Cl verleaf books
Planet Protectors
Look Out
Lisa Bullard
Illustrated by Xiao Xin
For Donna G. L. B.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bullard, Lisa.
Look out for litter / by Lisa Bullard ; illustrated by Xiao Xin.
p. cm. (Cloverleaf books. Planet protectors
Includes index.
ISBN 9780761361053 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper)
1. Litter (Trash)Juvenile literature. 2. Waste minimizationJuvenile
literature. I. Xiao Xin, ill. II. Title.
TD813.B37 2012
363.728dc22 2010048869
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1 BP 7/15/11
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Chapter One
Trina the Trash Stopper
Ahoy there! Im Trina.
My pirate name is Trina
The Trash Stopper.
But Im not just a pirate.
Im also an Earth saver. And too much
trash is a big problem for our Earth.
Sometimes people throw their trash right on the
ground. Or in the water. Thats called littering.
Those people better watch out. Pirates dont like
litter. They might toss litterers to the sharks!
Some people
litter by accident.
Ever lose a balloon? The
balloon becomes litter when
it lands. Ever try for a basket
and miss the trash can?
Try again, or thats
litter too!
Yarr! I play pirate whenever we come to the beach.
But Im not searching for treasure.
Im searching for litter.
Every piece I pick up makes the Earthcleaner.
Be smart when
you pick up litter. Ask
a grown-up for help if you
dont know what something
is or if the litter looks sharp.
Wear gloves or wash your
hands afterward.
Chapter Two
Litter on the Move
When I was little, I didnt understand how
one piece of trash could be such a big deal.
But my dad explained that
litter causes huge
problems. Its worse than
a hole in a pirate ship!
Litter leads
to big messes. Litter
on the road can lead to
car crashes. People can
cut themselves on broken
glass. Litter can make
our drinking water
Litter is really sneaky. It wont stay put. You
might drop a plastic bag in your own yard.
But guess what? The
wind can blow that bag
somewhere else.
Plastic bags
and paper bags are
big litter problems. Find
containers you can use over
and over again. Bring your own
cloth bags when your family
goes shopping. Carry a lunch
box instead of paper
lunch bags.
Rain can wash litter from the ground into
storm drains. From there, litter travels to
rivers and lakes.
Lots of litter even reaches the oceans.
You better believe that makes us pirates mad!
floating ocean trash
gathers together in big
areas. Look on a map of
the United States. Can you
find the state of Texas?
One floating trash pile is
about twice as big
as Texas!
Litter in the water or on land hurts animals.
You know those plastic rings
that hold together cans?
Animals get them caught
around their necks.
Whales and sea turtles sometimes try to eat
plastic bags. The animals can get sick and die.
Always cut up
plastic rings
before throwing
them away.
Chapter Three
Less Litter and Less Trash!
Its important to put litter in the trash can. But we
need to make less trash too. The people who
take away trash usually burn it or bury it.