Gut Well Soon
First published in 2019 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
Printed on acid-free paper from managed forests.
ISBN 978-1-784521-56-1
The right of Catherine Rogers to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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This book is available online and in bookstores.
Copyright 2018 Catherine Rogers
For Mia, my youngest daughter who, at age 12, asked me to write down everything I know as blogs then encouraged me each week until I did.
Who knew it would end up as this book!
As we uncover the hidden world of the microbiome one thing is becoming clear: it is a bridge between our health, and the health of our environment. We now know that our diet and lifestyle including exercise, stress resilience, sleep and exposure to pollution impact the health of our gut bacteria, and this book explores how, and offers practical solutions for regaining your health.
Benjamin I. Brown, ND, author,The Digestive Health Solution
I loved loved the book overall. So interesting, so timely and so informative.
Suzanne Brais, interested and informed Mum
So, I think I learned about the importance of gut health. Certainly, I learned a lot about how the foods that I eat affect my gut health and therefore affect my performance and my wellbeing. I found that my understanding of what was happening during the Reset Your Gut course was really supported by reading Gut Well Soon and all the research I could read about in that book, and actually just understanding the processes at work through the different weeks. So yes, I think I did learn a lot but particularly about my own body and what it really thrives off, what doesnt suit it so well and what helps me to be in the best possible health.
Gut Well Soon is a little gem! A simple, practical, supremely helpful reference book packed full of excellent advice, tools and tips for you to reset your health and elevate your wellbeing. It is very straightforward and easy to read and digest (no, not a pun!), a handy reference guide you can pick up and read at any time. Absolutely crammed with superb advice, support and help and takes a fresh approach to health and wellness which is aligned to the school of Integrative Medicine. Love this! Leading the way in promoting good gut health in the UK!
Belinda Furneaux-Harris, founder, Branded & Unstoppable.
A great book for anyone wishing to get their health back on track by addressing the cause of many health problems the gut.
Rose Humphries, satisfied customer
Gut Well Soon looks at topics from all angles and backs up opinions with reference to scientific research, relating to both conventional and functional medicine. It isnt preachy, just common sense when faced with the facts. This is the real strength of the book and I dont think the targets/suggestions are daunting, the tone of the book is relaxed, friendly and supportive. An inspirational and practical guide to a happy gut and happy mind!
C Jones, Pilates instructor
Loved it. A comprehensive and excellent summary of how to live a happy and healthier life, whatever your starting point. Well referenced, clearly and simply written covering many complicated and controversial issues with a focus on nutrition and the importance of the gut. Dispelling many myths and sticking to facts. A page-turner for anyone interested in health and wellness/wanting to live their life to its full potential/increasing their quality of life/wanting more energy... the list goes on. An addictive read for anyone who wants to better understand the why behind the what of cutting edge (or current/latest) health opinion and advice. I do much of this already but definitely plan to attempt RYG, especially to remove dairy and alcohol for a 4-week trial and see if we feel better/have more energy. Son has been on antibiotics and husband has an autoimmune disorder, daughter loves meat and not fish, so fascinating for them too.
Clare Cocoran, mum of three, biochemistry BSc with an interest in health and nutrition
I enjoyed reading the book, I learned some new things about how my diet and lifestyle choices have a direct impact on both my mental and physical health and how crucial gut health is for overall health. I particularly enjoyed the last chapter due to the positive tone, it gives the reader hope that they can actively make changes to their lifestyle to decrease risks for various diseases.
Deanne, student, London
Topically addresses the public curiosity on the emerging field of the gut microbiome and reinforces the perspective of the functional approach to medicine. We can all do a little less with drugs, and a little more attention to our health. The summary points at the end of the chapters are also helpful to recap on the key concepts.
Amy Kao, studying for a DPhil (PhD) on microbiome and schizophrenia
I thought the book was super interesting and thought provoking. It doesnt seek to impose a view but rather give a balanced and understandable point of view. It simplifies what others seek to make very complicated. This book really got me thinking, clearing much of the deliberate fog that exists about taking personal control of your wellness.
Charles Bevan, 57-year-old company director
The summing up at the end of each chapter and the occasional anecdotes that are thrown in are absolutely amazing.
Raymond Ho, experimental psychology student
I thought the book was friendly and informative, not at all preachy which can be how some health books can come across. Everything was clear and well explained. I think the repetition of points, eg sleeping well, exercising and drinking water came up in a lot of sections, which was great because each section could be read alone to recap what you need to be doing without having to read the whole book over again! I really liked the bit on exercise () and found the bit on exam results, concentration and memory so interesting. I also like how the book is honest about where studies are inconclusive.
Juliette Perry, athlete
I do definitely consider my activity and nutrition, but there are lots of little tips in Gut Well Soon that I am going to try to take on board... eating more organic, considering the dirty dozen food list, trying again to really reduce my sugar intake (this is the one big area I really fall down on) and sleep... I just dont get enough of it.