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Copyright 2021 by Rockridge Press, Emeryville, California
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ISBN: Print 978-1-64876-709-8 | eBook 978-1-64876-710-4
This book is dedicated to all the expecting families who are embarking on the most rewarding and selfless journey of pregnancy and parenthood. I wish you joy and love during this magical time.
![CONTENTS Chapter One A First-Time Moms Guide to Prenatal Nutrition Chapter - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/276213/images/00004.jpeg)
Chapter One
A First-Time Moms Guide to Prenatal Nutrition
Chapter Two
The First Trimester
Chapter Three
The Second Trimester
Chapter Four
The Third Trimester
Chapter Five
The Fourth Trimester
Learning that you are expecting for the first time can come with a slew of emotions. During pregnancy, it is not unheard of to feel excitement one minute and complete and utter panic the next. Pregnancy is a special time in a persons life, but unfortunately it is also a time when unsolicited advice can come at you in full force, especially when it comes to nutrition. Between social media, Dr. Google, and your well-meaning and ever-knowing aunt, prenatal information overload can be very real and very overwhelming. With so much nutrition advice floating around, how do you know which advice to follow and which to pass by?
As a registered dietitian and a mother, I have seen firsthand how much conflicting nutrition information is offered. Trying to find the right nutrition guidance when you are eating for two can be dizzying, and there is a need for a guide that cuts through the fluff and highlights only evidence-based suggestions. I have made it my mission to dig into the available nutrition research to provide accurate information that expecting mothers need to have. Therefore, the information found in this book is based on data, not based off theory or a hunch . Nutrition plays a critical role in fetal development, and the guidance you will receive as a result from the most up-to-date research will help fuel your first pregnancy in a nourishing way that will benefit both you and your baby. No gimmicks, just science.
Nutrition is the cornerstone to health. Rest assured that reading this book will help ease any concerns you may have about food choices during pregnancy. You can clear out all the conflicting and overwhelming advice you have heard in the past and follow the simple steps that are provided in this book.
I wrote this book from the perspective of an award-winning nutrition expert with almost 20 years of experience who has experienced pregnancy firsthand. This book will demystify prenatal nutrition and provide some tips that are easy and realistic to implement. As a bonus, you will have access to some pregnancy-fueling recipes and sample meal plans that will help nourish your little one for the next nine months. Having this book in your back pocket will equip you to navigate your meals and snack choices confidently. I would like to personally welcome you on your pregnancy nutrition journey and am thrilled to be partnering with you.
When you are pregnant, having a guide that acts as both a resource chock-full of nutrition information and a recipe book can be extremely useful, and that is exactly how this book is structured. You can read this book from cover to cover in one sitting or flip ahead to your particular pregnancy month.
The overall structure of this book is created to coincide with your journey and is broken down accordingly:
offers general pregnancy nutrition information that mothers-to-be should have access to, but unfortunately dont always receive. It also includes important nutrient and food lists as well as practical advice for eating well and safely while pregnant.
include targeted nutritional information to address different stages of pregnancy as well as the postpartum stage. These chapters are divided into trimesters, with a fourth trimester covering postpartum nutrition.
Included in these trimester chapters is not only important information, but also sample weekly meal plans for each month and delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time that are rich in healthy nutrients for baby and mom. Each recipe is marked with its corresponding labels: Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Vegetarian, and Freezer-Friendly. Additionally, you will find recipe tips to customize dishes for common pregnancy discomforts (were looking at you, constipation) and personal preferences.
This book is an informational resource, recipe book, and meal planning guide all in one. It will surely be a great source of guidance for you to lean on during these special and important months.
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