What Treat Can Ruben eat? Art by Story by El Tiburn Grande John-Ruben M. Aranton Jr.
AuthorHouse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 Phone: 1-800-839-8640 2013 John-Ruben M. Aranton Jr . All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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My Promise In June 2008, my lovely daughter, Alessandra Kaylee, was born. I became a father who made a promise to always protect her.
I knew that during her early years, she will depend on my wife and me for everything. In July 2012, Kaylee had a severe allergic reaction to a pistachio nut. We knew she was severely allergic to dairy and eggs but not nuts. It was a traumatizing experience for me having to hold her tight as my wife administered the epipen. I was in tears as I continued telling Kaylee how sorry I was for not protecting her. It was the first time I felt I failed her as a father.
Four months later, Kaylee had another severe allergic reaction at daycare after accidentally drinking from another kids cup that had milk. The teachers administered the epipen and called the ambulance. Waiting anxiously at the hospital, I recall seeing her carried into the ER on a stretcher with an oxygen mask. Her eyes were full of fear but suddenly changed to signs of comfort when she saw me. I failed her again! After weeks passed, I continued working on this book, which I put on hold for years until the July incident. I realized no matter what I do, I cannot be by her side every minute.
However by finishing this book, it will educate more people on the potential dangers of food allergies. With more awareness, it will provide a safer environment for my daughter and others. To Kaylee, I dedicate this book to you! I will not always be there to protect you, but I hope this book will create a safer environment for you. I truly hope this fulfills the promise I made the day you were born. I love you!
What Treat Can Ruben eat?
Deep in the woods, lived Ruben the Raccoon.
He saw Wesley the Weasel, enjoying a light fare.
He saw Wesley the Weasel, enjoying a light fare.
So, he walked over to him to see if it s something he could share.
Hi there, Ruben! Would you like some fish?
No thanks, I m not hungry. Thanks for sharing your dish!
So, Ruben kept walking,
then suddenly heard a CRUNCH! What could Shirley the Squirrel be eating? What s in her lunch?
Good afternoon, Ruben! Would you like a nut?
No thanks, I m too scared. The shell might give me a cut!
Ruben scurried off. His stomach growling LOUD! He saw some friends eating.
Hey there, Ruben! Said Bernie the Bear.
Hey there, Ruben! Said Bernie the Bear.
Would you like some berries? There s plenty to share!
No thanks, I m alright! And Ruben ran away.
His friends were all shocked. They didn t know what to say.