by Laurie E. Rozakis, PhD
Vocabulary For Dummies
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About the Author
Dr. Laurie Rozakis earned her Ph.D. in English and American Literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. An Associate Professor of English at the State University of New York College of Technology at Farmingdale, Dr. Rozakis has published more than one hundred books and scores of articles. In addition to Vocabulary For Dummies, her publications include trade books, young adult books, textbooks, biographies, reference books, and articles.
Dr. Rozakis frequently appears on television, including the CBS Morning Show; the MauryPovich Show; Fox Good Day, New York;Metro Relationships; and Fox Personal F/X. Her career and books have been profiled in The New YorkTimes, the New York Daily News, Time magazine, and the Chicago Tribune. Dr. Rozakis does a monthly Internet show for
To Robert from Long Island, my staunchest supporter and best friend.
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W hats in this book? Words, words, and more words. Word roots, word suffixes, and word prefixes. And youre reading this book because you have an interest in words how to use them, how to make the most of them, and how to figure out the meaning of new words.
Whether youre facing standardized tests and want to get your vocabulary up to snuff, or youre wanting to improve your language skills to feel more knowledgeable at work or comfortable in social situations, this is the book for you.
About This Book
In the following chapters, I introduce you to a variety of words. The words are organized in a format that helps you make sense of them. Unlike other books that aim to help you improve your vocabulary, this book isnt filled with list after list of words. Oh, I certainly include lots of tables filled with words, but I organize them by common features the language that they came from or the root that they share, for example so that you can remember the terms more easily.
I packed the book so full of fun and fascinating words that Im hoping you hang on every one of them. But in case youre interested in just a few topics, I set up the book so that you can dip into the parts or the chapters that interest you and get all the information you need. And I make it easy for you to find what you want: You can check the table of contents or the index to zero in on the specific topic you want. So, whether youre interested in tips on picking up the meaning of an unfamiliar word from the surrounding text or recent additions to the language, you can find the topic and go there.