Dr. ElizabethWan
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Smoothies that Heal is filled with recipeswhich teach you how to make smoothies for weight loss, acne,eczema, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure andurinary tract infections (UTIs). Healing Smoothies also containsrecipes of healthy smoothies for managing menopause, chronic pain,depression and stress.
Smoothies that Heal also teaches you aboutthe vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in various fruits,vegetables, nuts and seeds so that you can choose the bestingredients for your healthy smoothies.
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SmoothieRecipe for Acne
Apple BananaSmoothie
1 cup banana slices
1 cup plums slices
cup orange juice
4 ice cubes (optional)
Blend all the ingredients until you get asmooth consistency. Serve immediately.
Bananas are good sources of vitamins B6, Cand biotin (vitamin H or coenzyme R). Bananas also contain mineralslike manganese, potassium and copper. Bananas are also good sourcesof fiber. Bananas have a low glycemic index of 62 which makes themuseful for managing acne. Bananas are also added to smoothies tomake them creamy and to sweeten them naturally.
Oranges are good sources of vitamin C whichis a potent antioxidant that protects the cells from the freeradical damage that causes premature aging and degenerativediseases. It is also required for collagen production and healingof the skin. Vitamin C also helps reduce acne scarring. Orangejuice is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamins Bi, B9, calcium,potassium, vitamin C and fiber. Orange juice has a glycemic indexof 46 to 53 which makes it beneficial for managing acne.
Plums have a low glycemic index. They aretherefore useful for managing acne since they do not triggerbreakouts.
For more recipes of smoothies for acne read Healing Smoothies byDr. Elizabeth Wan .
SmoothieRecipe for Allergies
Banana PineappleSmoothie Recipe
1 cup banana slices
1 cup pineapple cubes
cup water
1 tablespoon local honey
Blend all the ingredients until you get asmooth consistency. Serve immediately.
Bananas are good sources of vitamins B6, Cand biotin (vitamin H or coenzyme R). Bananas also contain mineralslike manganese, potassium and copper. Bananas are also good sourcesof fiber. Bananas are also added to smoothies to make them creamyand to sweeten them naturally .
Honey, and especially local honey, is used torelieve allergy symptoms since it contains pollen from flowers inthe patients locality. This pollen helps desensitize the patientsimmune system from the effects of pollen.
Pineapples contain bromelain which is anenzyme that is also an effective natural allergy remedy since itreduces inflammation and swelling of the airways.
For more recipes of smoothies for allergiesbuy Healing Smoothies byDr. Elizabeth Wan .
SmoothieRecipe for Arthritis
Green MangoSmoothie Recipe
1 cup baby spinach
1 cup banana slices
1 cup mango cubes
cup water
1 tablespoon honey (optional sweetener)
Blend all the ingredients them until you geta smooth consistency. Serve immediately.
Bananas are good sources of vitamins B6, Cand biotin (vitamin H or coenzyme R). Bananas are good sources ofp otassium which decreases bone loss. Bananas also contain minerals like manganese and copper. Bananasare also good sources of fiber. Bananas are also added to smoothiesto make them creamy and to sweeten them naturally.
Mangoes are good sources of vitamins A and Cwhich are potent antioxidant that protect cells by neutralizing thefree radicals that cause premature aging and degenerativediseases.
Spinach contains omega 3 fatty acids which haveanti-inflammatory properties that are useful for dealing with theinflammation associated with arthritis.
For more recipes of smoothies for arthritisbuy Healing Smoothies byDr. Elizabeth Wan .
SmoothieRecipe for Chronic Pain
Banana OreganoSmoothie Recipe