Wisdom from
Mother Mary
Gina Lake
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Copyright 2013 by Gina Lake
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It was a sunny autumn day, and I was on aspiritual retreat among magnificent old trees and green, grassytrails that meandered through many acres of colorful woods. In aspecial spot on this property stood a small statue of Mother Mary,surrounded by mossy rocks and foliage, like a beautiful littlegrotto. I sat down in front of the statue on a stone bench. Ivealways loved Mother Mary. As a child, I felt comforted by her, andalthough Im no longer a Catholic, I still love seeing statues andimages of her.
My mind was especially still that morningbecause Id been meditating for five days. I drank in the beautyand stillness of that moment, which permeated my being. As I satlooking at Mother Mary, the light shifted, as if coming fromanother dimension, and the statue seemed to come alive. The face,with eyes cast down, suddenly changed, and Mother Marys eyesopened and looked at me. This startled me, and I became transfixedby the vision in front of me.
Then I heard Mother Mary speak. Her voicewas gentle and non-imposing: You are my beloved child. The voicewas clear and resonant within my mind, and her gentle energyenveloped me. The voice was very feminine but womanly and grounded.Mother Mary spoke to me lovingly and mentioned that she might likeme to write down some messages for her sometime but that shewouldnt ask that of me until we got to know each other first.
After this meeting, I felt a tingle of lightpouring in the top of my head, which I took as a blessing from her.Over the following months whenever I spoke with Mother Mary, mystate of consciousness was deeply affected for hours. And now, ninemonths since our first meeting, as I finish writing this book, Ifeel her energy with me. Writing it has been a gift to me, and Ihope that her energy is something youll be able to feel as wellwhile you read these words. It is the energy of peace.
It isnt important that you believe wherethe words in this book came from. Im sharing this story with youonly because this was how these teachings came to be written. Aswith all words, no matter where they come from, whats important iswhether they ring true in your own being and whether they bring youcloser to love and peace, which is my purpose in writing this. Ifwords do the opposite, then they are worse than useless.
Having said that, I invite you to share inthe ten teachings that follow. The teachings are intended to bringus into closer contact with the peace and love that is our divinenature, which has the capacity to transform our hearts and ourworld.
Gina Lake
August, 2013
I am Mother Mary, and I am offering these tenteachings to you now in this way, because I have the opportunity towork through this individual, Gina Lake, who has the vocabulary,understanding, and readers I wish to reach. What I paint throughthis instrument will be different than what I paint thoughanother. It will be, in part, an expression of the instrument. Justas an artist is influenced by the medium he or she is working in,so am I. And just as the artist freely chooses the instrument for areason, so have I. The language and teachings are tailored to herreaders for the purpose of furthering their enlightenment.Ultimately, my purpose, as always, is to foster peace on earth.These are times that require such teachings and times in whichthere is a readiness to receive them. Thank you for being open toreceiving these teachings. So let us begin.
Open and Receive
Of all the creatures on this beautiful earth,only human beings are blessed with the potential of awareness oftheir divine nature. Other creatures know the Divine in their ownway, but you can know yourselves as the Divine. And that isthe design, to create beings who will one day awaken to theirdivinity within the human condition. This is the plan, and it is anexquisite one, carried out throughout the galaxy, indeed,throughout the universe: to create sentient beings who will one daydiscover the secret of their own creationwhere they came from andwho they truly are.
These are special times, indeed, as so manyare waking up to the knowledge that has been hidden away, stored inyour DNA, for just such a time. You are blessed to be one who isbeing guided to look beyond your human self to the divinitywithin.
These are exciting and dangeroustimes, as you are confronted daily by misconceptions, wrong ideas,negative thoughts, even negative entities, which seek to pull youoff your track of discovery, of recovery of your precious divineself. You are tossed to and fro by the many influences, some very,very convincing, that bring you deeper into the illusion of beingseparate from the Divine and at odds with other human beings.
The world has come to a crossroads, and itmust choose. It can move forward on the basis of the old paradigmof separation, hatred, and conflict or on the basis of a new onethat acknowledges your divinity and Oneness with all of creation,including the many beings who have been watching over you andguiding your evolution.
Yes, you are deeply loved, and this love isproven by the careful and painstaking guidance each and every oneof you is being given every second of your life. Do you know this?Do you know how very loved and looked after you are? You are thetreasured fruit of this dear planet, and we love and cherish youand every living form that makes your life possible.
It is so important that you know this now.So many of you feel abandoned and at the mercy of a hostile anddangerous world. But not a single one of you has ever beenabandoned. Rather, some have abandoned their belief in goodness, inthe guidance and love that are showered upon them. And in rejectinga belief in such gifts, they do not experience them. They cutthemselves off from them and from their divine inheritance. Onlythey can change this. Only they can decide to recognize and receivethis inheritance, for it is not for those guiding humanity to foistit upon you. You only need to see that love and guidance arealready present in every moment for this to be your experience andyour reality.
If you find this love and guidance difficultto perceive, then merely express your openness to perceiving andreceiving it. Do not say I cant feel it, because that is likesaying I wont feel it, and so you wont. Instead say I amwilling to feel it, and then feeling it will become a reality.This is so important and it is easy.
As easy as it is to make such a statement ofopenness and willingness, it still must be made for many of you tobe able to feel what is being given to you. A lack of openness isoften the only block to connecting with your Source, your divinenature, and the bounty that accrues from that. The only block. Lifeis this beneficent. Like Dorothys ruby slippers, which couldalways have taken her home to Kansas, your knowledge of the truthand willingness to receive all that is being given to you is allyou have ever needed to return Home.
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