7-Day Menu Planner For Dummies
by Susan Nicholson, RD/LD
7-Day Menu Planner For Dummies
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About the Author
Susan Nicholson is a columnist, speaker, cookbook author, and consultant in the area of food and nutrition. Her weekly syndicated column from Universal Uclick, The 7-Day Menu Planner, is a practical, quick, healthy eating guide for budget-minded families. Nicholsons columns appear in newspapers with total circulations of more than 6 million.
Known for her humorous, down-to-earth style and creative, healthy recipes, Nicholson has appeared more than 125 times on Atlanta network television and on CNN and The Discovery Channel. She also has participated in many radio and newspaper interviews.
The 7-Day Menu Planner began in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in 1995. Before Nicholson began writing the column, she owned and operated a microwave specialty store and cooking school. She attended La Varenne Ecole de Cuisine in Paris. Her book, Save Your Heart with Susan Six Easy Steps to Cooking Delicious Healthy Meals in a Microwave, was published in January 1991 (William Morrow & Co.).
Prior to her full-time culinary endeavors, Nicholson held regional sales positions with Mead Johnsons Nutritional Division and the former Marriott Corp.s Contract Food Services Division.
Nicholson is a registered and licensed dietitian and a member of the American Dietetic Association and the International Association of Culinary Professionals. She is a member of the Association of Food Journalists. Nicholson also is a founding member and past president of the Atlanta chapter of Les Dames dEscoffier.
Nicholson is a native of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and now lives in Atlanta.
For musings, misadventures, and more from Susan, visit the Making the Menu blog at www.makingthemenu.com, and find more menus at www.7daymenuplanner.com. Follow Susan on Twitter at http://twitter.com/7DayMenu.
To my family here on earth, Nick, also known as Cupcake and the Virgo, and our four-legged children, Smoke and Flash, feline brothers who are destined to rule the universe.
And to my mother, Mary Rupp Orebaugh, the woman who taught me more than anyone, in and out of the kitchen. I wish she were here on earth to read this book. It would make her laugh. And, to our first four-legged children, Magnolia Blossom and Casey Bubba, neither of whom ever missed a meal.
Authors Acknowledgments
To friends who were always ready for test meals, no matter what was on the menu, even Christmas brunch on Labor Day. To Vicki Adang and Brooke Goetz, my Wiley and Universal Uclick editors who dragged so much information out of my brain for this book that I will have to take a nap every afternoon for the rest of my life. Of course, Christy Pingleton, my copy editor, and Emily Bailey, RD, who were right there, making all the copy perfect and the details accurate. Then there are those two editors for my newspaper column, the 7-Day Menu Planner: Alan McDermott, my editor for 10 years, who never saw a piece of butter he didnt like nor a peanut that he did, and Gillian Titus, my current editor, who loves kitties almost as much as I do, which makes her a good person all around. And, she would certainly catch my mistakes (should I ever make any). Of course, hats off to Lee Salem, who discovered me in the first place. I owe you all so much.
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