Low-Calorie Dieting For Dummies
by Susan McQuillan, MS, RD
Low-Calorie Dieting For Dummies
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About the Author
Susan McQuillan, a registered dietitian, writes about food, nutrition, and weight control from her home in New York City. She received her bachelors degree in dietetics management from New York University and her masters degree in human nutrition from Hunter College, both in Manhattan. She was formerly a food and nutrition editor at American Health magazine and Readers Digest general books division. Susan is the author of Breaking the Bonds of Food Addiction (Alpha/Penguin) and a contributor to many health and nutrition-related books and cookbooks. Her articles and recipes have appeared in Womans Day, Family Circle, Cooking Light, Prevention, Fitness, Womens Sports and Fitness, McCalls, and Fit Pregnancy magazines.
To Molly, who never misses a meal, but who often has to wait for dinner while her mom is helping other people find better ways to eat.
Authors Acknowledgments
First, I must thank my acquisitions editor, Mikal Belicove, who recommended that I write this book and then worked very hard to get it off the ground. My project editor, Georgette Beatty, was my best motivator throughout this project, showering me with words of praise and encouragement at every turn. Thank you, Georgette! Many thanks also to Chad Sievers, copy editor extraordinaire, for ensuring clarity and adding a touch of humor, and to Emily Nolan and Patty Santelli, for double-checking the accuracy and taste of the recipes and making sure my calorie counts were correct.
Im in great debt to every dieter who has ever shared his or her weight-loss story with me and every weight-control expert who understands that its not just about the food. Your contributions are invaluable.
Much gratitude goes, as always, to the ever-growing list of people who provide me with such generous amounts of friendship and support. Special thanks to David Ricketts, Dui Seid, Ray Robbenolt, Lorraine Kenny, Sally Xuereb, Juliette Knight, Andrea Sperling, Esther and Jaimie Meyers, and last, but never least, my mother, Irene McQuillan.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Georgette Beatty
Acquisitions Editor: Mikal Belicove
Copy Editor: Chad R. Sievers
Technical Editor: Stacey Lyn Faryna, RD, ACSM Health/Fitness Instructor
Recipe Tester: Emily Nolan
Nutritional Analyst: Patty Santelli
Editorial Manager: Michelle Hacker
Editorial Assistants: Hanna Scott, Nadine Bell
Cover Photo: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com)
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