A Division of
V ocabulary Wo rds: capacity h orsepower
c ommercial
c onvoy
t errain v ersatile
Bef ore Reading: Building Back ground Knowledge and V oc abulary Building back ground knowledge can help childr en proce ss new information and build upon what they already know . Before r eading a book, it is important to tap into what childr en already know about the to pic. This will help them deve lop their vocabulary and incre ase their reading compre hension.
Questions and Activities to Build Back ground Knowledge: L ook at the front cov er of the book and re ad the title. What do you think this book will be about?
2. W hat do you already kno w about this topic?
3. T ak e a book walk and skim the p ages. Look at the table of contents, photographs, captions, and bold words. Did these text feature s give you any inf ormation or predictions about what yo u will read in this book?
During Reading: Reading f or Meaning and Understanding T o achieve dee p comprehension of a book, childr en are e ncouraged to use close re ading strategies. During re ading, it is important to have childre n stop and make connections. These connections result in deeper analysis and unders tanding of a book.
Close Reading a T ext During r eading, have childre n stop and talk about the following: Any confusing parts A ny unknown word s T ex t to text, text to self, text to world connections The main idea in each chapter or heading
Encourage childre n to use context clues to determine the meaning of any unknown wor ds. These strategies will help childre n learn to analyze the text more thor oughly as they re ad.
When you are fi nished reading this book, turn to the next-to-last page fo r After Reading Questions and an Activity .
V ocabulary: Voc abulary Is Ke y to Reading Comprehension Use the f ollowing directions to pr ompt a conve rsation about each wor d.
R ead the vocabulary wor ds.
W hat comes to mind when you see each word ? W hat do you think each word means?
Keep On Truckin
Four wheels, 6 wheels, 10 wheels, and 18 wheels! Light duty, heavy duty, super duty, and big rigs! From pickups to semis, theres a truck for every job.
T ough and trusty ! T ru cks have be en hauling loads for more than 120 ye ars. On constru ction sites, hi ghways , ranches , farms, loading docks , and logging roads, a truck is a t ried-and-t rue friend.
Car rying a nd towing heavy cargo calls for lots of muscle. Lucki ly, trucks ha ve plenty of horsepower
under the hood. Horsepow er tells how much raw power and capacit y for work a vehicle has. It s b ased on how much work a big horse can do!
horsepower (HORS-pou-ur) : a unit for measuring t he power of an engine
A s emi truck can churn out more than 670 hors epower.
T he German company Daimler -Motoren- Gesellschaf t built the wo rlds first truck in 1896. This motoriz ed commercial vehicle looked like a horse- drawn cart without the horse! It had a gas- powered en gine and wooden wheels w rapped in iron.
c ommercial (kuh-MU R-shuhl): for sale, or having to do w ith buying and selling
No Horsing Around!
Daimlers four-horsepower truck was not a big hit. Nobody in Germany wanted to buy one. Strange, since this little pony didnt need to be fed hay or have someone pick up poop behind it!
I n the 21st centu ry, many of the world s b iggest auto mobile companies manufac ture tru cks. Ford , Chevrolet , N issan, GMC, T o yota, and Dodge are popular bra nds. A picku p truck is the fa vorite set of wheels for lots of drivers even those who haul nothing more than groc eries!
Terric Trio
The three best-selling vehicles in the United States in 2018 were trucks. More than two million Ford F-Series, Chevy Silverados, and Dodge Rams were sold.
P ickups ar e marv els of might.
The six- wheel Silvera do 3500HD has enough power t o tow loads as heavy as a couple of elephants! Yo u could call it a picku p trunk !
All Work and All Play
Just because youre heading off-road doesnt mean you cant ride in style! The Ford F-150 Lariat comes with leather-trimmed seats, voice-activated and touchscreen technology, a rear-view camera, and satellite radio. Thanks, but Ill just wait in the truck!
W hen the task calls for s upersized capacity , it s time to call in a big rig! These giant trucks of ten pull a semitraile r, or semi, filled with goods of all kinds. They can haul gi ant boats and ev en houses!
capacity (kuh-P AS -i-tee): the amoun t that something can hold