Robert Walton (youngest son, known as Jim-Bob) Elizabeth Walton The first Miss World competition took place in 1951. The winner was Kiki Haakonson from Sweden. Laura Ellison-Davies (from the U.K.) was the first runner up. Cable television was first introduced in Pennsylvania in 1948. WHERE IT HAPPENS: FICTIONAL SETTINGS FOR DAY-TIME TELEVISION SOAP OPERAS:

General HospitalPort Charles
All My ChildrenPine Valley
One Life to LiveLlanview
The Young and the RestlessGenoa City
The Bold and the BeautifulCedarville
Rock Hudson played the President of the United States in the mini-series World War III in 1982. WHERE IT HAPPENS: FICTIONAL SETTINGS FOR DAY-TIME TELEVISION SOAP OPERAS:
General HospitalPort Charles
All My ChildrenPine Valley
One Life to LiveLlanview
The Young and the RestlessGenoa City
The Bold and the BeautifulCedarville
Rock Hudson played the President of the United States in the mini-series World War III in 1982.

Daytime television talk show host Oprah Winfrey was the first African-American woman to anchor Nashvilles WVTF-TV. She was nineteen years old. Approximately 23 million people watch The Oprah Winfrey Show each week in the United States. The television show Bewitched aired from 1964 to 1972. The show was set in the upscale community of Westport, Connecticut. M*A*S*H, the television series, ran from 1972 to 1983. M*A*S*H, the television series, ran from 1972 to 1983.

A less popular series was the spin-off entitled After M*A*S*H, which ran from 1983 to 1985. M.A.S.H. is the acronym for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital Unit. Aaron Spellings Beverly Hills 90210 aired for 293 episodes. 40% of Americans watch television while they eat dinner. The animated show South Park was created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

First started on the internet, the show began airing in 1997 on cable channel Comedy Central. MTVs first season of the reality show The Real World (1992) was filmed in New York City. The first seven participants picked to Live in a house and have their lives taped, and find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real were: Andre Comeau (singer/songwriter) Rebecca Blasband (singer/songwriter) Eric Nies (model/actor) Heather B. Gardner (hip-hop artist) Julie Oliver (dancer) Kevin Powell (journalist/activist) Norman Korpi (visual artist) Contestants of CBSs Survivor could be eliminated for breaking any of the following rules: Entering the production area Breaking the law Missing an Island Council Damaging the island environment The Miss America pageant began in 1921. The pageant was first televised in 1954. It was first televised in color in 1966.

The first name of Mr. Rogers, of the childrens show Mister Rogers, was Fred. MOVIES The 1986 film Top Gun, directed by Tony Scott, launched the careers of some leading celebrities including: Tom Cruise as Lt. Pete Maverick Mitchell Kelly McGillis as Charlotte Charlie Blackwood Val Kilmer as Lt. Tom Iceman Kazanski Anthony Edwards as Lt. Nick Goose Bradshaw Tim Robbins as Lt.

Sam Merlin Wells Meg Ryan as Carole Bradshaw ACTRESS TERI GARR HAS BEEN CREDITED IN FILMS AS: Terry Carr Terri Garr Terry Garr Teri Hope Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Disneys first animated feature film. It premiered in 1937. Ask your friendsmost of them cant name the Seven Dwarfs: Doc Dopey Sneezy Happy Sleepy Bashful Grumpy The Annual Saturn Awards are handed out by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. Director Jim Jarmusch made his first film Permanent Vacation in 1980 with a - photo 4 Director Jim Jarmusch made his first film, Permanent Vacation, in 1980 with a budget of approximately $15,000. India produces more movies per year than the United States. The real name of the film comedians, the Marx Brothers, were as follows: Groucho: Julius Harpo: Adolph Chico: Leonard Zeppo: Herbert The fifth Marx brother, Gummo (Milton), was the only one who did not appear in any of the Marx Brothers films.

The famous Hollywood sign in Los Angeles originally read Hollywoodland. In 1929, there were 20,000 movie theaters in the United States. The first drive-in movie theater in America opened in Camden, New Jersey in 1933. Admission was twenty cents for each person and twenty-five cents for the car. The first movie theater in the United States opened in New Orleans in 1896. Admission was ten cents.

The top five movie songs of all time, as chosen by a poll of jurors from The American Film Institute, are (in order of popularity): Over the Rainbow (

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