Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wiedman, Doug, 1964
Bowling : steps to success / Doug Wiedman. -- Second edition.
pages cm
1. Bowling. I. Title.
GV903.W48 2015
ISBN: 978-1-4504-9790-9 (print)
Copyright 2015, 2006 by Human Kinetics, Inc.
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Dedicated to the thousands of students I have enjoyed working with over the years who have made my efforts worthwhile, and to my family who (with no small amount of patience) has shared my passion for playing and teaching the sport of bowling.
Climbing the Steps to Bowling Success
Welcome to the newest edition of Bowling: Steps to Success. This edition retains many of the features that have made the Steps to Success series of instructional books so successful. Updated discussions of some of the newer aspects of the modern game make this edition more pertinent and applicable to a wider range of technique preferences. Ideally, both traditionalists and modernists will find satisfaction in the concepts presented.
Bowling: Steps to Success is written to suit the needs of bowlers of many skill levels. People new to the sport benefit from the systematic instruction, which can be adjusted to suit each bowlers rate of development. Experienced players will find that each step isolates a particular element of the game, helping troubleshoot weak spots and guiding them to more advanced techniques. Instructors will find the concept discussions, skill descriptions, and practice drills necessary to develop a course.
Bowling: Steps to Success provides a systematic approach to playing and teaching the sport. Follow this sequence as you work through each step:
- Read the explanation of the skill emphasized in each step. Understand why the skill is important and how to execute or perform it.
- Follow the photo demonstrations.
- Review the missteps, which note common errors and corrections.
- Perform the drills. Skills improve through repetition and purposeful practice. Read the directions and record your score. Many of the drills appear near the relevant skill discussion, so you can access information more easily if you have trouble with the drill.
Bowling:Steps to Success presents instruction in a specific order. The ordering of the steps for this edition has changed slightly from the previous edition. If you are going on a journey (footwork), it makes sense that you should know the destination (finish position) ahead of time. The discussion of the finish position comes immediately after the discussion of the initial movement. The discussion of the initial movement now merits its own step. Subsequent chapters (footwork, timing, arm swing) expand on the details that connect a bowlers start and his or her finish. The order of the steps more closely represents the order in which skills are developed.
Each skill-specific step discusses principles that influence the nature of the movement, followed by sport-specific descriptions of the movement. Progressive practice drills are included. The order the drills are presented and the evaluation checklist particular to each drill establish a practical and easily understood path to skill development. Illustrations and charts enhance the text to provide a fuller understanding of concepts. Later steps discuss spare-shooting strategies, recognizing and adapting to lane conditions, and developing physical versatility that allows the athlete to learn strategies and techniques to cope with a wide range of performance demands.
A significant feature of this edition is the use of color photographs instead of the line drawings used previously. Drawings exhibit artistic interpretation and may not precisely convey the authors intent. Photos of athletes demonstrating the skills discussed in each step allow readers to better visualize how they should perform the skill themselves.
The goals of Bowling: Steps to Success are to facilitate skill development, promote an appreciation of the game, and inspire lifelong involvement. Increased scoring potential and the achievement of personal goals drive an athlete to pursue even higher levels of performance. With the development of knowledge and skill comes a deeper appreciation for the challenges of the game. If doing something is enjoyable, then doing it well goes beyond mere enjoymentit becomes a satisfying experience. Successful implementation of the concepts discussed gives the reader this opportunity.
The intent of Bowling: Steps to Success is to provide the why as well as the how for the sport. It is hoped that your possession of this book demonstrates a willingness to accept the challenges of the game. With Bowling: Steps to Success as your guide, every bowling outing presents a chance to develop skills, conquer the challenges of bowling, and increase your enjoyment of the sport.
Throughout life, many sources of information and inspiration contribute to ones success. This is a small sampling of those influences in my bowling life. Those friends and colleagues listed below deserve particular acknowledgement for the help and support in making this book a reality.
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