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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Edlin, Gordon, 1932- author. | Golanty, Eric, author.
Title: Health & wellness / Gordon Edlin, Eric Golanty
Other titles: Health and wellness
Description: Fourteenth edition. | Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, [2023] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021044192 | ISBN 9781284235197 (paperback)
Subjects: LCSH: Health. | Holistic medicine.
Classification: LCC RA776 .E24 2023 | DDC 613dc23
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Brief Contents
Health Tips
Managing Stress
Wellness Guide
Global Wellness
Dollars & Health Sense
It is with particular pride that we present the fourteenth edition of Health and Wellness. Publication of this edition in 2022 represents more than 35 years of continuous use of this textbook by students and instructors in many colleges and universities since the first edition appeared in 1982. A lot has happened to us (the authors), to book publishing, and to the world since then. We are much older, books are available online in digital format, and the world has changed in ways too numerous to mention except one: the existential threat of climate change. However, the visions we (the authors) had of health and how to achieve it are as true today as they were 30 years ago. When we conceived of writing a college-level textbook, rather than focusing on hygiene and disease, as was the custom at the time, instead we chose to present the rationale and scientific evidence for prevention of disease and illness and for individual self-responsibility for fostering a state of well-being and maintaining ones health. Well-being and self-responsibility are now accepted as fundamental in health education. Personal behaviors, lifestyle, mental attitudes, and physical activities are what lead to overall health and wellness.
In recent decades, medical science has made truly remarkable advances in curing or alleviating serious health conditions. At the same time, medical science includes not only better treatment of disease but also acknowledging the importance of patients taking change of their own health and well-being. As the pandemics of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and infectious diseases represented by COVID-19, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV, spread around the world, as pollution threatens the livability of the environment, and climate change threatens the health of the entire planet, everyone must understand how their behaviors and attitudes contribute to their personal health or illness and the living things that share Earth with them. The information and guidelines that we set out in previous editions of this book are no less applicable in todays world.