Dieting For Dummies, Pocket Edition
by Jane Kirby, RD,
for the American Dietetic
Dieting For Dummies, Pocket Edition
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Does the world really need another book on dieting? More important, do you? Plenty of diet books make promises that this one doesnt. Lots tell you that losing weight and keeping it off is easy and effortless when you know their secrets. Well, we have a secret to tell you that the other books wont: Dieting gimmicks, such as banning pasta, dont work. And thats precisely why you need this book. Its not about fad plans or take-it-off-quick schemes. Its about balancing healthful eating and exercise for a lifetime.
Another so-called secret that the other books dont tell you is that when you know the facts about how the exercise you do and the foods you eat regulate your weight, you can drop pounds and keep them off without ever eating another grapefruit unless you like grapefruit, of course. We believe that knowledge is power: the power to choose to lose. Thats what this book is all about.
You Can Trust Us
We know about losing weight, and this is what we bring to the table:
The American Dietetic Association is the largest organization of food and nutrition professionals in the world, with nearly 70,000 members. In other words, you can look to us for the most scientifically sound food and nutrition information available. Our members, with their extensive educational background, apply their knowledge of food, nutrition, culinary arts, physiology, biochemistry, anatomy, and psychology to help you translate nutrition recommendations into practical, clear, and straightforward advice.
We cant offer you a magic bullet to melt your extra pounds away, but we can provide a weight-loss and exercise plan thats realistic enough to last a lifetime. Since 1917, we have been serving the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition, health, and well-being by emphasizing a diet that includes variety, balance, moderation, and taste.
Jane Kirby is a registered dietitian and a member of the ADA. She is the food and nutrition editor of Real Simple magazine. She was the nutrition editor at Glamour magazine for 15 years and the editor-in-chief of Eating Well magazine. Shes interviewed Doctors Ornish, Sears, Pritikin, and Atkins over the years. And she confesses to having been on all their diets plus others. As Jane puts it: