The New Science of Healthy Feet
BenBella Books, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
Copyright 2011 by Katy Bowman
Introduction 2011 by Katy Bowman
This book is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any information contained in this book. A health care professional should be consulted regarding your specific medical situation. Any product mentioned in this book does not imply endorsement of that product by the author or publisher.
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For Theresa, who leaves two sets of
aligned foot prints wherever she goes.
As a medical specialist of the foot and ankle, I have encountered complaints from patients suffering with a variety of problems, including corns, hammertoes, bunions, and heel pain. Any podiatrist would tell you that treatments for these conditions include orthotics, injections, padding, medications, and/or changes in shoes.
Patients have also seen me seeking a second opinion after they have been recommended a surgical procedure. The explanation usually given to the patient is that her musculoskeletal problem has become a fixed structural deformity that cannot be corrected.
In spite of the many advances in surgical treatment, we must be aware that these are biomechanical problems, and as such are inherently more dynamic than they may first appear. Realize that the majority of these problems are not congenital, and we have acquired them from a lack of knowledge regarding movement, bad habits, and many times, poor shoe selection.
In this primer on healthy foot mechanics, Katy Bowman amuses as she informs you about the many things you can do to keep your feet feeling great. She offers simple solutions that you can take advantage of and practice on your own. I have seen positive results among my patients who perform these exercises.
Ms. Bowmans approach to clinical biomechanics is novel, and it is revolutionary. Her insight into the complex area that is the foot is literally the foundation for total body wellness.
At a time of so much uncertainty regarding the future of health care, and the increasing prevalence of diseases like diabetes and obesity, you can take control of your own health by educating yourself about how your body works.
Every Womans Guide to Foot Pain Relief is a testament to the effectiveness of specific exercise protocol to correct lower-leg ailments that are mechanical in nature. Empower yourself with this handbook; some relief may be immediate, and lasting relief may require diligence.
If Ms. Bowman is part of a revolution in how we approach our health, the new paradigm will support only those interested in taking full responsibility for their own health. As this book demonstrates, wellness is out there for those who are willing to work for it.
Ventura, California
There are many milestones along the path to well-maintained feet, and an increasingly common detour is the path to the doctors office, pharmacy, or even the operating room to fix an ailment from the ankle down. Far from being neatly confined to your shoes, foot problems actually speak volumes about the future status of your knees and hips, ability to walk for exercise, and ultimately the ability to live your golden years as a mobile and independent person. The foot is involved in virtually every non-sitting activity we do. If we want to stay upright and activeand feel great at the same timewe need to know more about our feet.
Often people will tell me, I am too old to make any significant improvements in my health, or, My feet have been like this for so long, they will never change! Both of these statements are untrue! The state of your feet right now is simply the reflection of everything you have done up until this moment. Human tissues are dynamic and adapt to the forces that are placed upon them. When these forces change, the tissues change to reflect the different habit. This is true whether its a good habit or a bad one!
This book is about how you can fix your own feet. Although human body issues often seem complexespecially to those people with little or no anatomical, physiological, or therapeutic trainingsolutions can be much simpler than they appear. Though not on purpose, this healing is complex attitude is frequently reinforced by the entire health care system. As pharmaceutical and technological sciences advance, it makes sense that these advanced treatments would be the first used. After all, the more advanced the treatment, the better it is, right?
In actuality, most ailments do not require expensive treatments, complicated products, or even pharmaceutical intervention. Most musculoskeletal issuesthat is, ailments of the bones, ligaments, tendons, and musclesare usually created by one very simple, easily evaluated habit: how you move.
The relationship between how you move and how your body feels becomes more and more clear the better one understands how things work in the body. Inconveniently, the human body wasnt created with an easy-to-use manual for quick troubleshooting when a problem arises. But all hope is not lost. By working backward, any person with the right training in physics and geometry can figure out which joint positions create the most degeneration, which footwear choices can increase pressure on which tissues, and which patterns of gait, or walking, can reduce muscle strength and nerve conduction.
The science of how humans move is called kinesiology. Within kinesiology there are many subfields, including one known as biomechanics. Biomechanics is the study of Newtonian physics (things like gravity, pressure, and friction) applied to living tissues. My personal area of study is the biomechanics of disease and injury, and I am dedicated to teaching the basic principles of physical science to people just like you, for the purpose of preventing and reversing damage to the human body.
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