Winning Quickly with 1.b3 and 1...b6
Ilya Odessky
Winning Quickly with 1.b3 and 1...b6
Odesskys Sparkling Lines and Deadly Traps
New In Chess 2020
2020 New In Chess
Published by New In Chess, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the publisher.
Cover design: Buro Blikgoed
Supervision: Peter Boel
Translation: Steve Giddins
Editing and typesetting: Ren Olthof
Proofreading: Dennis Keetman
Production: Anton Schermer
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Please send your remarks to and implement them in a possible next edition.
ISBN: 978-90-5691-890-3
Explanation of symbols
The chessboard with its coordinates:
| White to move |
| Black to move |
King |
Queen |
Rook |
Bishop |
Knight |
| White stands slightly better |
| Black stands slightly better |
| White stands better |
| Black stands better |
+ | White has a decisive advantage |
+ | Black has a decisive advantage |
= | balanced position |
! | good move |
!! | excellent move |
? | bad move |
?? | blunder |
!? | interesting move |
?! | dubious move |
N | novelty |
| initiative |
| attack |
| counterplay |
| compensation |
unclear |
In place of a foreword: 12 diagrams
What would you play as White here?
Captures on d5 or e6 are threatened, whilst 17...0-0-0 leads to immediate mate: 18.xa6+ d7 19.xf7+ xd6 20.xe6. What should Black do?
Assess the strength of the continuation 14.f4 d4 15.a4.
White plays and wins: 16.xf7+! xf7 17.g5+ with mate in all lines.
However, I played 16.g5, having in mind: 16...bxa1 17.xh7#, 16...xf6 17.xf7+ g8 18.b3 bxa1 19.xh7+ f8 20.xa1 and 16...xf6 17.xf7+ g8 18.xh7+ h8 19.h5! bxa1+ 20.e2 f8 21.xf8+! xf8 22.g8+! as happened in the game. Where is the hole in my calculations?
The f7-square is attacked. What can Black do?
Find the only move for Black. When youve found it, show it to your nearest and dearest.
Assess the consequences of 12.b5.
Whites eyes are popping out at the numerous tempting possibilities. Choose one of them the masterly choice, not a mistaken one.
Play the tune, but without any false notes!
Find the strongest move for White. The answer But doesnt any move suffice? is not acceptable.
Inspiration cant be trained. But you can provide the right prerequisites. Good music, gourmet food, good conversation, a stupid feel-good film. Whatever is convenient.
Then give yourself half an hour, better still, an hour. Clear the room of strangers. Set this position up. White to play...
What plan should White choose? Describe its general characteristics. Then give concrete variations.
The leitmotif of the first two examples is stereotyped thinking and the joy of overcoming it.
The main line of attack is the diagonal a1-h8. But after 18.a1? there is 18...xd2+ 19.f2 xe3+! (this capture also refutes 19.e2) 20.xe3 (20.g3 d4) 20...b6+. Alas, it is Black who wins: 21.f3 d4+ 22.g3 xc2 23.c3 e3+.
Also unconvincing are 18.d5?! xd5 19.a1+ d4, and 18.e8?! d4 19.a1 f6!. Of course, one can play simply 18.c4 e6 19.d5!. The win is close, but what is that compared with ones feelings after finding the following move?
When a detachment of troops is marching, where should the commander be?
To the existing threat of d1-a1 White has added another: d1-e1-g3 ! In addition, the capture on d2 no longer gains a tempo. Black, as a last hope, can give a check but then he must shake hands.
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