The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth For Dummies
by Greg Harvey
The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth For Dummies
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About the Author
Greg Harvey was born in Harvey, Illinois, in 1949 and attended the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. There, he achieved the degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in Classics and Greek and Latin, with a double minor in History and French. After graduation, he pursued a number of careers, including engineering and drafting, teaching (receiving accreditation as a History and Computer Education teacher in secondary and adult education from San Francisco State University), and computer training. He is the author of numerous technical books, including the best-selling Excel 2003 For Dummies and Windows XP For Dummies Quick Reference . Greg received his Masters Degree in the Humanities in the area of Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Asian and Comparative Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 2000. Currently, he is working there on his Ph.D. in the same general area. His web site is at
I dedicate this work to all whove suffered loss and yet refuse to abandon hope.
For such is the way of it: to find and lose, as it seems to those whose boat is on the running stream.
Legolas to Gimli upon saying farewell to Lothlrien: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Light Within
Oh Elbereth Gilthoniel, Who set the night-jewels over all, To rend the darkness that over Middle-earth holds sway, Till Erendils gem appears on high as herald of the day.
Rekindle now the sparks of love in every heart below, To ignite a flame to guide us on each journey as we go, So we may be a light to all when all other lights go out, And worthy yet of a heros tale before our lives are naught.
Greg Harvey for Ophelia, February 27, 2003
Aiya Elenion Ancalima!
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanking everyone who helped make this project on Tolkiens Middle-earth a reality would leave little room for the text itself. Nevertheless, I will try to acknowledge as many as possible (and to those not mentioned by name who kept telling me this book was a good idea and not to give up on it, just know that you have my unending thanks).
I want to begin by thanking the people whose belief in me and the potential of this project have meant everything in the world to me: Diane Steele, for initially letting me entice her with my renditions of Tolkiens myths and their importance for the everyday world, and Kathy Cox, for her unflagging belief and encouragement in all the stages from inception to printing.
Next, I want to thank the people who actually got into the trenches and helped turn the straw of my rough text into gold ready for publishing: Corbin Collins, the ever-upbeat and creative project editor; Laura Peterson, the ever-vigilant copy editor; Melissa Bennett, editorial assistant and formatter extraordinaire; and Alfred Siewers, our tremendous technical editor. Special thanks to Donald Colby, regional director of gifts at the University of Illinois, for his general encouragement and his help in locating and interesting Professor Siewers in this project.
I also want to thank Melinda Bryant for her great maps of Middle-earth and Michael Bryant for holding down the fort by singlehandedly dealing with a simultaneous revision of one of my technical books.
Finally, I need to acknowledge and thank my professors of Asian Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies: Steven Goodman, who not only taught me Classical Tibetan, but also how and why to care about the meaning of a text; James Ryan, who taught me the rudiments of comparative religious analysis; and Yi Wu, who not only taught me Classical Chinese, but also opened me wide to the meanings of Zen and Taoist literature (hsieh hsieh) .
In conclusion, theres only one yet to thank, one whos last but never least: my partner, Chris, melindo nin . Thank you for always being there.
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