42 Alignment of Spine
44 Breath & Awareness
46 Pelvic Floor Stretches
48 Sitting Chair Stretches
50 From Sitting to Standing
52 Sitting Stretches
54 Wide-Open Stretches
56 Easy Kneeling Stretches
58 Adapted Kneeling Stretches
60 Advanced Kneeling Stretches
62 Tree Pose
64 Standing Hip Openers
66 Sun Salutation
70 Supported Triangle to Moon
72 Advanced Triangle to Moon
74 Supported Archer to Warrior 1
76 Advanced Archer to Warrior 3
80 Standing Twists
82 Strong Centering Poses
8 Why Yoga in Pregnancy?
10 Stages of Pregnancy
12 Foundations of Practice
16 Create Your Own Yoga Practice
20 Basic Pelvic Alignment
22 Spinal Rolls
24 Sitting Stretches
26 The Thunderbolt
28 Easy Triangle
30 Shoulder Stretches
32 Breath & Awareness
34 Adapted Shoulder Stand
36 Relax, Open, Nurture
38 Special Applications
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84 Breathing Techniques
86 Active Relaxation
88 Relaxation
90 Special Applications
96 Alignment of Spine
98 Sun Salutation
102 Circular Stretches
104 Warrior to Wall
106 Yoga Dances
108 Sitting Stretches
110 Wide Kneeling Stretches
112 Yoga for Better Sleep
114 Special Applications
116 Stretching for Birth
118 Yoga for Labor
122 Breath, Visualization, and Sound for Birth
128 First Relaxations
130 Comfortable Baby Feeding
132 Inner Toning
134 Gentle Back Stretches
136 Standing Tall
138 Chair Yoga Twists
140 Kneeling Stretches
142 Kneeling Sun Salutation
144 Standing Open Twist and Forward Bend
146 Standing Sun Salutation
150 Twists & Bends
152 Bridge to Rolling Plow
154 Relaxation
156 Special Applications
158 Index
159 Acknowledgments
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The ancient self-help system of yoga promotes mental
and physical well-being and balance, which is vital during
times of transition or uncertainty. Your experience of being
pregnant and giving birth will involve great physical and emotional
changes, and knowing how to use and adapt yoga techniques to
breathe, move, and relax during this time will help you lay deep
foundations for decades of mothering.
Grace, beauty, strength, energy, and firmness
adorn the body through yoga.
Yoga Sutra III, 47
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Becoming a mother is a very personal adventure. Although your health-care provider monitors your
health and your babys growth through pregnancy, yoga brings a calm strength and inner balance that
enables you to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. Whether you are an accomplished yogi, a gym
addict, or new to exercise, you will find that yoga is a wonderful and valuable asset in pregnancy.
Adapting yoga poses to suit pregnancy varies between
different schools of yoga, but all stress the importance
of relaxation and taking safety precautions. This book
supports continuity in your motherhood journey with
yoga from the early weeks of pregnancy to the fourth
month after birth. However fit and experienced at
yoga you may be, gentle yoga is best in pregnancy to
help you tone muscles deeply, promoting the elasticity
and resilience needed to make space for your baby and
recover your core well-being after giving birth.
Your pelvic floor muscles, which form a multiplex
hammock of muscles attached to your lower back
and abdominal muscles, require specific training to
give your uterus and other organs optimal support
in pregnancy. Deep breathing and exercises prepare
these muscles to become birthing muscles by
increasing their elasticity. You will learn to recognize,
isolate, and activate different muscle groups so that you
can use them most effectively during the birth. Your
aim is to birth lightlymaking use of your breath
to control these muscles and increase the efficacy of
uterine contractions while keeping the rest of your
body relaxed. Whatever individual needs you have
during the birth, this yoga practice will allow you to
release any fear and tension as your baby is born.
Toning with your breath is the main focus of the
adapted yoga in this book. Your breath is one of yogas
main tools of discovery and connection; with it, you
become increasingly self-aware and step lightly through
the life-changing experience of motherhood.
Instead of relying on willpower to feel in control
during pregnancy and birth, use yoga to help you listen
to your body and respond calmly. Relaxation with deep
breathing is an effective way to soothe discomforts or
disturbing emotions early, before they require further
intervention. A greater awareness of your breathing
rhythms as you stretch and relax also nurtures you,
creating a sense of well-being and contentment that
extends through you to your baby, your partner, and