They Call Me Fat Zoe Helping Children and Families Overcome Obesity Dr. Don Martin Dr. Magy Martin Dr. Paige Krabill Illustrated by Kathy Voerg New Horizon Press
Far Hills, New Jersey DEDICATION Copyright 2012 by Dr. Don Martin, Dr. Magy Martin and Dr.
Paige Krabill, Illustrations by Kathy Voerg All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, including electronic, mechanical or any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed to: New Horizon Press
P.O. Box 669
Far Hills, NJ 07931 Dr. Don Martin, Dr. Magy Martin and Dr.
Paige Krabill They Call Me Fat Zoe: Helping Children and Families Overcome Obesity Cover Design and Illustrations: Kathy Voerg
Interior Design: Charley Nasta Library of Congress Control Number: 2011928852
ISBN 13: 978-0-88282-424-6 SMALL HORIZONS A Division of New Horizon Press 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 1 2 3 4 5
M y name is Zoe and I am a puggle, which means that I am part beagle and part pug. I am a one-year-old puppy. My best friend Kate is in the first grade. She goes to school almost every day. I wish I could go with her. When she gets off the school bus every afternoon, I run to her as fast as I can, barking all the way.
I want to let her know how glad I am that she is home.
T oday I felt scared. Kate told me that she was taking me to see the doctor for a checkup. Kate held me in her arms in the backseat of the car while Mom drove us to the office. Dr. Scott said he was glad to see us.
Then he examined me. Lets put Zoe on the scale, he said and frowned as he felt my stomach. Then he shook his head and told Kate and Mom, I am really worried about Zoes weight. Do you feed her the dog food I gave you?
K ate seemed nervous when she replied, Well, sometimes I do. Most of the time I give her whatever food I am eating. She really likes cookies and ice cream.
I looked up at Kate and nodded my head. Dr. Scott sighed and said, Zoe is very heavy for a puppy. She is becoming a fat Zoe.
S uddenly, Kate started to cry. Fatso.
That is what the kids call me at my school, she said. Mom turned to Kate. Why did you not tell me what your classmates are saying? Kate shrugged. I just thought they would stop. They make fun of how I look and how much I eat every day.
D r.
Scott looked at Mom and said, I think your family needs to talk about helping Zoe and Kate lose weight and how your whole family could become healthier. Bring Zoe back in a few weeks and we will check on her weight and health. We will all come back to see you, Dr. Scott, Mom said, smiling. I think you will be pleased.
T he next morning, Mom and Kate went to speak to Mrs.
Lopez, Kates teacher. Some girls have been very mean to Kate, Mom said. Please tell Mrs. Lopez what they say to you, Kate. Kate looked down and quietly said, They call me fatso and say they will not play with me. Mrs.
Lopez looked upset. I am so sorry, Kate. I did not know this was happening. We will make a class plan so the boys and girls can all help each other. Then she gave Kate a big hug.
I n the classroom, Mrs.
Lopez walked to the blackboard and said, Today we are going to talk about being kind to others, no matter how they look, and how to help everyone eat healthier foods and exercise more. Mrs. Lopez made a list of kindness, good eating and exercise habits. She told the children, You will get stars beside your names for being good citizens and friends.
W hen Dad came home from his business trip, I rolled over to show him my stomach so he would know the doctor had called me a fat Zoe. Mom told Dad about our visits with Dr.
Scott and Mrs. Lopez. Mom said, We need to have a health and wellness plan as a family. Yes, Dad said, I will get some books so we can learn exercises and how to make healthy meals.
M om said, Lets make a family plan so we all begin the day with a healthy breakfast, like fruit and cereal or eggs and whole wheat toast. We will get Zoe a new dog food.
Then we will start to exercise together and take walks with Zoe before and after school. I will hang a chart with our names and activities on the refrigerator and put good habit stickers near each name, even Zoes.
I barked at them to tell them that the plan was not a good idea. I really liked cookies and ice cream. I grabbed a bag of potato chips in my mouth and shook it back and forth to show them how good they taste. After that I licked Kate to see if she agreed with me.
She shook her head no.
T hat evening, Dad, Mom and Kate went to the grocery store to buy fruits, fresh vegetables, lean meat, cheese, whole grain bread and eggs. They also brought home some of the dog food that Dr. Scott told us to try. When they put some in my dish it smelled good, so I ate it. After dinner I usually got a treat, so I barked.
Kate looked at me and said, No ice cream or potato chips, Zoe. Would you like to take a walk instead? I barked yes.
L ets take a long walk and visit all the dogs in the neighborhood, Kate said. Even though I had never been far from my house, because I got tired so quickly, I was excited to see whom we might meet. I scratched for food near a garbage can. No, Zoe, Kate said.
After a few more minutes of walking, I decided it was time for a nap. I laid down and would not move. Kate tugged at my leash. What are you doing? she asked. I looked up at her, opened my mouth to smile and began to pant.
N o, Zoe, she said.
We need to get more exercise. Kate tugged on the leash and pulled me up. I tugged back, but then Kate started to run as fast as she could, pulling me along with her. Suddenly I was running as fast as I could to keep up, with my ears flapping in the wind.
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