Copyright 2017 by Emma Silverman
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To YY, unreasonably
Table of Contents
This is the book you were wondering if you were ready forand Im here to tell you that, yes, you are ready. Youve been doing yoga consistently for a few months, or on and off for a number of years. Maybe youve been practicing for even longer. There are poses that you see other students doing and you wonder: CAN MY BODY DO THAT?
In my first book, THE JOY OF YOGA, I created a series of sequences for everyday needs and experiences. Belly ache? Check. Waiting for the water to boil? Sure thing. In this book, Im kicking it up a notch. In YOGA TWISTS AND TURNS, the sequences lead to specific intermediate and advanced poses regularly taught in yoga classes that may seem out of reach. Worried about trying to Flip Your Dog in a room filled with yogis? First flip to for Wild Thing in the Heart Openers chapter, where Ill tell you an exact series of postures that will warm up your body to safely move into the ASANA. Curious about how to practice some of your favorite studio poses at home, but without throwing your back out? Here are sequences that will teach you how to prep for a pose in your living room, on the beach, or wherever it is you get your yoga on.
The book is divided thematically into five chapters with ten unique challenge poses per chapter. The final sequence of the book is a restorative series of poses that perfectly top off any sequence (SAVASANA, of course, included). If youre looking to try out a particular pose, turn to that page and follow the sequence. Afterward, either flow with the cooldown of your choosing or follow the restorative sequence. If youre looking for a mood more than a pose, then head to the chapter that sounds yummiest and roll out your mat.
As with any intense physical practice, check in with your yoga teacher or physician before trying these poses. This book teaches the warm-ups for the yoga poses, but does not go into their correct alignment (there are a ton of great books out there that do that!). Its best that you see these poses in the studio first before refining and mastering them at home. If you see a pose in this book youve never seen in the studio (but looks pretty sweet), ask about it! We yoga teachers love to talk about yoga (A LOT).
The practice of yoga teaches us to live in the moment and to be present throughout all of lifes twists and turns. Your yoga practice is ready to experience MORE stretch, MORE strength, and MORE poses. That way youll be ready for anythingon or off the mat. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into YOGA TWISTS AND TURNS, starting now!
Sun Salutations
While the origins of the Sun Salutations (SURYA NAMASKAR) might be debatable, the ubiquity of this series in the modern-day yoga studio is definite. The sequence of poses that are shown here are practiced in a style of yoga called ASHTANGA. That said, numerous variations exist and have similar health and wellness benefits.
There are a couple of reasons that these two sequences are set aside from the rest. Primarily, I will sometimes refer to the Sun Salutations as a step in a larger sequence without writing out each individual pose within the Sun Salutations. That way, you can flip back to this page as a reference while youre still learning the Sun Salutations and later you can move through the flow without needing to check. In addition, this fun and vibrant sequence is usually practiced as a warm-up to other yoga poses, but can be a great stand-alone sequence if you only have a few minutes to spare and could use a yoga wake-up call.
Feel free to add in a Sun Salutations (or twelve) to any sequence in this book. Youll feel more energized, fired up, and radiantjust like the sun!
Sun Salutations A
Sun Salutations B
Ground Down
Standing Poses
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
The more literal translation of this poses name (from Sanskrit to English) is Intense Side Stretch Pose. They arent kidding. This posture provides an amazing hamstring stretch while simultaneously lengthening the spine and allowing the neck to release. Although there are many modifications for this posture available to all levels of yoga students, the full version of this pose has the hands pressed together behind the back in reverse prayer position (ANJALI MUDRA). This sequence will help prep your wrists and legs for an Intense Stretch!
- TADASANA (Mountain Pose)
- SURYA NAMASKAR A (Sun Salutation Asee ). Repeat 6 times.
- UTKATASANA (Chair Pose)
- PARIVRTTA UTKATASANA (Revolved Chair Pose). Repeat on other side.
- UTTANASANA (Standing Forward Fold). Hold for 23 minutes.
- URDHVA HASTASANA (Upward Hands Pose). Note: Reach one hand higher and then the other, alternating side stretches.
- TRIKONASANA (Triangle Pose). Repeat on other side.
- PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA (Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold)
- BADDHA KONASANA (Bound Angle Pose)
- GOMUKHASANA (Cow Face Pose). Repeat other side.
- PASCHIMOTTANASANA (Seated Forward Fold)
- PARSVOTTANASANA (Pyramid Pose). Repeat on other side.
Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)
In my classes, I like to say that poses should feel at least one of two ways: either good or good for you. Lets just say that, in my experience, Revolved Triangle Pose feels really, really good for me. While youre getting the hang of this abdominal twist, shoulder opener, and leg strengthener, I recommend using a block for the lower hand and keeping the top hand on the lower back.
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