Cl verleaf
Planet protectors
Lisa Bullard
Illustrated by
Xiao Xin
For Dad L. B.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bullard, Lisa.
Watch over our water / by Lisa Bullard ; illustrated by Xiao Xin.
p. cm. (Cloverleaf books. Planet protectors)
Includes index.
ISBN 9780761361060 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper)
1. WaterJuvenile literature. 2. WaterPollutionJuvenile literature.
I. Xin, Xiao, ill. II. Title.
GB662.3.B85 2012
333.9116dc22 2010053299
Manufactured in the United States of America
1 BP 7/15/11
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Chapter One
More Important Than Root Beer
Hi! Im Trina. Im working to be an Earth saver.
so today, I made an Earth map.
The Earth has so much water,
I almost ran out of blue marker!
I guess Id better think about water
if Im going to save the Earth.
Dad agrees water is really important.
He says that more than half of a
human body is made of water.
Do you think that means we have
fish swimming around inside?
Plants, animals, and people
need water to live. And
people use water for more
than just drinking.
We use it to grow food.
We use it to get clean.
If you think about
it, waters even
more important
than root beer.
Chapter Two
Stop Water Waste
Almost all of the Earths water is salty ocean
water. Yuck! Drinking too much of it makes us sick.
Some of
the water we drink
comes from underground.
Other drinking water comes
from lakes, streams, and
rivers. This water is not
salty like ocean water.
The Earth doesnt really have a lot of
drinkable water. So we cant waste it.
My teacher says even kids can conserve water.
Conserve means to not waste it. She says taking a
fast shower uses less water than taking a bath.
There are lots of
ways to conserve water.
Turn off the water while you
brush your teeth. Keep drinking
water in the refrigerator. Then you
dont have to run the faucet until its
cold. Do you wait until the shower
water is hot before getting in? Catch
the water in a pail while you wait.
Use it to water plants or wash
your dog.
But I have a better idea. Ill just stay dirty!
Lots of wasted water goes down the
toilet. So my family has a special rule
when were at home.
We say, If its pee, let it be.
People have
gotten smarter about
how to make toilets. The new
ones use lots less water than old
toilets. Maybe your family could
save money for a new toilet?
There are other ways to use
less water in your toilet too.
Ask a grown-up to look
Dont think of it as gross. Its saving
Earths water, one less flush at a time.
Chapter Three
Keep Water Clean
My dog, Daisy, creates another problem. Her toilet
is outside. I dont want her dog doo washing into
the water underground. So I clean up after Daisy.
Saving the Earth can be a smelly job!
You can buy
special trash bags
for pet cleanup. They
break down more quickly
than other bags. That
means they are better
for the Earth.
Litter often gets
washed into lakes
and rivers. This
also makes the
water dirty.