ducateurs et Prventions
Collection dirige par Pascal LE REST
Les ducateurs travaillent dans lombre et contribuent dans le quotidien la rsolution de situations complexes, souvent dramatiques et douloureuses. Ils interviennent dans des internats pour enfants, pour adolescents et pour adultes, dans des institutions pour dficients visuels ou auditifs, en direction des personnes handicapes physiquement ou mentalement. Dans la rue, ils travaillent, sans mandat et dans le respect de lanonymat, restaurer des liens affectifs, sociaux, psychologiques. Ils sont missionns par la justice pour accompagner des enfants en difficults ou sont prsents en milieu carcral pour aider les dtenus la rinsertion sociale et professionnelle. Tous, avec courage et dtermination, luttent laide doutils spcifiques, de mthodes et de pratiques de terrain labores pour amliorer les conditions de vie des usagers et de leurs familles et prvenir des risques de rcidive, dinadaptation, de dsaffiliation, de rupture scolaire ou familiale.
La collection veut donner la parole aux ducateurs pour mettre en lumire leur finesse dintervention, les lignes de force qui sous-tendent ltayage des prventions et transmettre la mmoire des pratiques.
Dernires parutions
Jean-Christophe RYCKMANS, La protection des enfants en situations de rue, Dsinstitutionnalisation, confusion et transformation, 2019.
Jean-Christophe RYCKMANS Npal : enfants et jeunes en situations de rue, Ralits rurales et survie urbaine, 2019.
Jean-Christophe RYCKMANS, Lenfant en situations de rue, Entre rsistance, rupture et rsilience, 2019.
Jonathan LOULI, Le travail social face lincertain. La prvention spcialise en qute de sens , 2019.
Pascal LE REST, Mais qui veut la mort de la prvention spcialise ?, Des premiers pas aux derniers jours, 2019.
Jean-Christophe Ryckmans
From strategies of urban survival
to careers within the protection system
Forewords by KP Sharma Oli, Didier Reynders,
Prabat Gurung and Willy Borsus
By the same author
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe & THAPA Krishna (2008). The Abuse of Street Children in Kathmandu. Kathmandu : CPCS-VOC.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2007). The Street Children of Kathmandu. Kathmandu : CPCS.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2009). A Study of Childrens Homes in Nepal . Kathmandu : CPCS-ACR-CCWB.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2007). Lespoir au bout de la rue. Bruxelles : Memogrames.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2012). The Street Children of Nepal : Anthropo-sociological study of Social, Cultural and Communication Practises. Kathmandu : CPCS.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2019). La Protection des Enfants en Situations de rue. Dsinstitutionalisation, confusion et transformation. Paris : LHarmattan.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2019). Npal : Enfants et jeunes en situations de rue. Ralits rurales et survie urbaine. Paris :LHarmattan.
RYCKMANS Jean-Christophe (2019). Lenfant en situations de rue. Entre rsistance, rupture et rsilience. Paris : LHarmattan
LHarmattan, 2020
5-7, rue de lcole-Polytechnique ; 75005 Paris
EAN Epub : 978-2-336-89102-6
In memory of Professor Riccardo Lucchini
Photograph taken near the temple of Pashupatinath in April 2015, soon after the earthquake. The baby in arms is the daughter of a street couple. The two boys are looking after the baby while the parents are busy. This photograph, taken in a disaster situation after the earthquake, shows the resilience and cheerfulness of children in difficult situations. The two boys are plastic collectors at night and during the day they beg in the Pashupati temple. This book aims to contribute making their rights a reality. (using the standards set out in the General Comment N21 on Children in street situations) CPCS
Professor Riccardo Lucchini passed away on 28 November 2019. Combining scientific rigour with the passion of a person who actively served children through numerous foundations, he and his work are and will remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration and motivation. We humbly hope that this book, inspired by his interactionist perspective, will shed light on some of the structural factors that violate the dignity of too many children.
Son of James and Maryline Simons, Nick was fond of Nepal and supported the authors initiatives for children in street situations. He left our world too early in 2003 and a foundation carrying his dreams has been established.
Foreword by KP Sharma Oli, Prime Minister of Nepal
The policies and programs of the Government of Nepal highly prioritize the protection and care of the helpless, unattended, infected and homeless children.
In line with this, the government is putting a constant effort through the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior citizen (MOWCSC) and National Children Rights Council to make life of children safe by eliminating all kind of threats to them.
I am happy to know that INGO like Child Protection Centers and Services (CPCS) International is committed to compliment the Government initiative of Street Children Free Mission. This is a matter of appreciation.
I extend my thanks to CPCS and hope that this book will shed light on the situation of children and youths in street, and identify their capabilities so that the publication will be a reference material for the concerned stakeholders to work out ways to build capacity of the children and youth in street situations and provide them with employment opportunities to make them capable citizens of the country.
Prime Minister of Nepal
CPCS International is the belgian INGO founded and directed by Dr. Jean-Christophe Ryckmans, the author of this book. CPCS has been involve with children, youth and families in street situations since 2002. www.cpcs.international
Far from misery and sadness on the street, the aim is to shed light on the reality, between freedom and suffering and between destitution and capability. CPCS
The purpose of this research and of its authors work since 2002 is to serve and recognise the tremendous capabilities of children and youth in street situations while considering them as rights-holders. CPCS.
Foreword by Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium
This book is based on the doctoral thesis of Jean-Christophe Ryckmans, which was recently defended at the University of Paris 1 Panthon Sorbonne. I first met Dr. Ryckmans when I had the privilege of writing a preface for his book entitled Les enfants des rues au Npal (The street children of Nepal), which was published in 2012. I personally visited Kathmandu during one of my first trips as Minister for Foreign Affairs. I must congratulate Dr. Ryckmans on the considerable achievement of combining this academic achievement with his work among the street children themselves. This book is a valuable addition to the academic literature on street children, or as they should be called, children in the street. It sets out pathways towards improvements in policy in this area.