Fit Pregnancy For Dummies
by Catherine Cram and Tere Stouffer Drenth
Fit Pregnancy For Dummies
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About the Authors
Catherine Cram is an exercise physiologist who specializes in prenatal and postpartum fitness. Her consulting company, Comprehensive Fitness Consulting, LLC, provides maternal fitness certificate training courses for health and fitness professionals. Shes an expert advisor to and writes for Baby Years,Pregnancy,Womens Health and Fitness, and Catherine has been featured in prenatal fitness articles for Fit Pregnancy, Parenting, Glamour, Babytalk, and The American Journal of Medicine and Sports, and is a contributing author of Womens Health Care in Physical Therapy: Principles and Practices for Rehabilitation Specialists (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins). You can contact her at .
Tere Stouffer Drenth is both a full-time writer and a semiprofessional runner who works, trains, hikes, and lives in northern Michigan. A former cross-country All-American, Tere (which rhymes with Mary) writes about fitness and the outdoors in the hope that people of all ages and backgrounds will challenge themselves physically and reap the many rewards of exercise. She is the author of Marathon Training For Dummies (Wiley) and several other books. You can reach her at .
From Cathy: To the many women who have generously shared their unique and enlightening insights on pregnancy and motherhood with me through the years. Also to Beverly and Ramon Cram for their consistent support and encouragement. And in loving remembrance of Bertina Mikkelson.
From Tere: To all women who bravely undertake motherhood and dare to become and stay fit during those physically demanding 40 weeks of pregnancy.
Authors Acknowledgments
Writing a book requires an entire team of professionals, and were fortunate to have worked with the best. Natasha Graf, acquisitions editor at Wiley, first championed the idea of publishing this book and shared her vision with Joyce Pepple, acquisitions director, and Diane Steele, publisher, who gave their stamp of approval. Chrissy Guthrie, project editor, then took over the reins and skillfully drove this project to completion, despite some bumps in the road. Copy editor Kristin DeMint made the text flow smoothly and sound so much better. And Barbara Moore, production coordinator, managed the layout and proofreading of this project.
Special thanks to Ellen Houston, Natalie Hagen, Ann Wilson, Karen Dettinger, Joan Bonazza, Tina Lemon, Lorie Cahn, and Lana Turner for their assistance and for providing a humorous and honest view into the real world of motherhood.
We also want to send many thanks to our models Barbara and Rachel Boulden, Lisa and Annika Sanborn, Jennifer Folmer, and Sheila Erbach McGinn and our photographer, John Urban. Thanks to the University of Wisconsin Health Sports Medicine Center in Madison, Wisconsin, for the use of its facility and assistance of its staff during our photo shoot.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at .
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development