As the mother of two daughters and the daughter of two mothers,
I dedicate this book to my birth mother who gave me life
and my adoptive mother who taught me how to live it.
Mary Ann
To my mother, Madoline Ellison, and to my wife, Lesley.
Text Copyright 2009 Mary Ann McCabe Riehle
Illustration Copyright 2009 Chris Ellison
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner
without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief
excerpts in critical reviews and articles. All inquiries should be addressed to:
Sleeping Bear Press
315 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Ste. 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
2009 Sleeping Bear Press is an imprint of Gale.
Printed and bound in the United States.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 (case)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 (pbk)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Riehle, Mary Ann McCabe, 1959
M is for mom : a childs alphabet / written by Mary Ann McCabe Riehle;
Illustrated by Chris Ellison.
p. cm.
Summary: Beginning with A and ending with Z, special moments and
interactions transpiring between mother and child are introduced with
poetry and prose. Topics include excitement, holding hands, questions,
stories, and wishesProvided by publisher.
case ISBN 978-1-58536-458-9
pbk ISBN 978-1-58536-499-2
1. Mother and childJuvenile literature. 2. MothersJuvenile literature.
I. Ellison, Chris. II. Title.
HQ755.85.R434 2009
M is for Mom
A Childs Alphabet
Written by Mary Ann McCabe Riehle
Illustrated by Chris Ellison
Hugs are important no matter how young or old you are and the hug between a mother and child is very special. Being held, hugged, and cuddled not only helps a baby bond with its mother and others but can also have a positive influence on the health and development of a baby. All of our five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch are important, but the sense of touch seems to be especially important to infants. Research has shown that babies who are held in their mothers arms for longer periods of time cry less and smile more. One study has also shown that premature babies who are held seem to gain weight faster and are able to go home from the hospital sooner.
I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time.
Drew Barrymore
A is for the Arms that hug and hold me tight. While in those arms I see your face and know Im in my favorite place.
Recipe for Moms Special Treat:
Start with a little bit of extra sleep for Mom Stir and wake gently Mix in lots of hugs and kisses Add a tray full of goodies Enjoy!
Recipe for the caterpillar:
a leaf
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly.
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Breakfast starts with letter B and yummy things to eat. Breakfast in bed is a very special treat.
C is for the Critters I collected in my jar. You might think theyre creepy but I dont think they are.
Have you worn your mothers shoes andgiggled at the clomp, clomp noise theymake? If you wear Moms party dress,does it make you feel like a princess?How about using your dads tie as a belt?Or do you wear Daddys button-down shirtand pretend youre going to work? Dressingup and putting on different outfits whiledreaming of what it would be like to be agrown-up is fun.
A grown-up is a child with layers on.
Woody Harrelson
D is for Dress upand looking grown-up too.Looking in the mirror nowdo I look more like you?
E is for Excitement,I can see it in your eyesand I feel so good insidewhen youre filled with pride.
Like birthstones and other symbols, eachmonth of the year is represented by adifferent flower. Whats your birth flower,your moms, your grandmas?
January = carnation
February = violet
March = daffodil, jonquil
April = daisy, sweet pea
May = lily of the valley
June = rose
July = larkspur
August = gladiola
September = aster
October = calendula
November = chrysanthemum
December = poinsettia, narcissus
A garden of love grows in agrandmothers heart.
Author unknown
F is for the Flowersthat I picked for you.I even found the onesin your favorite color, too.
Grandmas garden for letter G and picking flowers for all to see.Well put them in a special placein Grandmas very special vase.
You really shouldnt say I love youunless you mean it. But if you do mean it,you should say it a lot. People forget.
Author unknown,
attributed to Jessica, age 8
A true friend reaches for your handand touches your heart.
Author unknown
Spread love everywhere you go.Let no one ever come to you withoutleaving happier.
Mother Teresa
Holding hands makes everything better,so hand it to H for this letter.When I hold your hand and you hold mineI know that things will be just fine.
I is for I love you,the words I love to hearsaid quietly or loudlyor whispered in my ear.
Jugglers try to keep many things goingat one time. Whether they are tossingballs, plates, or other objects in the air,they hope to catch them all and avoid abig mess. Have you ever seen your momjuggle? Juggling for a mom often meanskeeping everything on her busy schedulefrom spilling over. Its amazing how momscan juggle making dinner, helping withhomework, volunteering, and workingoutside the home, yet still have time totoss in some fun with a kitchen full of kids!
J is for Juggling,something thats very fununless you are tryingto get too many things done.
Our Kitchen is the roomthat begins with letter K .Its where we all gatherto begin our busy day.
Mothers Day is a special day to honormoms. In North America Mothers Day iscelebrated on the second Sunday in May.Many countries throughout the world suchas Denmark, Italy, Belgium, and Japancelebrate Mothers Day. In England thespecial day to honor mothers is calledMothering Sunday.
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