Cl verleaf books
Planet Protectors
Go Easy
Lisa Bullard
Illustrated by
Wes Thomas
For Vicki and Steve Palmquist L.B.
For Becky W.T.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bullard, Lisa.
Go easy on energy / by Lisa Bullard ; illustrated by Wes Thomas.
p. cm. (Cloverleaf books. Planet protectors
Includes index.
ISBN 9780761361077 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper)
1. Energy conservationJuvenile literature. I. Thomas, Wes, 1972 ill.
II. Title.
TJ163.35.B85 2012
333.72dc22 2010053302
Manufactured in the United States of America
1 BP 7/15/11
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Chapter One
Using Energy
Im Tyler. Mom calls me
sleepyhead Tyler.
Id love to stay curled up with
my dog, Pete, every morning.
But I hurry to catch the
bus. Then Mom doesnt
have to drive me.
Driving Moms car takes energy.
Were learning about energy
in school. People use it to heat
buildings and light rooms. People
even used energy to make my
lunch box.
Chapter Two
Energy Problems
Using all that energy causes problems. Moms
car runs on energy that comes from oil. Cars
that use oil energy make the air dirty.
I want to use less oil energy.
That will help save the Earth.
Electricity is another kind of energy. Dad
told me our electricity comes from the power plant.
Its a big building across town. The
power plant burns a rock called coal.
Burning coal makes the air dirty too. Yuck!
Plants and
animals that died long
ago were buried underground.
Dirt and rocks piled on top. The
plants and animal remains were
pressed down. After millions of
years, they changed. Some
turned into coal or oil.
In school, we watch a movie. It shows
us ways to get clean energy from
water, sunlight, or wind. But these
energies can cost a lot. And we cant
get them everywhere.
Wherever our energy comes from, we should try to use less of it.
Wind turbines
gather wind energy. Wind
farms have many of these
machines. Wind energy is very clean
energy. lt doesnt make the air dirty.
But some people think turbines are
ugly. Some people worry that they
hurt birds. And not all places
get a lot of wind.
Chapter Three
Saving Energy
At recess, I suddenly remember. I was on
Power Patrol today. But I forgot to turn off
our classroom lights. Uh-oh!
So I decide to be Power Patrol at home.
I turn off the TV to save energy.
See all the things with
power cords? They use
a lot of electricity.
Turning something off does
not always stop it from using
energy. Unplugging the cord power is
important too. But remember to check
with a grown-up first! Some things should
not be unplugged. You also need to be
careful with plugs. Always make sure you
turn something off before you unplug
it. Ask a grown-up to show you
other plug safety tips.
Walking instead of driving
helps the Earth too. Walking uses
people power. Or dog power!
Theyre both clean power.
But walking makes me hungry.
Did you know people get their
energy from food? Im glad were
having my favorite energy for
dinner pizza energy!